I'm really sorry, guys, to have it look like I've updated and I haven't. I'm also sorry that I've pretty much abandoned this fic. I loved writing it, I loved where it was going, but I'm not seeing myself writing more in the near future.
I started Villain's Get Me Off when I was in a terribly abusive relationship. The guy I was dating made me cut off my family, my friends, and every one else I could possibly have in my life. I basically lived in his room, locked in, for the entire summer I was writing this fic. He was verbally and emotionally abusive. He would check my emails, my texts, everything, to make sure I wasn't talking to people. The one thing he didn't check was my Word Documents and, in turn, my fanfiction account. Villain's Get Me Off and Till Death Do Us Part (My GI Joe Fic) were my only escape from that hell.
I actually stopped writing it around the point I was finally able to break free from him. I needed the break from absolutely everything that reminded me of him. And, unfortunately, this story became something that reminded me of him. The creative well I was writing from dried up by the time I went back. I read this fic now and I love it, I want more of it, but I can't seem to find it in me. Perhaps now that I'm out of college I can find the strength to separate the horrible memories and feelings from the joy I actually got writing this fic.
If I do, I'll likely comb over the entire fic and clean it up completely, change the writing to something a bit more mature, yet keeping in the same overtly sexual tone I wrote in initially. Point being with that, I'm not 19 anymore, I'm turning 25 this year, and I'm not the same girl I was then.
The actual point of this chapter is not just to get your hopes up and, with hope, get my mojo back when it comes to this fic, but also to respond to a review I received from a Guest. Had it not been from a guest review, I'd have responded to them privately. I know, from personal experience, Author's Note Chapters, on fics that haven't been updated in over half a decade, blow something special. But this had to be said.
I received a review on my last author's note (Which has since been deleted) from a guest who identified herself only as Bella. With the deleting of that last Author's Note came the deleting of the review, but it read as follows.
Bella:so... It's been six years and you still haven't updated, so I assume that you have ended the fic and I wanted to make sure that it was okay with you if I could steal some... Or most of the ideas in this story to use in the beginning of my own Chris D'Amico fanfic...Please? Pretty please?
My answer, to your request to steal some, or most, of the ideas from my story to start your own, is No. Hell no, in fact. It's flattering that you enjoy my fic enough to want to emulate it, but I can't let you use it in any form. The characters, the plot, everything about this fic, is a piece of me. It's the tears my ex made me cry, it the joy he made me feel before snatching it away, it's the fears I felt as he grew angrier and angrier. This fic was my outlet and my life raft. And for those reasons, I cannot allow you to take any aspect of it. If I, or anyone who follows or reads this fic, sees anything that looks like my writing plagiarized, I (And, hopefully, anyone else) will not hesitate to report you on here.
That being said, I wish you well in your own writing endeavors when it comes to your future Kickass fic, if you choose to. I hope you can find the inspiration you need to write something that's purely yourself and something you will love as much as I love this fic. After all, there is no reason for you to not write your own fic with your own characters and your own ideas. That's the beauty of fanfiction, you can write whatever you want in your own voice. Just, I implore you, not in my voice.
To everyone who is not Bella, I'm really sorry for putting you through this. I really do want to finish this fic, even if it veers off in a different direction completely than what I originally planned.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding,