The Hazard of Salvation

Ok I decided to take a new interest in subject. This will be no crossover; I just wanted to make a digimon tamers fic without the hassle of writers block on my other stories.

But here it is enjoy. Oh and I'm just going to assume that you know what the digimon look like because it a pain in the ass to describe. / is a sight you can look at for details.

Also take a look at my other stories as well.

Starts Now

Fate can be a fickle mistress. Her design on a person's life is always unpredictable as everything is circumstantial. But just as well, irony can be just as cruel as in one single moment the course of ones life can be changed.

The same is true for Takato Matsuki as in one fowl swoop his very life was destroyed, as he knew it. The loss of his friend Jeri's partner at the hands of Beelzemon unleashed a deep seeded rage locked away in Takato's mind.

In the depths of his mind, clouding rage Takato held his D-Arc in front of him as he ordered his digimon Guilmon to digivolve. The earth below his feet began to shake and the very skies themselves began to rip themselves apart as Guilmon indeed began to digivolve.

The end result was Megidramon, an ultimate digimon of overwhelming power mixed with fear inducing appearance. After the transaction, Takato soon regretted his actions as he came to realize this was not what he wanted from Guilmon.

"Takato what have you done to poor Guilmon you've turned him into a monster!" Jeri cried out as she fell to her knees.

'What have I done?' echoed throughout Takato's mind as Megidramon attacked Beelzemon. With the doubt running through his mind Megidramon power began to fade giving Beelzemon the upper hand. Megidramon had been thrown to the ground unconscious by appearance.

"Stupid pineapple head, why can't you accept your death like a man" Beelzemon shouted as he fired his double impact at Megidramon.

Takato shouted for Megidramon to get out of the way, but he did not move. In a single instant Takato watched as Megidramon began to dissolve into data.

"Now I'll load your data." Beelzemon said as bits of the dissolving Megidramon began to merge with him.

Takato's whole body grew limp as his will to live diminished to nothing. But as everything was wrong, Megidramon began laughing. His laughter grew louder and more malicious as what remained of him rose to Beelzemon.

"Oh you think you've won you little fool, my data your loading is your downfall all the data you have loaded will be separated and restored as you load my virus!" Megidramon shouted as his laughter once again roared to life.

"You stupid pineapple head stop this I'm supposed to be invincible your not supposed to defeat me!" Beelzemon shouted as he began devolve to Impmon.

Several what looked to be digi-eggs covered the ground next to him. Megidramon then turned toward Takato nearly half dissolved as me began to make his approach. He lowered his head to Takato making eye contact with his soulless eyes.

"Tamer, this is not the end I will return! Live for we have a bigger enemy to face so know this a virus can't be destroyed without a vaccine and even then may it still live!" he finished as what was left of him split in to two separate clouds of data one launching itself into the sky. The other began to meld with Takato in a mysterious fashion.

Jeri had ran to Takato's side trying to get him to move when she heard a familiar sound that made her heart feel heavy. She looked down to her D-Arc to find that the picture of a digi-egg replaced the lifeless static. Tears of joy ran down her face as Jeri aided by Henry began to move Takato off the ground as they move to the eggs.

But the group itself never made it to the location as a data stream struck Takato at that very moment making him vanish. They cried out for him as he dissipated in the data stream.

In reality the stream was Megidramon's last surprise as it sent Takato back to the stone shrine where their journey to the digital world had began. Takato laid there still in his soulless faze. The only thing he new he could do was to go home and try to forget about his mistake. He found branded oh his left palm, the very same net hazard symbol that Guilmon harbored. He tried to allow all his memories to fade.

But that was not the case as more tragedy struck over the next three years. A month after he returned his house was set on fire by some thugs, their reasons were unknown. But his father had been badly burned on the right side of his body.

Takato swore he would get them back no matter what happened so he took up martial arts as a pass time. At age, thirteen financial issues grew too large at home with his father's medical bills and the bakery was still being paid off due to the damages from the fire.

Takato found himself a small three-bedroom apartment and got a part time job at the convenient store. The other tamers had returned from the digital world successful in rescuing Calumon. He avoided contact with them much to they're dismay.

The other tamers went back to their routine of deleting bio-emerged digimon. Takato felt disgusted by this especially Jeri who if not for Megidramon her partner Leomon would never have returned.

It was true Takato had grown bitter, but he also kept his kind heart and only opened it to those he deemed worthy. In a fierce battle that he had stumbled upon by accident, Rika and Renamon were fighting an abnormal looking Lillymon. Instead of her pink flower like clothing, a red variation resembled more of a wild rose.

There was the highlight of the fight where Lillymon was sure to be deleted. This is where Takato stepped in. He felt he had tossed away a friends life for the vengeance of another once and he would not allow the death of an innocent if it were within his power to prevent it. He had recklessly stepped in front of Lillymon to block Renamon's diamond storm.

Renamon avoided the finishing blow, as Takato's actions would prove fatal if not gone unchanged. Rika was floored by Takato's presents but pushed them aside for the moment.

"Takato what do you think your doing, we need to get rid of her so she doesn't cause trouble for others!" she shouted.

Takato turned to Rika and stared at her with cold, hateful eye's that promised harm if challenged. Rika flinched at his stare and stepped back a bit.

"What gives you the right to decide her fate, she has only bio-emerged and you attacked her did you even stop to ask her why she came to our world?"


"CAN IT! I don't want to hear an excuse I'm taking this Lillymon into my care so help me if any harm comes to her in the future you're the first I'm coming after." Takato said as he began to leave the scene.

Rika fell to her knees from a combination of fear and astonishment as she asked herself what happened to him. She was once cold with a heart closed to affection, but Takato terrified her as she could tell from his eyes that it was not a threat but a promise.

Takato took the injured Lillymon to his apartment and placed her oh his bed. Doing what he could he disinfected and dressed her wounds. At the time, he did not know much about how to treat an injured digimon but he did his best.

She remained unconscious for several days. Takato began to worry about her as the longer she slept the worse her chances of recover got. The just out of the blue Saturday evening just as Takato had returned from his job he found her sitting up in bed looking at him through his open bedroom door.

"Well I'm glad to see your awake!" Takato said with joy.

"Where am I?" Lillymon asked, as she still seemed to be a bit groggy.

"This is my apartment, I brought you here after I stopped the fight you were in." he replied with a smile upon his face.

She looked around franticly as if she was looking for some kind of danger. Takato placed his hand on hers and smiled.

"Don't feel scared your safe here I won't allow any harm to come to you, but I bet your hungry you've been sleeping for a few days now." Takato said as not even a second later a small growl roared from her stomach.

A blush immediately covered her light pink skin upon her face. Takato could only chuckle as he made his way to his kitchen. Using some leftover rice and an instant vegetarian curry mix, he made a small meal for himself and Lillymon who was gracious for the meal.

They enjoyed their meal, but something looked like it was troubling Lillymon. Takato could tell from the look on her face that she must have fled the digital world for this reason. She was an abnormal breed of Lillymon as their flower like clothing normally resembled cactus lilies. But hers resembled more of a wild rose.

She had her long green hair pulled together by small red bands that made her hair resemble rose vines. She looked like a goddess among Lillymon in Takato's opinion, but nothing is ever what it seems.

"Can I ask you a question Lillymon?" Takato asked as politely as he could.

"Of course as long you keep it clean." Lillymon replied making Takato blush slightly as he figured what she was implying.

"Why did you come here from the digital world?" as if he had just committed a crime Lillymon's face grew dark with sorrow.

"It hard to explain, but I am virus type Lillymon and I didn't choose to be, as well as all vaccine type digimon are on a crusade to delete all virus type digimon as they believe it will stop something called the D-reaper." She stated as her face reflected the pain of her memories.

As Lillymon continued, he learned that the D-reaper was a large entity of pure destruction and was sealed away for the time being. Hearing all the issues that had befallen the digital world made his heart heavy. But what pained him was how Lillymon nearly escaped deletion by her own kind. Then upon arrival still injured and attacked yet again.

Takato could not help but think of Guilmon, as he was a virus type as well. But his thoughts were disturbed as his left hand was stricken by a short burning sensation. He ignored it as he once again made eye contact with Lillymon. Her presents could only make him smile.

"I am sorry for your troubles and though it may be small and you have been through a lot, but you can live here at my apartment if you like."

Lillymon could not believe her ears as she turned to the strange boy in front of her. He had gone out of his way to save her and at the cost of his own safety. She did not even know his name and yet he was offering her salvation in his home. She was overwhelmed with joy as her tears rolled down her face.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much your kindness means to me!" She said pulling him into a hug.

"Your welcome, but I guess I never introduced myself my name is Takato Matsuki." He chuckled nervously.

Meanwhile at an undisclosed location; three entities watched Takato's action from afar. Their appearances were covered by shadows, leaving they're identities unknown.

"Are you sure my lord? This boy seems too soft hearted for our war." The first ominous figure stated skeptically.

"Oh get over yourself, being kind hearted doesn't make you weak! Besides I think he's cute." A feminine voice retorted dexterously.

"This child's pure heart is what may save the digital world, he will bring strength to all the virus type digimon!" replied a monstrous voice.

"Why choose this child? He knows nothing of our struggle!" the ominous voice retorted.

"That boy you disrespect is my tamer and soon to be yours as well, he may not be part of our struggle now but he soon will be!"

"My lord why do you have such confidence in this boy?" asked the female entity.

"The boy is loyal to whom he cares for and never betrays his allies, but most of all he is the first hybrid to manifest himself in history!" The monstrous voice replied.

"When do we confront him lord Megidramon?"

"In two days after retrieving enough of my data I can reboot myself but I will lose all memory of my status in order to retain my Rookie forms memory." Replied Megidramon as his form reviled itself from the shadows. Most of his body had been missing revealing holes in his abdomen around the net hazard symbol oh his chest.

The next morning Takato awoke to the sound of running water. He then had recalled all of last night's events with a small smile. Living alone was not so bad, but having company was always better than being alone. He figured that Lillymon was using his shower.

Takato snuck into his room as quietly as possible to obtain a change of his close. His bathroom door was open a bit revealing his suspicions correct. Rummaging through his dresser focusing on what to wear, he never noticed that the running water had stopped.

After finding something suitable to wear he turned around to leave, but was stopped when the sight of Lillymon in nothing but a towel. Normally Takato would be puzzled by this if his hormones had not forced him to turn away protecting her modesty.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude!" Takato said hiding the embarrassment on his face.

Lillymon didn't feel offended by his presents, if anything she loved every second of it. In her mind, she would gladly give him everything she had just to please her savior. She blushed at the perverted images rushing through her mind.

"No! You didn't intrude I should be the one apologizing." She stated sincerely.

Takato did not bother to turn around as a strange thought ran through his mind. It had not ever occurred to him that digimon could remove armor or in her case clothes.

"Can all digimon remove clothes or are you just one of a few that can?"

"Oh, I forgot humans really don't know that much about digimon!" Lillymon said as she looked over at Takato. "Humanoid digimon can remove their armor due to they're human like qualities, and putting on different armor can sometimes spark a digimon to digivolve."

"I see, well since you look so much like a human I suppose I should pick you up some cloths. Takato said with a smile.

"You're really too kind to me, I don't know how I can ever repay you for your kindness." Lillymon said as tears began to fill her eyes.

Before Takato could reply, a knock echoed at the front door. He did not intend to have her repay him in anyway what so ever, but he could wait to tell her that. As he looked through the peek hole. His face darkened instantly as he saw the people who had knocked at the door.

Jenrya Wong and Ryo Akiyama, two people he did not particularly cared to associate with anymore. He wanted to make this fast so he opened the door and stepped outside shutting the door behind him. If these two were here it could only mean one thing, they wanted Lillymon. And Takato would be damned if he let that happen.

"Well this is an unpleasant surprise; to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" Takato asked nonchalantly.

"Straight to the point as always." Ryo said. "We want to know what the you're doing with the Lillymon you acquired a few days ago?"

"Takato listen I know you lost Guilmon, but that Lillymon could be very dangerous!" Jenrya said trying to appeal to Takato's logical side.

Takato was getting angrier by the second; the more he listen to these idiots the more he wanted to punch them. They were making the same mistake he did when he lost Guilmon. They were treating digimon as objects, and not as the living creatures, they actually were.

"Jenrya, why are we antagonizing him, we should leave him alone." Terriermon said easing the tension in the air. "Moumantai!"

Takato had always like Terriermon and the obscene thing he used to say. If Terriermon had not said anything at the moment he did, Jenrya and Ryo would both have a really soar jaw.

"I don't particularly care what your concerns are, but what I do is my business." Takato started. "Lillymon is in my care and as long as she is I will not allow any harm to come to her!"

"You're a fool, your not the leader of our group anymore so we do things differently now, whats stopping us from going in there and eliminating her now?" Ryo asked with a dark smile on his face.

"The answer is simple." Takato stated as the air thickened at that exact moment. It was so dense that Terriermon withdrew into Jenrya's coat in fear. "I am, what is standing in your way, care to try to make me move?"

"You fucking asshole!" Ryo shouted throwing a punch at Takato.

Takato caught the punch with ease, shocking his guests. And as quickly as he caught the punch, he twisted Ryou's arm making the boy fall to his knees. Takato did not like using force to install fear into his opponents, but this was an exception.

"You're a cowered for doing that, I don't care if you sick your digimon on me, I won't let you near her as long as I am still breathing!" Takato half shouted at the two tamers before him.

"And who's to say we won't?" Ryo asked acting smug.

"Simple. This is an apartment complex and you wouldn't risk being seen this open so why bother making threats that are so empty to those who can see a true coward!" Takato replied not breaking eye contact with Ryou.

This made Ryo grit his teeth in anger. He could not believe that a has-been like Takato was making him look like a fool. He didn't like being made fun of so he would have to return the favor tenfold and to add insult to injury he would destroy the Lillymon right in front of him after he humiliated Takato.

"Alright tough guy, how about a challenge then?" Ryo asked smiling.

"What kind of challenge?" Takato asked raising his eyebrow.

"Four days from now meet us at the pier and we'll see who's truly the toughest!"

"Well I don't suppose I'm being given a choice?" Takato asked with a sigh. "What are the stakes?"

"Well if we win you hand over Lillymon without a fight, but if you win you can have whatever you want." Ryo replied boisterously.

"Fine, but I don't expect to lose so if you expect to beat me make sure I'm dead because I won't stop or back down unless I am, I'd rather be dead than hand her over to you!" Takato shouted before he let himself into his apartment leaving the other two tamers in the hallway,

"Ryo wasn't that taking it a little too far?" asked Jenrya.

"Not at all so be at the pier in four days; tell Rika and Kazu to come as well!" Ryo said as he walked away.

Meanwhile at the same unenclosed location. Megidramon and his two current companions had watched Takato's heroic display. Megidramon could only laugh at the humility Takato caused Ryo. It was truly enjoyable watching his tamer take the situation that had gone to shit and mold it into to his favor.

"Ok it's settled he's hot!" Squealed the feminine voice. "I wouldn't mind rocking his world for a few hours!" she finished in a docile yet seductive tone.

"My lord he truly is as noble as you say, I apologize for ever doubting you." Retorted the second voice.

"Don't apologize for underestimating your tamer, that is your mistake and not mine don't piddle your mistakes on me it make you look weak!" replied Megidramon.

"Yes my lord!"

"Stop referring to me as your lord, in two days I will cease to be your ruler and your loyalties will be to your tamer not me!"

"I understand Megidramon!" the voice replied.

Takato let out a heavy sigh as he leaned against the door of his house. He just agreed to a god knows what challenge for the wellbeing of Lillymon. He really did not know what to do or what he could do. For the first time since he lost Guilmon, he had never felt this helpless. On top of that, the mark on his hand would not stop burning.He already had most of his rage bottled up at the moment and had no outlet for controlling it.

"Umm…Takato are you all right?" Takato looked up to see Lillymon standing in front of him.

"Yeah I will be." He replied not wanting to worry her just yet.

In fact, if he could help it, he wouldn't tell her at all. She already had so many problems and she just wanted to be left in peace. This infuriated Takato even more, so he decided now would be the best time to get to the gym and work out his frustrations. Takato picked himself off the ground and picked up his gym bag from his room.

"Lillymon I'm going out for a little while, I'll be back before I have to work so feel free to do what want!" Takato said as he walked to the front door.

"Wait!" Lillymon said making Takato turn around. "Please stay safe, I have so much gratitude for you rescuing me so I would be devastated if I lost you now!" She said pulling Takato in a large hug.

"Don't worry I'll be fine, but you stay safe as well!" Takato replied returning the hug with a smile.

Without another word, the hug broke and Takato left the apartment. He made his way down town via bike. Gar and gas money were too expensive now a days so this was cheaper and did wonders for his figure. But when he got there, he was surprised it was empty on such a warm sunny day.

Takato changed into his gym clothes in the locker room, after that he found himself right in front of one of many different punching bags. He steadied himself taking a wide stance; he took a deep breath then let himself loose on the training object.

'Left hook, right hook, pelvis, side chop, round house kick, high knee, uppercut!' He thought as his body mimicked the thoughts.

Each strike was devastating in and of itself as the poor punching back flailed about. And with one last strike forward, the punching back split straight through the middle. Takato stopped himself as he watched the sand from the punching bag spill onto the floor. He had not tried to break it but merely let loose a little frustration. He mentally slapped himself as this could put his gym membership down the toilet.

"Wow kid, you sure can do some serious damage if I'm not careful you'll end up destroying my entire gym!" Said a tall heavily muscular man from behind Takato.

"I'm sorry I wasn't trying to damage your equipment, I guess I got carried away." Takato apologized.

"It's quite alright son, but it took some force to rip the fabric to even one of these!" The man said still bewildered. "You must be pretty frustrated to have pulled this off, if you care to talk about it I'm here to listen."

Takato thought it would be too much trouble to put off his problems someone else. Yet he felt if he left out key details he might just get some answers to his dilemma. He sat down next to the gym owner while wiping the sweat from his face. He let out a large sigh as he hunched forward draping the towel around his neck. It was then that he caught something flying at him from the corner of his eye. He caught it and felt the cold wet tingle down his arm.

"That for you kid, it's a health supplement drink so drink up!" Said the gym owner with a smile. "I know what its like to take out my frustrations by exercising, but it can hurt your body as well so it always helps easing the burden by talking about it."

Takato was happier than he had been in a long time to see someone actually reaching out to him. He had always had to figure it out on his own due to him living alone. But the feeling of making a friend always felt good to him. It had been such a long time since he had a real friend.

"I know it's not healthy to hold so much anger inside, but a friend of mine is in trouble and the only thing stopping her from getting hurt is me I just don't know what to do."

"Well kid that's a difficult position your in, but I'm getting the feeling that your not telling me everything, anything else about this you want to tell me?" Takao's head fell even further as he felt even more helpless.

"I got challenged to a fight and if I loose I can't stop them from getting their way, but I will also loose a friend I just don't know what to do!" Takato was on the verge of a breakdown at this point.

"Well that's a big problem, can't say I don't know what your going through, but one thing I do know is if you run from this it will only get worse. You have to stand your ground and never give up."

Takato looked over to the man and was amazed by what he just said. Was it that simple even if the stake were too high. Takato was filled with even more doubt, but he felt better than he had earlier.

"Thanks for talking about this with me; I wish I could repay you for the punching bag but…"

"Say no more son its no problem, its always good to talk about your problems just promise that you'll talk to me if something's bothering you before you beat the crap out of my equipment."

Takato was happy that he had gotten that off his chest. And had nothing more to talk about at least that was before he looked at his watch. It was four-thirty and he had to work at six so if he wanted to do some shopping he had to get to a store now or he was screwed.

"Sorry to make this short but I have to leave now or I'll be late for work." Takato apologized.

"No problem, but before you go I never did catch your name."

"My name is Takato Matsuki." Takato replied shaking the man's hand.

"Nasariu Axel Kata, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Takato." He replied. (A/N: Hey, many people add themselves to their own story, do not worry this is my only appearance in the fic.)

Takato changed and dashed off in a hurry. He rode his bike to a close by clothing store for women. Walking inside he felt nervous, as he was a boy after all. To much of his surprise most of the clothing was not very expensive which worked great with his budget.

After a little bit of browsing he had chosen some simple garments. A red sundress, a few pairs of jeans that he guesstimated would fit her, a few t-shirts, and much to his dismay a few pairs of women's underwear. He hated the skeptical look the female cashier gave him. If all possible, he wished he could have ignored it all together.

A dirty look and thirty-five dollars later he found his way zooming back to his house. He got there to find Lillymon reading one of his many books that he had around the house. Takato was never the scholar type, but he was no fool as high school was not an option for him due to his horrible grades in middle school. Therefore, he studied on his own on subjects that interested him.

Lillymon looked up to Takato and became very happy if her smile was not clue enough. She bolted from the floor and hugged Takato making the poor boy blush. She had been bored out of her mind waiting for him. But much to her dismay, he had to leave again shortly.

"Wow that was sure a warm welcome, I think I'll like coming home from now on." Takato joked with her.

"Sorry its just I was so worried that I got a little too excited to see you!" she replied.

"That's alright, but here these are for you, I hope they fit alright." Takato said handing a large paper bag to Lillymon.

Lillymon rummaged through the bag and yet again, a large grin broke out across her face. Only this time tears began falling from her eyes. Takato thought he had done something wrong until Lillymon pulled him into a deep embrace.

"Thank you, it's been so surreal living here with you and your kindness has been so wonderful, I don't know how I ever can repay you." She stifled out with her grip getting surprisingly tighter.

"You don't have to repay me for anything, all I want you to do is be happy and that's good enough for me." Takato replied as Lillymon's tears turned into a full on sob.

Takato did not care that his shoulder felt soggy. The fact that he could help a friend was satisfying enough for him. Sure, he was a little selfish when it came to money, but other than that, he was an easily pleased person.

"Hey its alright, I got to work tonight but I'm off tomorrow so tomorrow morning we'll go out into town and maybe do some shopping, so what do you say is that enough to stop the water works?" Takato asked trying to clam her down.

Lillymon only smiled and nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Takato hopped into the shower fast seeing it was five-fifteen. After his shower, he changed into his uniform and went into the living room. Lillymon had been spread out on the couch reading the same book from before. Takato could not help but chuckle at her clueless-ness.

"You know you don't have to read that book, I've got several movies you can watch on the TV."

"What is a TV?" Lillymon asked as if she had never seen one before.

Takato lightly slapped himself as he explained to her what a TV was and how to operate it. The clock was ticking as he looked at the time; it was five-forty-five. Takato rushed to his bike and hightailed it to the convenient store he worked at.

After several hours of nothing, no costumers, no cleaning or re-shelving to do made Takato officially bored. He was leaning forward looking at a week old magazine hoping to find some enjoyment out of it but much to his dismay he did not. It was only ten p.m. and the place was completely dead.

Takato had been thinking oh the vehicle he had salvaged at the junkyard along with several other extras. It was an old minivan motor home that was still in good condition other than a few technical problems it was just fine. He had gotten the idea of doing some work on it after he had got his license. The only problem was he had no car.

He had been working on it since he was fifteen, but three years did reap a lot of results. He made enough money from his job to support himself, but his mother insisted that they sent him two hundred and fifty dollars each month. He put that money away in a savings fund. Not that he wanted to brag but Takato had money to spare, but then again he was not rich either.

Takato was seventeen now as much as he wanted to deny it. As he thought about it, it had been almost six years since he had seen Guilmon. That hurt him deeply that he had failed his best friend. And Jeri he belied wanted nothing to do with him. So he dredged himself up to simple hobbies like his van.

It was then that he herd a ding from the door. He silently thanked god that something was here to distract him. Then again, maybe ghosts from his past were just pissed at him for some reason and wanted to make his life hell. As the person who entered was none other than Yamaki Mitsuo. Yamaki had ran the project to wipe out all digimon and failed. So now, he had taken up a task force for keeping digimon a secret.

The man had golden brown hair that was almost considered blond. He wore a boring black suit and tie. But the thing that screamed men in black was the sunglasses he wore.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Takato asked sarcastically.

"It's a social visit of sorts." Yamaki replied. "I herd about the whole Lillymon incident, but I can assure you that's not why I'm here."

"So why are you here?"

"Well Hypnos wants to invite you to work for us; you'll earn a reasonable salary as well as earn a few other perks from the job!" Yamaki stated.

Takato actually was considering it. Hey anything other than his current dead beet job he was happy for. But now was not the time for playing around either. He had issues that he had to deal with before he could even think about changing jobs.

"Thanks Yamaki, but I would like to think about it before I fully decide on whether or not I want the job." Takato replied looking down to his magazine.

"That fine I didn't expect you to decide right away." Yamaki said handing Takato a large yellow envelope. "Inside is what your job details should you choose to join us along with our contact information."

"Thanks I guess, but why come to me when you know I'm not a tamer anymore?" Takato asked with a sad expression on his face.

"Well that's not something I can completely answer, but most of the details are in that packet your holding." Yamaki replied. "You are more qualified because you do not discriminate against bio-emerging digimon, so long story short you take the time to ask a digimon's intentions before taking any action!"

Takato's eyes widened, as he was stricken with this revelation. He had met a few more digimon in the past, but he never tried to attack any of them. He would ask the digimon why they came to the human world before leaving them to their business. But on that same note, he had never known he was being watched.

"So will that be all for you tonight?" Takato asked as he was still obligated to do his job.

"Sure how about a dozen of those fresh roses behind you." Yamaki stated pulling out his wallet.

Takato did not waste gathering the roses. Hell he would have even gift-wrapped them if Yamaki asked free of charge as it was something to do. Takato hated his job because he always was stuck with night shift and after eight o-clock, it was dead.

"Will that be all tonight?"

"For the most part." Yamaki replied.

"That'll be six fifty-three please." Takato said as he rang the price through the cash register.

"You know Takato I do have to thank you; if you hadn't gone to the digital world we'd all be dead right now." Yamaki said shocking Takato.

"How I was never told this?"

"The D-reaper is a terrible force and it almost broke through into our world after…well I know what happened to your partner so I won't drag it on." Yamaki said taking off his glasses. "Also this is from me and Riley; we wanted to invite you to our wedding."

Takato was never usually surprised when it came to people getting together. But the fact that Yamaki, a man who had started a crusade to wipe out digimon had found a spouse was shocking at best. Takato reached forward and grabbed the invitation from Yamaki. Only it felt slightly heavier and bulkier than a regular wedding invitation. He had received several before but this was somewhat strange.

"Well Takato I guess I'll see you later, just stay out of trouble!" Yamaki said as he walked out of the convenient store.

Takato wasted no time in opening the invitation envelope. Inside was not what he expected. On top of the invitation were ten digimon modification cards. Each one was rare and almost impossible to find anywhere, and not to mention he had been looking for these for a while now. Takato never did stop collecting digimon cards; he had a virus collection that could make anyone who valued the game drool all over themselves.

Yamaki had given him D-Project re-colored Omnimon's Transcendent Sword and Supreme Cannon. Those two were so rare alone it was not put into mass production only nine of each existed. Also among the spoils was Beelzemon's Behemoth, along with Darkdramon's Giga Stick Lance. Thos may have been mass-produced but to find one was like putting your hand into a tank of piranhas. And the rest were not even worth speaking aloud as uttering them anywhere could have reason to form a croud around him in a matter of seconds. The last six were modification cards made in the image of the rest of the Sven Great Demon Lords sparing Beelzemon.

Takato was pleased to say the least. If he were not on duty, he would have been dancing around the store cheering and carrying on about how lucky he was. He had to say this was a wonderful end to a shitty day he had been having so far. Now his only problem was he could not speed up time so he could finally get off work.

Four boring hours later, he emerged from the dungeon he called work before locking up. He wanted to get home as fast as possible so he could hopefully get a little work done on his pastime passion. Takato was not lazy he just really hated his bike.

He finally made it to his apartment complexes garage. It was big for a small apartment complex, but it was made to keep cars out of the way during winter so the plows could get through. Luckily, for Takato it was able to fit his minivan motor home inside and still close the door.

He had taken it from the salvage yard for only twenty dollars. If it had not been in such good condition, it would have only been five bucks. But after he got it home, he started working on it he got the idea of doing more than restoring. To say he was going to pimp his ride was an insult. He went back to the salvage yard and picked up several damaged, abandoned, or just plain destroyed RV, motor home, or camping compacts parts or in odd cases the whole thing.

Since it was so cheep, he did not care. He often wondered how a city as big as Tokyo could have so many vehicles and motor homes in a salvage yard. But he did not care as it meant he did not have to spend a fortune on parts and pieced. The vehicle itself was a feet as it barely grazed the roof which was six feet above his head.

At the time he began constructing it he had it in mind to be a mobile base incase digimon tried to take over earth. He was not a paranoid person, but it never hurt to be prepared. This baby alone could house six people due to the improvements he made to it. Before hand, it could probably only fit a small family of three. Plus the black paint job looked badass.

Takato had ripped out section of the walls and ceiling to attach extendible walls. And on the ceiling, he had placed an old tow person RV hub that had been separated from the body and drivers seat in some kind of accident. To make sure it was not too top heavy he added an extra set of wheels and shocks to the axel. Putting it all together was the easy part, but the interior was hell. He had bought most of his tools at a local flea market as you could find anything there. It had taken him the better part of two years to actually seal everything air tight as well as restore the furniture.

In all it was a nice bachelor pad to live in and it only cost him a little over three hundred dollars to put it together. walking inside the open area was more like a lounge mixed with an office except for the latter in the center if the room. He climbed the latter to the upper area that held three separate bedrooms. Taking the one closest to the front, he sat down at a small table.

He opened the package Yamaki had given him and began reviewing it. It spoke of other tamers, some who did not even need modification cards to fight with their partners. Then again the supposed alliance between the digital world in Okinawa was a little unexpected. The so-called Data Squad prevented human and digimon confrontations as well as monitor the D-reaper. According to the reports from Azulongmon, it was becoming self-aware and was fighting to escape its containment.

Takato was not too worried about that. Takato's job should he chose to accept was to help along alliances with bio-emerging digimon as well as gather information for Hypnos about the D-reaper in Tokyo. He liked the sound of the job, but he was not sure about the risk until he looked at what his salary would be.

"Wolf!" was all he could say as eight thousand dollars a confrontation was a lot of money, which was about how much he had in his, saving at the moment.

Takato locked the paperwork inside a small drawer before leaving the D.M.B or digimon mobile base, as he liked to call it for the night. Entering his apartment, he found Lillymon passed out on the couch. The credits to an American movie he likes called The Chronicles of Riddick flashed on the TV screen.

He could not help but smile at Lillymon as she slept soundly. By the look on her face, it was the best sleep she had had in a long time, as the fear of deletion was enough to keep anyone on edge.

Takato retrieved a spare blanket from his room to cover Lillymon with. After covering her, he went to bed himself as he had one hell of a day. He awoke to the sound of laughing and jumped out of bed. He rushed to the living room to find Lillymon watching an older slapstick comedy he had bought a while back. He was relived that nothing was wrong with her.

Lillymon looked over to Takato and could not fight back a blush. Takato was shirtless he had pants on, but he was still shirtless nonetheless. She quickly averted her eyes as her blush had almost radiated accost her entire face. She was happy to see him but this was not something she was prepared for.

"Good morning Takato how are you?" She asked bashfully.

"I'm fine, great actually!" Takato replied looking at the clock to see it was after ten. "Hey why don't we go in to town, I am sure we can pick you up some more clothes as well as stuff for your new bed room."

"Really?" Lillymon asked making a starry-eyed gaze at Takato.

"Yeah why not, but I think it would be for the best if we changed first so we don't stick out in the crowd."

"Ok, so what should I wear?" Lillymon asked.

"What ever you want, I'm no expert on fashion, but I'm sure whatever you pick out will look great." Takato replied happily.

Lillymon rushed back to the bathroom with the paper bag Takato had given her yesterday and shut the door. Takato had changed his clothes to a pair of faded jeans and a black sleeveless shirt. It was summer after all and it got hot out. That is when his eye caught the calendar. Tomorrow marked the sixth year anniversary of when he lost Guilmon.

He quickly picked up his cell phone and dialed his parent's bakery. He had a peanut butter filled pastry made every year in memory of Guilmon and he always took it to the shrine where Guilmon stayed when they were not together.

"Hey mom it's Takato!" he spoke through the phone. "Yeah I'll be there tomorrow to pick up my order…no its ok I'll pay for it…but I got to go love you bye."

Takato sighed as he hung up. He turned around only to have his jaw drop. There stood Lillymon in a white t-shirt that clung to her skin that spelled out Princess in bright pink letters followed a very nice fitting pair of jeans.

Takato had to stop and rub his eyes, as he could not believe it. She looked completely human and drop dead gorgeous. He would not have believed it if he had not seen it himself. She was like a goddess among mortals in those clothes. Takato could not fight the blush on his face.

"Do I look alright?" she asked not knowing if she looked bad, as she was still a girl after all.

"You look wonderful!" Takato replied with a smile. "Shall we be on out way?"

"Lets!" Lillymon replied as she clung to his arm.


Ok there you have it. Next chapter Megidramon shows himself. Read and review and check out my other fics as well.