Disclimer: I do not own Castle ABC does.

A/N: FINALLY this chapter reveals WHY the Russian is after Castle. Now when you read it you should be able to tell that I did in fact actually foreshadow and mention the reason on more than one occassion. Just had to think about it from a different angle so it shouldn't be too surprising. It will be one of those how did I miss it moments! This chapter is pretty long clocking in at over 4k words but you all definitely deserved it!

I know this has taken me a bit of time to get out but really the finale kind of killed some of my motivation. Because of that I needed to take some time away from the writing. Needless to say I didn't like it and check out my story "A Hole in the Heart" to see how I would have liked it to end and season 4 to open roughly. Either way I am not going to get into it too much.

The reviews for this story, incredible, spectacular, outrageously awesome! Over 600 and jeez guys and gals they just keep getting better and better. Unfortunately I haven't been able to respond really because is broken when it comes to review replies, but rest assured I am reading each and everyone and enjoying each and everyone. As always feel free to criticize, compliment, suggest, praise, or anything else in a review. Reading the reviews makes my day so please leave one. Also leave me a note letting me know if you would be interested in a directors commentary of the story where I repost and then while writing post why I wrote things the way I did or how I figured stuff out. It is definitely not something we normally see so if your interested I will do it and probably do the entire story in a week or two since I don't have to get creative lol.

Remember please review!

Chapter 37: Reasons

Castle and Beckett were sitting on a pair of small milk crates playing a game of Texas Holdem on an overturned box. No actual chips, or equivalent of chips, were being used and really the pair were just playing to pass the time until their "guests" arrived.


Castle and Beckett had finished setting up the appropriate meeting spot and all that was left was getting to location to the Russians without them becoming suspicious that it would be compromised. Specifically that meant it couldn't be done through any electronic means or else it would be a simple matter for the Feds or the NYPD to snatch it out of cyberspace or telephone lines before it reached the destination. While Makarov may be a bit on the dull side Sergei by no means was and Castle knew that there would be no way he would even come to a drop without the destination being delivered in a secure manner. Even then he would more than likely go through a pretty extensive sequence of switching cars, traveling below street levels, not having any phones on his person, and more to ensure that the authorities didn't follow him.

"So phones and internet are out and we don't have enough time to send him a letter, so how the heck are we supposed to let him know where to meet us, carrier pigeon?" Kate asked with a bemused smirk at looking Castle, the technological poster boy, try and figure out exactly how to get a message across.

"Ok this was a heck of a lot easier back in the late 80s when they couldn't trace this stuff as easily. Not to mention it's much easier to call the Russians when the only people that could trace them is themselves" Castle grumbled clearly not happy at the fact that he was stumped and Beckett was teasing him about it.

"Well short of just walking it in ourselves I don't think we have much of an option Castle. And I think its kind of important to point out before you jump at the idea that walking in ourselves defeats the purpose of having a meeting place," she continued in her ribbing.

Apparently something she said though caught his attention as he perked up at her latest faux suggestion. "Kate that's absolutely brilliant!" he shouted before yanking her by his side and sealing their lips in a passionate kiss. What quickly started as being from mostly gratitude progressed quickly into something of a much more lust driven action.

Pulling away both were a little breathless as Beckett looking into his eyes with a mischievous glint, "Wow Castle I have to come up with bad ideas more often if that is how you are going to react."

Chuckling Castle slowly released her before he dropped the idea that she, his muse, had inspired upon him. "Courier"


From there all they had to do was write down the message, find a twenty four hour messenger service, and then hand seal the meeting address themselves and instruct the messenger where to take it. The great thing about New York City was that since it was the city that never sleeps a great deal of its services never slept either. From there they had driven back to the location and started a game of poker to pass the time until the Russians showed up.

Kate's suggestion really was brilliant, even if it had only served as inspiration. Handing the couriers a sealed envelope and only telling them where to deliver it insured that the NYPD couldn't intercept the messenger on his way back and have him divulge the information. Dropping it off themselves insured no one could trace where it came from, and finally Sergei would recognize it for what it was, a secure means of communication. Castle had been a bit hesitant about the safety of the messenger himself, but with the NYPD and Feds assuredly watching Sergei's moves he was fairly confident the man wouldn't kill the messenger.

Still Castle knew that the Russians showing up wasn't completely guaranteed and it hinged on either Makarov being a gigantic pain in Sergei's ass, or the amount promised to Sergei was worth the risk. Castle and Beckett had thankfully planned for both and as the rumble of engines parking outside sounded that was a very comforting think.


"So plan for the worst and hope for the best, how exactly do we do that?" Kate had asked as soon as they had decided upon a meeting location.

"I'm guessing the NYPD doesn't exactly hold a lot of classes in designing, preparing, and executing ambushes huh." was Castle's rhetorical answer.

Seeing that she only gave him a raised eyebrow in response Castle elaborated, "The entire purpose behind an ambush it of course to take your opponent completely by surprise; however with a situation like ours that becomes a whole lot more complicated. Sergei is without a doubt going to bring more manpower than the two of us and the only way we can assure this doesn't go right down the drain is by slanting the playing field in our direction."

Moving towards one of the duffel bags he had grabbed earlier he began to open it and pull out an assortment of firearms and high explosives that were tucked inside. "We have to look at how they will come in and what they can possibly use to their advantage. Then we have to do our best to either completely take away those advantages, or even better turn them completely against them."

"And what if we do as much as we can and it's still not enough?" Kate asked wanting to know what the backup plan to this backup plan was.

Castle smiled as he grabbed a brick of C4 and walked towards a wall that was behind some large crates and out of the view of the door. Pushing the brick and molding it into a gauge in the wall Castle stuck in the detonating plunger before turning around with a smile. "Well if all else fails we just have to make sure we have a way out."


Glancing back towards the area where Castle had setup the C4 escape route Beckett was a bit nervous knowing that there last ditch effort was to blow a hole in the wall in order to escape. Still while being a very blunt means of getting out of the building it was also ingenious. The Russians, if they had any brains at all, would most assuredly cover all of the exits before entering. That meant that walking out any of those doors could be a potential death trap. However, no one would expect them to be making their own. That didn't even mention the wide variety of other "improvements" she and Castle had made such as moving cover in strategic positions for only their use, planting weapons and extra ammo in easily accessible areas, and Castle's surprise when things went belly up. Not to mention the few completely "cop" additions she had also made that he had been wholeheartedly behind.

Hearing the engines die down Kate faintly heard car doors being slammed shut. Looking up at Castle she saw him giver he a comforting smile and squeeze her hand in reassurance. This was it, the final chapter in this god forsaken goose chase they had been led onto days before. Hearing the door grate against its hinges the partners both turned their heads towards the door as Russian thugs suddenly swarmed into the room with their weapons raised and ready to shoot the duo where they stood. Looking at the AK-47s held in their hands Beckett was glad for the better than normal body armor Castle had given her while they were gearing up.


As Kate was checking the weapons she had chosen for herself, making sure not a single one had a flaw that could cost her or Castle's lives, Rick came up and set a bulletproof vest down in front of her. "Isn't that a little small Castle?" Kate said looking at a vest that looked like it could easily fit under her coat and not be overly noticeable. It was vastly smaller than the one she usually wore when storming a crime scene that the NYPD issued.

"Yeah but then again you get what you pay for, and this is much more expensive than the suit vest you normally wear.. It's called Dragon Skin and it's basically a bunch of overlapping discs that provides better protection along with more flexibility. The CIA has been using the armor in their field ops and it will take multiple AK-47 rounds without failing," he explained.

"And why exactly do you have one fitted for my size?"

"It's actually fitted based on Alexis' measurements but even though you're a lot taller its mostly in leg so the fit should be just about right," Castle explained with a harmless expression on his face.

Shaking her head she took it from him and checked it out before trying it on. Just as he was walking away thinking he was off the hook she bounced a piece of paper off the back of his head causing him to cringe. "That's for checking out my legs so much Castle."


As one of the goons gave the all clear in Russian the two men that she had seen in the office stepped in. Finally they were face to face with Sergei Sokolov and Dimitri Makarov. Seeing that the duo had indeed shown up personally, and not just sent men, Kate tapped her sleeve before turning back to Castle as they continued to play like they didn't have a care in the world. Castle had explained that remaining indifferent and unimpressed would go a long way in making Sergei think that they had the upper hand. That still didn't stop a bead of sweat from rolling down her back because of nerves.

"Sergei, Dimitri, care to play a hand?" Castle asked as he dealt a new hand out. "I must say Dimitri that we have had to jump through quite a bit of hoops in order to meet you face to face but hey no harm no foul right?"

"Well technically we did take out his goons so doesn't that mean there was a little bit of harm involved?" Kate asked slipping into their banter in order to throw the Russians off balance.

"Oh yea I forgot about that how many Iranians did we end up taking out, eight, nine?" Castle said looking at her as if seeking confirmation.

"Pretty sure it was eleven, then again they kind of all look the same so who knows," Kate answered right back as she picked the cards up and frowned as she realized she didn't have anything.

Seeing Makarov get upset, probably at the fact that his plans had failed so spectacularly, Castle couldn't help but start to tease him. "Aw I think we're hurting his feelings," he taunted with a big smile on his face.

"It isn't our fault that he just plain sucks at all of this," Kate said still looking at her cards.

"Enough!" Sergei said letting them know that he was a bit tired of their antics.

"I must say Sergei thanks for delivering Makarov to us, but now that we have him you can go and we won't even breathe a word of your involvement," Castle said waving his hand in dismissal.

Grinning Sergei's response was definitely not the one they hoped for. "I think not," he said with a grin as him men raised their rifles pointing them at Kate and Castle.

Makarov's anger quickly transformed into that of glee as the situation quickly shifted into his balance for a change. "Now Richard Castle you will tell us everything we want to know," he said emphasizing the fact that he actually knew Castle's name.

Swiveling on the crate he was sitting on Castle still had a big smile on his face, one designed to unnerve the men facing them even though they had the upper hand. "See that's the problem we have Dimitri, I have no clue what the hell you want from me. Then again even if I did I can't say I would readily share it with you."

"Near two decades ago you stole the locations of the drop points for the largest arms sale from the Soviet Union to the Iraqis. I want the location," Makarov said with steel behind his words.

Cocking his head at Kate, who was still studying her cards frowning, Castle went for mocking, "Is he serious, does this guy really think all of that gold is out there and we never picked it up? I tell you these KGB handlers really aren't the brightest bulbs."

"The tanks Mr. Castle. Dimitri wants the location of the tanks," Sergei said showing he was slightly frustrated with the entire ordeal.

Now, clearly surprised at that revelation, Castle was asking the questions, "Are you telling me that those tanks are still sitting out there and the Russians never went back to get them?"

"After the Soviet Union collapsed, shortly after that sale fell through, the country was in turmoil. Many things were lost during that time as people fought to control the newly formed country. Unfortunately the location of the tanks was destroyed during so that they could not be used by any of those fighting for power. Afterwards there was no record of where they were and those who were involved were dead." Makarov answered.

"So you're saying that the only person who knows exactly where those tanks are is me?" Castle asked a bit incredulously as the Russians nodded their heads.

"My clients in Iran are willing to pay very handsomely for their location and after I told Sergei I would give him a large percentage of the deal he agreed to help," Makarov said explaining why Sergei had stuck by his side. Castle knew it couldn't be due to loyalty.

Hearing what they had to say it suddenly made sense for Beckett and Castle. The Iranians, killing Felicia to uncover Castle and then get to him, wanting to take him alive, it all made perfect sense. Makarov had no idea who Castle was from the start, but he knew that the CIA agent had stolen both of the locations. He had figured out somehow that Felicia was associated with the mission and used her as bait to draw Castle out. Plunging the ricin into her caused her to go into panic and contact Castle. The Iranians were accompanying Makarov as muscle and insurance by the Iranian government that he succeeded. This entire thing was about finding the location of old Cold War tanks so Makarov could make an arms deal that was probably in the hundreds of millions.

Now Castle had only one more question he needed the answer for. "Why Felicia, how did you find her and why did you kill her?" he asked almost as if he was pleading for the entire thing to make sense.

Makarov hearing his tone couldn't help but gloat. "I actually knew she was the handler for the mission a few years after it took place. Fortunately for her the information was useless at the time since no one wanted the tanks and I wasn't going to give them back to the 'Mother Land'," he said with obvious contempt for the country as a whole.

"However when I heard word that the Iranians were in need of weapons to further their defiance of the West, well that information suddenly became very profitable. Tracking her down was difficult but shortly afterwards I poisoned her in order to get her to lead me to you and then I shot her before she could warn you what was going to happen..."

"Makarov!" Sergei yelled interrupting his evil genius speech. "Are you really that much of a fool?"

Shocked at Sergei's chastisement Dimitri looked back at Castle to see that now the gloating smile was firmly planted on the face of the author.

"What do you think Kate we get enough?" he asked.

Having stopped looking at her cards to bore a hole through Makarov's head with her smile was equally gloating. "Yeah Castle I think we got more than enough," she said as her gaze flickered to the side and up rather obviously.


"We need to get him to confess," Kate had said as they were preparing.

"What do you mean?" Castle had asked as he was pushing a crate to the center of the room to use as a table.

"I mean we need to get him to confess to Felicia's murder so that there is zero doubt about who killed her and no one can try and pin it on you."

"And how do we do that?" Castle asked.

"Do you have any recording equipment?" Kate said a sly smirk forming on her face. Preparation could be very very fun.


Turning the Russians noticed for the first time that a microphone was setup and pointed right where they stood. Castle and Beckett had recorded every word of the conversation, the reasons, why Sergei was helping, the confession, everything.

Makarov and even Sergei turned their shocked gazes back at the partners sitting on their crates. "Don't look at me it was all the cop's idea," Castle said with a cheeky grin firmly in place.

Pulling a pistol out from his waistband Sergei leveled it right at Castle. "Give us the information NOW or I will put a bullet through her head," he said as he switched his aim towards Beckett.

Before Castle could even answer sirens suddenly were heard faintly in the background growing louder and louder.


"Castle before we get in touch with the Russians we need to have a way to contact Ryan and Esposito to let them know where we are incase this goes poorly," Kate said using her tone that let him know it wasn't up for negotiation.

Nodding his head Castle agreed on this statement, "Ok Kate but we can't do anything until we know for sure that Sergei and Makarov are actually here and don't just send some of their men. I don't want the NYPD and FBI hanging around outside the building only to scare them off by being so noticeable."

"So how about sending a text message the minute we know the two of them are actually here?" she asked trying to work out the logistics of how to do it without being noticed while under the gaze of probably multiple armed Russian thugs and their boss.

Holding up a roll of tape and an old styled cell phone with button Castle had a smile on his face.


Since it was the fall, and Beckett could get away with her jacket being on, the Russians would never be able to tell that she had a cell phone up her sleeve taped to her forearm. Before they even came she had preloaded the text so all she had to do was hit the send button and away it went to Ryan and Esposito. As soon as Kate saw that they came themselves a subtle touch to the sleeve of her jacket sent the text out telling Ryan and Esposito to bring the cavalry.

"TELL ME NOW OR SHE DIES!" Makarov screamed as he too pulled a pistol and leveled it at Beckett. Turning towards each other they grinned. They still had one ace up their sleeve just incase this exact situation ended up happening.


"So now that we have everything setup what do we do if it goes all to hell? What's the plan?" Kate asked after the room was setup all besides the crate Castle intended to sit on. That he actually had upside down as he worked on it.

"Simple," he replied not bothering to raise his head. Going to look at what he was doing she noticed he was fiddling with a detonator.

"I rig this detonator as a dead man's switch, and place it under the crate. Then the small C4 it sets off is hooked up to the buildings power and boom, when I tip it over the lights go out." Castle explained as he turned the crate back over motioning for her to sit on it.

"Ok now here is the important part. Don't get up until I come back and sit on that crate because the minute I put the plunger into the C4 it will be live and I really really don't want it to blow up in my hand because you had to go to the little girls room," Castle explained causing Beckett to swat him on the head in return


"Ok, ok. You win Makarov it was a good chase but it looks like you got me." Castle said as he raised his hands and stood up with Kate mirroring his actions. With his left foot he played his final card and he tipped the crate he had been sitting on over. The minute the crate left the ground a boom was heard and the room plunged into darkness.

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