Disclaimer: I do not own Tekken

Life is like a river, flowing endlessly, meandering in a path unknown to itself. We flow with Life, embracing the gifts of it, mourning the sorrows until we reach the sea and Life lets us go. Perhaps our paths were destined to be this way but for one person, his imagination ruled over his will and whenever will power conflicts with imagination, imagination always wins.

Thunder bellowed in the distance as heavy rain splattered on a lonely asylum in a solitary island. The sea plunged against the eroded rocks, leaving behind mist and salt in its wake. Daylight rarely reached this island which was situated close to Greenland.

Inside the asylum, a handful of trusted psychiatric doctors and fellow nurses were entrusted into the care of severely insane patients.

It was well past midnight as Nurse Joy patrolled from corridor to corridor, peeking in from cell to cell. Each sight was pitiable. Lightning flashed through the barred windows, bringing colour to her bright pink hair.

The nurse paused when she reached the top of the building, the tower. The most insane of all patients were locked here in confined rooms. Kept in strait-jackets, they did no more than ponder all day.

Her heart rummaged against her ribcage like a hammer when another echo of thunder howled through the windows. The wind mourned through the hollow corridors, sending a shiver down Nurse Joy's spine.

Joy continued her shift as her footsteps resounded against the walls. Her breathing was shallow. She kept her hands joined below her sternum but that didn't stop her from shaking.

Joy came to a halt outside Patient-five-two-three's cell. She held her breath, perspiration gathered along the edges of her temples. Lightning struck once more. The hall brightened for a split second. The nurse's hand flew to her mouth.

Patient-five-two-three's entrance was open.

She snatched her walkie-talkie from around her waist immediately and woke the doctors who were fast asleep.

"Hello? This is Nurse Joy speaking! Patient Alexanderson's door is wide open. What should I do?" she wheezed. Panic surged through her trembling body.

"Joy? Calm down and listen carefully okay. Proceed cautiously into Alexanderson's room. If he's not in there then he's somewhere around the asylum. Professor Oak out," a voice reassured her.

Joy took a couple of deep breaths to soothe her. The silent area didn't help the fear arising in her. She treaded lightly to the threshold but stopped outside. Her heart pounded in rhythm with the howling wind.

With one quick gesture, Joy sped into the room holding her torch and surveyed the area.

No one was there.

Joy giggled to herself. "Snap out of it, Nurse Joy. He's not here. You're safe now," she encouraged. She wiped beads of sweat away from her forehead.

A tap on her back made the young nurse jump. When she faced her host, all she saw was a forehead plunging into her face.

Joy fell to the ground, unconscious. Her nose was bleeding heavily. Patient-five-two-three was indeed still in the cell draped with his strait-jacket. He sneered down at the nurse.

"For too long have I had to endure your annoyingly baby talk. The moon is red, today is the day where I escape!" he yelled. Lightning exploded as he cackled, his shadow flickering like a burning flame on the walls.

The madman ran through the corridors and down the stairs, not caring that the other doctors and nurses noticed him. They ran after him and he continued to run, fumbling out of the asylum. He kicked chairs and other objects that he couldn't identify at the mob behind him.

Patient-five-two-three made his way out. The strong wind almost pushed him over.

"Dammit! I can't balance myself with this darn strait-jacket," he uttered.

He struggled for a few seconds to come out. Red rays from the moon fell upon his chestnut hair, the man's lips curled into a malicious grin.

He walked towards the edge of the cliffs. Two remaining doctors and a nurse trailed after him.

"What will your study do you now, Professor Oak? I'm jumping to the bottom!" the patient jeered.

He gave an insane laugh; his voice reverberated before dying suddenly in a clasp of thunder. The oldest of the doctors with spiky grey hair stepped towards the man vigilantly.

"Now, now, don't jump down. You'll get very hurt," the Professor mumbled,

"We can sort this out P-"

"Don't you dare call me that!" the patient shrieked; his eyes ready to pop out of their sockets, "I have a new name now and that is Mooney." With those words, the clouds parted from the red moon and lightning ignited the whole sky.

A gust of wind made him lose his balance. The man fell off, yelping all the way.

"So long, suckers!" the lunatic cried, his words ended with a maniacal laugh.

"No!" Oak screamed and ran to the spot his patient had vacated. He peered over the cliff but all he saw were waves crashing into each other. The Professor slammed his fist on the damp soil.

Mooney's Memoirs:

I have been trapped in that asylum for so long that I cannot recall how many years it has been but the wait was worth it. Throughout my time there I spend my free moments memorising the landscape and the buildings.

The Moon granted me her powers and thus I did change my name to Mooney Alexanderson. She gave me the will to plot escape.

Little did Professor Oak know that I have been climbing down the very spot of that cliff that I had leapt from during my monthly strait-jacket free sessions.

I figured out a way to tamper the lock on my cell door with my very own teeth so when night fell upon that wretched place, I slipped out from my area and stole some essential items I needed for my escape: A red kimono with matching black boots, permanent gold hair-dye, a large stash of hair wax and a knife.

I hid these items in my toilet because the nurses never cleaned the toilets. When my monthly sessions arrived, I climbed down the cliffs and found a habitable cave there where I placed my belongings. I also stole the Professors boat and kept it hidden inside the cave for my journey to the nearest city.

The plan was set. When the night of the Red Moon arrived, I escaped. They all think me dead but I found my way into the cave and dressed into my newly sea-washed clothing.

My hair is now died golden and I placed it into in to a high ponytail. Using my hair wax, I hardened my ponytailed hair into a crescent shape because I am Mooney, the chosen one of the moon!

Now that everything went according to my estimates, I will steer towards a new future and search for my identical twin brother Lars Alexanderson.

It's been too long, brother...

Author's Notes: If you're clever, you'll know who Mooney is. I'll tell you all in the next chapter where I got the inspiration to create him. :) Hope you enjoyed!