Disclaimer: Tess Gerritsen owns Rizzoli and Isles. The Publishers publish the books. And the Producers produce the show. I don't have any intellectual right to the characters, or their stories. So I don't get the moneys. This is just fan fiction, I just wanted to tell a story with them in it.

A/N: Criticisms are always welcomed as long as they are criticisms on the fic and how I can improve my writing.

Jane Rizzoli sat at her desk staring at the colossal cup of coffee sitting there in front of her monitor. She looked at Maura and tilted her head toward the cup. "What is this?"

Maura's eyes darted from side to side. "Coffee."

"I can smell that, but why is it on my desk?" Jane folded her arms.

"Because this is around the time you are usually deficient of energy." Maura told her, her hands pressed firmly against her lap. "Am I not correct?"

"Yeah, but this is not my coffee." Rizzoli lifted the cup and tipped it towards her. The smell wafted up to her nose, she cringed away from it. "Come on. I just need a cup of Joe. I don't need coffee brewed for the Queen of England."

"Speaking of special brews for the Queen Mother did you know-"

"No, no, I'm not doing this." Jane swung up out of her seat and captured her jacket from the back of her chair. Just once, she didn't want every topic to be a damn tangent into the wonderful land of 'Guess what Maura knows.' "I'm going down to my regular spot. Get that gunk off my desk."

"Did you not want to hear about the...well, really Jane it's not going to kill you." Maura slid the cup from the desk and sipped it. She licked her bottom lip and closed her eyes. "Specialty isn't synonymous with bad."

"I'm sure it isn't." Rizzoli said as she enter the elevator. She caught view of Frost and stalled the doors. "Hey, we're going to the place around three thirty."

"Yeah, got it." Frost said as he studied the file in his hands. He nodded at Maura as he walked to his desk. He sniffed. "Is that Belego's? That's what... twenty bucks a cup."

Maura shrugged. "It's worth it."

"You don't have to tell me." Frost peaked over his monitor, then dared a glance at the elevator. He stared at the cup in Maura's hand. "Don't tell me."

"What, I'm being a friend." Maura took another sip. "Friends share things they enjoy."

"Not that." Frost clicked out of whatever he was doing and gathered two more files to go with the first. "Yeah, open her eyes to new experiences, but Jane's not big on stuff in her coffee."

"Not stuff, delicious fruit extracts, and rich spices that come together to give a heady explosion of flavor." Maura sighed. Her phone buzzed; she dipped a hand into her purse. She pulled it out and waved to Frost. "Tell Jane I had to go to the morgue. Work to do."

"Next time just get her a regular." Frost smiled as he read the documents. "Or at least ease her into it."

"Ease her into it. Right."

Jane picked up the cup and fished her car keys out of her jacket pocket. The little bistro was only three blocks from the department but her legs protested to any extraneous use.

"You Angela's kid?"

She whipped around. Coffee sloshed out and landed on the back of her sleeve. Just her luck. She hoped the color would conceal the spill. "Specialty coffee my ass. This is the stuff."

"Angela Rizzoli." The guy seemed to have an echo. She nodded and pulled a napkin from her pocket to clean herself off.

She frowned. What her mother had gotten herself into now? "Who are you?"

Jane saw him walk up with quick disjointed steps. He threw up his trembling hand. She dropped the cup as she twisted away from the gun. Three cracks whipped around her. As the third ended her world went black.