Hey guys well; this is it, the last chapter. Don't worry like I said there will be s sequel and the promo for that will be at the end of this chapter. There are two things I need you guys to do for me. 1.) Check out my new Big Time Rush OC called Love Story. And 2.) Check out Kaleidoscope of Color's Big Time Rush story called Heel's over Head, I'm a character in that!

Sonny and Kendall were at the restaurant. They were having a great time as they saw two of their favorite people walk in.

"You have got to be kidding me." Sonny said.

"Hey Kendall, hey Sonny." Jo said, holding onto Chad's arm.

"Um, hi?" Kendall said, really confused.

"Chad who told you we were here?" Sonny asked.

"Carlos told me, he thought it would make me jealous, but he was wrong." Jo said.

"Listen Sonny I came to say I'm sorry. I was a jealous jerk. I just couldn't stand seeing you with someone else this soon. I still love you and I still want you back, but if you and Kendall are happy together then I shouldn't stand in your way." Chad said

"Wow Chad, that was deep." Sonny confessed.

"I just really want you to know that. And Kendall, I think I owe you an even bigger apology. The things I did to you were totally unnecessary. I was out of line. I hope you treat Sonny better than I did, she deserves the best." Chad said. "We cool?" Chad asked, holding out his hand to Kendall.

Kendall looked at him for a couple of seconds to make sure he was serious. "Yea, were cool." Kendall said, taking Chad's hand.

"Jo I hope there's no hard feelings." Sonny said.

"There's not I promise, I hope there's none with you either. Me and Chad are going to try going out, and see where it goes." Jo said.

"Well I hope it works out with you guys." Sonny said smiling. Jo smiled back. All of the sudden a huge crowd of paparazzi came flooding into the restaurant.

"Chad did you tweet again?" Sonny asked angrily.

"Sorry." He said with a guilty tone. The paparazzi began taking pictures of the four of them.

"This cannot be happening!" Kendall said, putting his hand on his head.

"Come with me." Sonny said. They went behind Jo and Chad and went under the table and out the emergency exit. They got into Kendall's car and drove down Sunset.

"Well that sucked." Kendall said.

"Yea, well, we can still finish our date." Sonny said smiling.

"How? The paparazzi knows were together, they are going to be searching all around town." Kendall said, not letting go of the wheel.

"Take me to the Palm Woods." Sonny said.

"What?" Kendall asked.

"We can walk through the park."Sonny said.

Kendall looked at her. "Let's go." He said.

(At the park)

Kendall and Sonny walked hand in hand throughout the Palm Woods Park.

"This is nice." Kendall said.

"Yea, nobody else, just us." Sonny said, smiling. Kendall smiled back and leaned in. Then his phone rang.

"Ugh!" Kendall shouted. "Hello?" he said into his phone.

"Dude drop Sonny off and get to Rocque Records quick! It's important!" James shouted, and then hung up. Kendall frowned and hung up the phone.

"James said I need to get to Rocque Records as soon as possible. I'm so sorry, I'll bring you home." Kendall said. He took Sonny's hand and walked to the car. They drove and finally got to Sonny's house. Kendall got out of the car.

"It's ok I can get up there on my own." Sonny said

"I can't let you do that, I'll walk you up." Kendall said. Sonny smiled. They got to Sonny's apartment.

"Thanks for everything Kendall, tonight was amazing." Sonny said.

"It could have been more amazing if I didn't have to rush over to the studio." Kendall said, with a guilty tone.

"Its fine I totally understand." Sonny said. They both stood there. Sonny leaned in and gave Kendall a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll call you later." Kendall said as he began to walk away.

(At Rocque Records)

"What's going on?" Kendall asked as he walked into Gustavo's office. The boys were sitting down with Gustavo and Kelly and Griffin was standing up.

"Kendall you're here. Take a seat." Griffin said. Kendall sat down in an empty chair.

"Do you want me to tell him?" Logan asked.

"We'll all tell him." James said. Kendall became worried.

"WERE GOING ON A EUROPEAN TOUR!" The three boys shouted at their band mate. They all began to cheer.

"Rehearsals are going to start next week and then were leaving in two weeks." Kelly said.

"But me and Sonny just started going out." Kendall said.

"Dude Sonny will be here when we get back." James said.

"There's still some planning that needs to be done so take the next week to say your goodbyes. You will all be there for two months." Griffin said. All of the boys high fived each other and cheered. Kendall smiled but was slightly upset. This was an amazing opportunity for them, but him and Sonny just started going out, and now he was going to be gone for two months. Kendall walked out of the office and called Sonny.

"Hey is everything alright?" Sonny asked.

"Yea everything's fine, great actually." Kendall said. He took a deep breath. "Big Time Rush is going on a European Tour." Kendall said.

"Oh my gosh Kendall that's great." Sonny said excitedly.

"I know, the only thing is, were leaving in two weeks." Kendall said.

"Oh." Was all Sonny said.

"Yea, but don't worry, were going to make this work." Kendall said.

"Ok, well, I'm getting tired, I'll see you tomorrow." Sonny said.

"Ok, goodnight." Kendall said. He hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

(The next day, before the show)

The cast and band stood backstage with Marshal, Gustavo, and Kelly.

"Before we go on tonight, I just wanted to say how proud I am of each and every one of you. Usually whenever we have guest stars there's drama." Marshal said, the cast looked at Tawni. "But you guys all worked fabulous together and this is going to be our best show yet!" Marshall said, they all cheered.

"Dogs, I do have to say." Marshall continued. "I'm proud of you. There weren't any pranks, plans, or anything. "Marshall said. They boys smiled. The So Random theme music started and they all ran into place.

"It's time to get So Random with this week's special guests Big Time Rush!" The announcer said. The audience began to scream. The audience was filled with fans in Big Time Rush T-Shirts and holding up signs that said things like 'I Love BTR' or 'My Big Time Crushes'. They all performed there sketches and finally it was time for the boys to sing. The four of them stood on the stage holding microphones.

"Being on So Random this week has been such a great experience." Carlos said.

"Many of you don't know this but Grady is my cousin, and me and Sonny were childhood friends." Logan said.

"We made great friends." Kendall said, winking at Sonny who was on the side of the stage.

"We hope you guys liked it. Now who wants to hear some songs?" James shouted. The audience cheered and the music to Halfway There started.

When the chips are down
back against the wall
got no more to give
Cause we gave it all
seems like going a distance is unrealistic
but we're too far from the start

So we take what comes, and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
then we turn around
and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there
We're halfway there

If you never flew
We would never fall
If The world was ours
We would have it all
But the life we live
Isn't so simplistic
You just don't get what you want

So we take what comes
and we keep on going
leaning on each other's shoulder
then we turn around
and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing is going get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're Halfway There
We're Halfway There

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing is going get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're Halfway There
We're Halfway There

How are you Ever Gonna Reach the Stars
If you Never Get off the Ground
and you'll Always be Way you are
If you Never Let Life Knock you Down

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing is going get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're Halfway There
We're Halfway There
We're Halfway There
We're Halfway There

The audience cheered.

"Now we would like to call up to the stage out new best friends the cast of So Random!" Carlos said. The whole cast walked onto the stage as the music to City Is Ours started

The city is ours

The city is ours

Rolling past graffiti walls
Billboards lighting up the block
Everyone one of us on a mission (Oh yea)
Got a whole crew by my side
Cars beep, beep when they pass us by
We ready to get down to business (mm, mm)

We pull up, open the door
All the girls, scream there they are
It's packed from wall to wall
And, everybody is calling
Here they come, it's almost time
Feel the rush, now hit the lights
We gonna get it all started

Because the night is young
the line is out the door
Today was crazy but
Tonight the city's ours
Live it up
until the morning comes
today was crazy but tonight

The city is ours

The city is ours

My, my look how we roll
Was it only a month ago
Everybody said we were dreaming (ooh ooh)
Now we're here like, yeah we told ya
Still far, but we're that much closer
And there aint no way that we're leaving (oh no)

We pull up, open the door
All the girls, scream there they are
It's packed from wall to wall
And, everybody is calling
Here they come, it's almost time
Feel the rush, now hit the lights
We gonna get it all started

Because the night is young
the line is out the door
Today was crazy but
Tonight the city's ours
Live it up
until the morning comes
today was crazy but tonight
the city is ours

The city is ours

We gotta believe
Its destiny calling
So night after night
We rock the whole place out
As hard as it seems
I know if you want it

Yea its gonna happen somehow

Because the night is young
The line is out the door
Today was crazy but
Tonight the city's ours
Live it up
Until the morning comes
Today was crazy but tonight

Because the night is young
The line is out the door
Today was crazy but
Tonight the city's ours
Live it up
Until the morning comes
Today was crazy but tonight
The city is ours

The city is ours

The city is ours

The city is ours

The city is ours

As Kendall finished singing the last line of the song. He walked over to Sonny and kissed her on the lips for a couple of seconds, not caring if they were still on camera.

That's it! This story is over. Thank you to all of my loyal readers, you guys never fail to make me happy with all of your sweet reviews. Now here's the promo for the sequel that will be out in a couple of weeks called Dear Kendall. It's all of the letters that Sonny and Kendall write to each other while the band is on tour. Don't worry; the whole thing won't be just letters.

Dear Kendall,

I told you not to open this letter until you got on the plane so you have something to do. I know this is kind of old fashioned, but I figured it's more personal than email and texting. Don't get me wrong, I will still be texting and calling you any chance I get, but this should be fun too. Since you gave me the names of your hotels and where you will be, I'll make sure the letters get to where you are. Two weeks. It took me two weeks to fall for you. You make me feel so safe. I feel like I can tell you anything. Your amazing Kendall, if there were more guys like you in the world girls wouldn't be so insecure. When you kissed me that night of the show, I was happy, scared, exited, and pissed all at the same time. Tawni just showed me this month's copy of Tween Weekly and guess what the cover story is. "Goodbye Channy, Hello Sendall." Sendall? How pathetic is that? The picture is of the kiss on stage. You really know how to plan your timing don't you buddy? Even though the timing wasn't perfect it was still the most amazing kiss ever. When I kissed Chad, I never felt that spark that I felt with you. I know you don't want to hear about me and Chad though, I can barely stand it when people talk about "Channy" Me and Chad say hi to each other but that's about it. It never gets any further than that. Even though he apologized I still don't trust him. He and Jo are still dating, surprisingly. Jo is becoming even more famous now that her and Chad are "Jad" I like our name better. I miss you so much and I seriously never stop thinking about you. I hope you know that. And I'm kind of hoping you feel the same way. Break a leg at your concert, tell the guys I said hi.

From, Sonny