AN: The end is here. Sigh. I will miss this story. :/
Okay again:
Paul and Jared are 25.
Jenna and Kim are 24.
Sam is 30. Emily is 28.
Now the kids. :p
Sam: Rose,6 Ana, 4 Claire, 3
Jared: Lexa, 5
Paul: Tyler, 5
**Six Years Later**
I walked through the front door and was immediately pounced on by an excited five year old. He climbed up on the couch and jumped into my arms. I caught him with a chuckle and held him on my side.
"HI Daddy!"
He grinned at me, showing his missing tooth.
"Hey buddy."
"Tyler James…where did you go?"
Tyler hid his head against my chest at the sound of his mother's voice. She came around the corner and shook her head, a smile playing on her lips when she saw the two of us.
"Of course."
I smiled and walked over to her, leaning down and pecking her lips.
"Hi baby."
"Hi. How was work?"
I smiled.
"Good. What did he do this time?"
She shook her head and laughed softly.
"He won't put on his shoes to go to Sam and Emily's."
Tyler peeked up at me, his golden brown eyes identical to his mother's, were wide and innocent.
"Why don't you want to go to Sam and Emily's?"
He buried his head back in my chest and mumbled something.
"What's that, little man?"
"Lexa's gon da be dere."
I chuckled and looked at Jenna, who shook her head. I looked back down at Tyler.
"What's wrong with Lexa?"
He looked at me, his face scrunched up.
"her twies to kiss me wike you do ta Mommy."
Jenna laughed and took Tyler's shoes, slipping them on his feet as he looked up at me.
"That means she likes you, Ty."
He looked at Jenna, his nose scrunched up again.
"Girls ah icky, Mommy."
I chuckled and looked at him.
"Not Mommy."
He sighed and looked at Jenna again.
"I knoe dat."
"So you don't want to see Uncle Jared?"
He squirmed in my grip and I set him down on floor. He took off up the stairs, no doubt going to get something to show Jared. I wrapped my arms around Jenna's waist and pulled her to my chest. She looked up at me and smiled.
I smiled down at her, moving a stray curl behind her ear.
"Hi Beautiful."
She leaned up on her toes and pressed her lips against mine. I bent down so she didn't have to lean up as much and pulled back, resting my forehead against hers. I grabbed her hand, fiddling with the ring on her left hand. Looking down at her, I saw everything I always wanted and never knew I could really have. She gave me everything I could ever want and I loved her with everything I had in me. I looked at the ring on her finger with a smile. I had finally made her mine.
AN: THE END. –runs out of the room to sob in the bedroom- Just kidding. Seriously though, thank you to everyone that has read this, reviewed, alerted, favorite and all else. I love you guys. You've made my first story amazing and I really love you all. Thanks. Jenna x