Rewriting History

Disclaimer: Only the plot and OC's are mine :) Rest is JKR!

Chapter 1

Rose sighed as she rested her head against the grassy field of Hogwarts. Her burgundy hair contrasted across the bright green in cascading curls. Her eyes were closed and she allowed herself a moment of calamity.

She had just spent an hour and a half dealing with the mess that was Fred Weasley, her trouble making cousin, and Hugo, her annoying prat of a brother. Both had decided to pick on poor Patsy Perkins, a pretty Ravenclaw. It resulted is rose bellowing at her own flesh and blood until she ran out of steam and breath. Sometimes the school was just not big enough for her family.

Her mind reflected on how she was in her last year of Hogwarts. It was only October but it felt like time was on a time warp. It was only yesterday it felt like that her and her dear cousin Albus were sitting upon the sorting hat first year being placed in their house. Rose had landed in Gryffindor and Albus had broke all trends in their heritage by landing in Slytherin.

As if he knew where to be, the lean boy with black messy hair and striking green eyes sat down beside her. He spoke not a word and the two sat in companionable silence for several minutes.

'Hugo and Fred are both in detention.' He said softly.

'Good.' Rose said.

'Are you coming to practice?' he asked. Rose was chaser for Gryffindor and although he were a Slytherin their team put up with his presence. He himself was not a quidditch player but champion on the duelling team and chess team.

'Probably.' She said.

'I might skip out if you mind, Amy Bray wants to revise for the next charms quiz.' He said. Amy Bray was the Slytherins' house top student. She was nice and friendly as well as a good prefect. Rose as a fellow prefect enjoyed her company and sarcastic humour. Her and Albus were a good couple.

'Alright.' She said. they fell into silence again until dusk started to arrive. Albus checked his watch and dinner had just begun. They both stood and headed back inside the castle.

She settled at her table ignoring the glares from fellow fourth years who worshipped her brother and cousin.

Her eyes scanned the great hall and found a pair of steel eyes upon her.

Scorpius Malfoy. She never really gave him a thought before. He shifted in his seat and turned to his seemingly only mate, William Boot.

Rose ate her meal silently and soon found herself upon the pitch for practice. She mounted her Nimbus 2010 and took off feeling the breeze catching on her skin refreshing. She loved flying almost as much as reading.

The next day was pretty uneventful for the morning half anyways. It wasn't until the afternoon where that changed.

Rose entered her defence class to find their Professor, a mild manner man in his mid forties with brown curly hair and hazel eyes, waiting for them.

'Alright class!' Professor Grant said, 'today I am assigning something new and different a bit of history you may say!'

Those who despised Binn's most boring class, history of magic, all groaned. And that was pretty much them all.

'Now, now! This involves researching a wizard or witch who aided in the second war.' He glanced Albus's and Rose's way and added, 'and not family members.'

Professor Grant decided to be fair he would place the names in a hat and they would randomly draw them in less they had a family member.

It was done alphabetically so Rose was at the end. She watched as each one went up, some looking hopefully towards herself or her cousin.

Albus went up and soon was beside her again in his seat, he had drawn the name Kingsley Shacklebolt. Former auror and now minister of magic.

Finally Rose was called up. She put her hand inside the top hat and drew a thin slip of parchment upon was scribbled a name:

Lucius Malfoy

She glanced towards Scorpius who seemed uncaring of the class. She took her seat again and Professor Grant gave further instructions. They were to examine how the person affected the war and what their role was. Also they were to include any signature spell they had or accomplishments.

After class Rose took to the library looking for any books on the Malfoy's. she only found a single paragraph with a small diagram of their family tree. However it stopped at Abraxas Malfoy. It outdated apparently.

Frowning Rose slid the book back in place. She went to dinner and heard Albus talk about how he would easily just get his dad, head of the auror department, to write to the minister for a possible letter interview.

The essay wasn't due until the first day after holiday but Rose wanted a quick start on it. She found another book that mentioned Lucius had been a death eater at one point. The book did not go into detail but she thought she could start there and write on the death eaters role in the war. She knew enough of what they were capable of from her family and classes.

She was scribbling away furiously in the library when there was a loud bang from outside. She jumped up and ran outside with a few other older students.

'Someone put exploding powder in one of the toilets!' a girl said. Rose pushed her way through, the bathroom was in rubbles for one of the urinals. A sixth year Hufflepuff was helping a student who had been hit by porcelain up. The blonde hair had a streak of blood through it as Scorpius Malfoy managed to stand.

'What happened?' it was Professor Longbottom.

'There was an explosion sir.' The sixth year boy said.

'Did you see anyone else?' Neville asked Scorpius, while waving his wand. The blood vanished and Malfoy's foggy eyes looked a tad more focused.

'No.' he said. his voice was soft barely audible.

'Alright, anyone else hurt?' Neville asked. No one stepped forward.

'Can you take him to the hospital wing Brian?' Professor Longbottom asked the boy.

'I have a detention with Hagrid sir?' the boy said sadly, 'I just popped in to wash my hands when it went off.'

'I can take him.' Rose volunteered. Neville nodded and she stepped towards Malfoy tempted to just walk beside him or offer an arm.

He started to move towards the nearest stairs so she followed him. They left to let Neville clean up.

'No dizziness?' she asked. He shook his head.

'No other blood?' again he shook his head.

She held the door for him and they entered the medical wing. A young maid by the name of Madam Prowse hurried forward.

'Let's get you into a bed Mister Malfoy, was it those boys again?' she asked. Malfoy shrugged and Rose raised an eyebrow.

Madam Prowse moved to fetch him some pyjamas. As she moved away Rose spoke again quietly.

'Who are these boys?'

Scorpius gave her a sharp look, he took a slight breath and spoke, his voice still soft and calm, 'Just some stupid snakes.'

As if to be the obvious, her eyes focused upon the emblem upon his robes, the blue eagle seemed majestic and to fit him just fine.

It had been a shock to all when he was sorted into Ravenclaw. Everyone assumed he would be a Slytherin. Instead he was studious and quiet always reading or writing notes. He didn't partake in quidditch or any extra curricular.

Rose wondered if the boys were disapproving of Scorpius.

She merely nodded unsure of what to say, it was clear this was a touchy subject for Malfoy.

'You can go you know. You probably have more important things to do.' He said. really she wanted to make sure he was okay, not only as a prefect but as a Samaritan.

'I'll wait. Do they normally do things like prank you?' she asked.

Scorpius frowned and on cue Madam Prowse arrived. She drew the curtain to allow him to change.

'Alright Miss Weasley, kind as you are Mister Malfoy needs rest.' The healer said kindly. Rose nodded and turned to leave.

Before she did she turned back to Scorpius. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

'I need your help with my defence project.'

He looked at her quizzically, 'My help? What do you mean?'

'I'm doing Lucius Malfoy. I cant find anything on him in the library really.' She admitted. Scorpius's eyes widened.

'I suppose so. But I'll let you know when I can meet you, alright?' he said. she nodded and left for the common room.

Rose walked into the common room listening to Fred and Hugo laugh about the exploding urinal incident. It was already gossip around the school!

'You two!' she bellowed. They both froze and eyed her warily. The other students heeded her tone and scampered off to their dorms or outside.

When all had clear she marched right over to the two pranksters.

'Where were you all day?' she demanded.

'Class.' Hugo said.

'Details! After class, during dinner and lunch.' She snapped.

'We had history and potions, ate spaghetti and Hugo had mashed potatoes and ham. Then we had herbology and history again. Then we had detention with Professor Baldwin.' Fred recited.

'We didn't do anything to Malfoy.' Hugo said.

Rose gave them her worst stare, they both flinched as if they were whipped, 'If I get wind you two had anything to do with it, the letter sent home is going to Grand mum Weasley.'

Both boys gaped at her. That was possibly the worst punishment for them. Fred's mouth puckered and Hugo nodded.

Rose turned on her heel and stomped to her dorm room. While the other girls giggled over cute boys in a magazine Rose brushed her hair and flipped through the history book on death eaters. Sighing she tossed it aside and drew her bed curtains shut.