Contest Warning: I'm making a contest, I need a new character and it needs to be a girl. Okay so the thing you have to answer is how old do you think I am? The one closest to the right answer gets their character in my story! Wooooh, okay so hint, my age is in the double digits. And super sorry for the long wait.
This story is rated MA for Sex Slavery, cursing, dark themes, rape, etc. In this story you're going to want to kill this guy trust me. I wanted to while I was re-reading it.
-Pulls Zero close and points to the evil man, making tons of evil monkeys attack him. - Teehee the evil monkeys are from Family Guy if you don't already know. I and my bestie were watching it. I don't usually watch it but she forced me.
Bestie- *holds computer over the toilet* Watch Family Guy with me!
Yumi- No, my fan fiction, all my Yaoi is on there!
Bestie- Watch it with me or I'll drop it! -And then Zero came out of nowhere and shot her with his uke beam- *No I'm just joking but that would be cool. I ended up watching Family Guy with my bestie and ate popcorn*
End Flash-Back
Yumi- Family Guy is very perverted
Zero - And your not?
Yumi- *shakes head*
Zero- *points to screen, showing desktop picture of cute Zero and Kaname*
Yumi- That doesn't count!
Zero- *rolls eyes*
Yumi- That's it back in the closet! * push Zero into closet with Kaname* Rape him all you want Kana! * smiles evilly and walks back to computer. Types fan fiction while listening to Zer-Zer and Kana doing their thing*
A.U, the war (just like my last one) has ended making the humans lose, we are now forced into brothels, so Kaname has someone lol, as his personal slave. Kaname's parents never died and Zero never became a vampire. Yuki was never born. Ichiru and their parents died in the war. It's been 2 years since the ended of the war. If you don't like Yaoi don't read, kay. Thank you for picking, When the Rest of the World has Gone Mad.
Chapter 7: The Bloody Truth
Kaname ripped open the door to Yoshage's room. No one was in there. His expert hearing picked up on the sound of a shower running. So she was taking a shower but that didn't explain the smell of sex that lingered in the room. The smell of sex and Zero, those two smells he was very used to smelling at the same time, but now. Oh, god what if Zero walked in on her masturbating? The high and mighty pureblood had to hold back a laugh at the thought of innocent Zero walking in on the old maid technically fucking herself. Oh, well. Kaname soundlessly shut the door so Yoshage didn't hear him.
Sami couldn't believe what she was seeing laying in her fiance's bed. Another person not just a person but a slave! Kaname had himself a little whore and by the looks of his bitch he was took very good care of. For some reason she didn't understand was the jealousy she felt. This thing gets to be fucked by Kaname, her Kaname and she couldn't even talk to the other pureblood about the subject with out getting interrupted. Soon her jealousy melted into pure hatred and anger. Suddenly the silent's in the room was pierced by a high pitched scream. The young boy sat up in the bed and clutched his stomach, his screams continued. Tears rolling down his cheeks.
Kaname was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt an extremely painful ripping feeling in his lower abdomen, and then he heard a loud high pitched scream. He quickly ran to his own room. He found the room open with a screaming Zero curled in the fertile position on the floor and a very pissed Sami towering over him. "Sami calm down." Kaname told Sami softly. Sami's pureblood power was she could make it feel like she was rip your insides out, but for vampires she makes them actually rip your insides out to make the pain stop using only her mind but this power only worked when she got extremely pissed and right now she was steaming. He lightly grabbed her delicate arm and turned her to him. "Please just calm down."
"Why didn't you tell me about your little whore?" She yelled.
"It's nothing to really talk about." His words sound like a man who was found cheating on his wife and not at all giving a damn. Kaname winced inside from the pain and how much he just screwed himself. Her eyes turned murderous and red.
"Nothing to talk about? I think I deserve to know, I am your fiancé aren't I? So would it be okay if I got a whore and had him fuck me and you'd be okay with that?" She yelled even louder.
"You do and you are. Yes and doesn't your sister have one?" Kaname asked raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, you are so full of shit Kuran! She does but don't change the subject!" This wasn't working he was only adding logs to the fire that was her anger. If this continued Zero could die. (And that would be no fun right. Teehee okay back to the story.) Sami saw the concern in her man's eyes for the screaming boy and her anger started overflowing. Metal chains extended from the walls and wrapped around Kaname's wrists and ankles. (Oh, yeah I forgot to mention she can make chains and other metal objects-perfect for bondage- form from nowhere. Okay back to the story now, no more interrupting.) She slowly made her way over to the boy scrawled on the floor. She bent down by him and lapped up the drops of perspiration that rolled down his neck. His skin tasted sweat like virgin skin, but she could tell by the way the boy's skin seemed weak around one area, when she placed her fangs over two particular spots, it was not.
"So you where someone's feeding cattle, aye?" A devilish smile spread across her face, when she saw fear in the boy's widened eyes. Bingo! "So level B?"
"Stop…..please." His voice came out in soft pants.
"You sound submissive, so I wonder do you taste it." Sami's fangs grew. Her tongue ran up and down the boy's throat.
"Don't Sami!" She looked back at Kaname and giggled.
"I was just kidding so calm down." The young pureblood swayed to the oldest of the three. "So don't worry your sweet little head, but just so you know he is not a virgin. If you understand." The female caught the surprise run through Kaname's eyes.
What is she talking about of course Zero's not a virgin. I mean, I…we…. His thought trailed off, when he felt Sami's mouth by his neck.
"That's what I mean." She whispered seductively then kissed Kaname's throat. "I'll leave you two alone. Tea at two tomorrow, remember." And with that the pureblood princess was out the door.
The metal chains disappear but Kaname didn't notice. Zero was bitten. Is that why he cries whenever I pretend I want to bite him -even though I really do-. Guilt washed over the pureblood. I'm sorry Zero.
"…..Zero…uh are you okay?" The young human curled up into a little ball. He slowly nodded his head. Kaname moved from the wall over to the distressed ex-hunter. The pureblood lightly put his hand on the boy's soft sliver hair and stroked it. "Please, I know it hurts to talk about this but I need to know. What did they do to you?" He lifted his hand.
The slivered haired boy turned on his side to the man crouched down by him. "I-I'm f-fine." The littler of the two muttered choking on his tears. "W-when my parents were killed by the vampires they took me and I-Ichiru…" More tears escaped the slave's beautiful lavender eyes. "When we got back to their lair I could hear them discussing about who would take who. I ended up with the level D and I-Ichiru ended up with that….thing!" The trembling ex-hunter warped his arms around himself for protection. His overwhelmed heart going at full speed. Kaname put a gentle hand to the poor boy's sliver head.
"What did the Level D do to you?" The young pureblood asked trying his best to keep his voice calm.
"He didn't really do anything. Just drank from be every once in a while and…." His voice trailed off. Jealousy and anger hit the pureblood hard in the face. He want to devour Zero, steal his fantastic blood and then take him uncontrollable while the hunter screamed his name but…. "He was a painter." The boy's words cut Kaname's thought off. Zero looked Kaname in the eyes. "That man use to paint me."
The pureblood raised an eyebrow. "How did he paint you?"
"I would be naked when he painted me and he wouldn't use paint he would use my blood sometimes." Remembering those terrible nights made shivers go up and down the slave's spine. Kaname sudden felt the need to find this bastard and rip his head off. That's why I hate the smell of my own blood. Tears went down the boy's pale face.
"In what kind of positions?"
The younger of the two, gulped knowing his master would ask that sooner or later. Zero's voice came out timid. "Very um…sexual positions."
"Tell me exact ones and how old were you?"
"I-I was about…..s-seven or e-eight." The vampire prince's usually very unemotional eyes, lit with a murderous glow. Zero stood up slowly slightly shaking he walked to the bed and laied down horizontally on it. His pale naked body flush against the tan, plush coverlet. He pulled his left leg up, showing some of this big manhood. The human took his left hand and wrapped it sexually around his limp arousal. He then turned his head to the pureblood, -now standing right in front of him-. He gave his manhood a few ruff tugs and it sprang to life, making a rose colored blush spread across his face.
"And I would usually be wet with milk or when he was really horny, his seed." The boy muttered in a very sexy voice. Kaname was transfixed on the beautiful blushing boy. He was snapped out of his gaze when the boy moved to a different position. Zero sat at the edge of the bed. He spread his legs, and bowed his head. The ex-hunter palmed the top of his arousal, his head instantly whipped up and he let out a loud cry. The pureblood felt himself getting hard. Zero stood up again.
Kaname quickly moved to Zero. He put his hand on the boy's forearm. "That's okay I don't need to see anymore." The vampire prince's eyes wondered down to the boy's pride standing up very proudly. Zero looked down the same time Kaname did.
"Can I go into the bathroom to clean up, master?" Zero's sweet voice sounded like honey.
"No, you can't." Kaname pushed Zero lightly onto the bed.
"M-Master-." Zero started to protest.
"Ssssh, I don't want to hear a protest." The vampire laied a trail of kisses down the younger man's torso. Kaname stopped at the ex-hunter's prick. The pureblood gripped the boy's arousal. Kaname licked the under side of Zero's dick.
Kaname sucked on the tip of Zero's arousal. His tongue dipped into the younger boy's slit, licking up some of his precum. Kaname then came down hard on the boy's 'little-hunter'.
"Nggh!" The pureblood's head started bobbing very fast.
"H-Haaa ahh! Harder!"
"How much harder do you want it my little pet?"
"R-Really hard!" Kaname rewrapped his hand around the boy's arousal and roughly pulled his hand up as he moved his mouth up and then plugged down extremely hard onto Zero. After repeating this serval times Zero came hard into the back of Kaname's throat. The pureblood prince milked the boy for all he was worth. Zero arched his back.
"Ka- Kana- Kaname!"
The little boy pasted out exhausted from the hard oral sex. Kaname stood up and straightened his clothes. He moved over to the boy and put his gorgeous sliver hair behind his flushed ears. Kaname felt his 'stone' heart fluttered at the slight of the peaceful face of the little hunter. He knew that this feeling was being awakened inside of him because of the bond they shared but he felt happy….somehow. A sweet smile -I know gasp Kaname smiled- spread across the pureblood's usually very emotionless face.
"I think I love you Zero." Kaname licked his lips wiping up the leftover remains of his little lovers pleasure. Kaname walked slowly and quietly to the bathroom to clean up.
Yay! I'm Alive! -My leave wasn't as long as Sagakure's but still- I BACK! I hope this fills up a lot of questions.