A.N. This is the second story in my series, so I suggest you read the first one or else you won't know who is who and how all this happened. The first story is So He Was An Involve Parent. Anyway, let me say this first, I don't own anything here except for a few characters and the plot. Actually, I don't own the entire plot since soonersgirl86 gave me a lot of ideas. And it starts when they get back to camp. This is sort of a prolouge/1st Chapter


"Percy!" A voice yelled. I turned toward the big house to see none other than my mother, surrounded by the Olympian Gods and Goddess, Hades, Persephone and Paul, who looked lost.

She ran over to me and hugged me. I peeked a look at Katerina. She had that worried look on her face. I grabbed her wrist so she wouldn't run away; after all, water wasn't too far away...

I pulled away from my mom. "Mom. You need to meet someone..."

"Who... Katerina!" She yelled throwing her arms around Kat, "My baby girl!" I could see tears in my mother's eyes. I never realized how much she missed her daughter.

"Percy. You have done well." My dad said walking up to he and me was flanked by none other than his brothers.

"Thank you, Lord Poseidon...Thanks Dad." I rephrased when I saw the look on his face. It a long story... "Sorry. Habit."

"Well, you had better brake it." Athena said, coming up behind the brothers. "Oh and Poseidon, I want that book replaced."

My dad and I both laughed and he agreed. "And you better keep you children in line better!" She turned on Zeus.

"How was I supposed to know he would try to kill us?"

"Why do you think I gave you brains?" She yelled.

Then she stormed over to where Annabeth and Thalia were sitting by the water. Thalia looked up at the goddess, her eyes widened, and then she was out of there. She ran over to me.

"What did you do to Athena? She's poed!" She yelled at me.

"Ask your dad." She turned to her dad.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said and he stormed back to the big house. Thalia then turned to me.

"Nope." My dad laughed at that.

"Well, I'm going to go see if I can pry your mother away from Kat long enough to speak to her."

"Good luck with that." I said.

"Nico!" Thalia yelled and running over to Nico who was just walking into the area. We had had to ditch him, Clarisse, Bianca and Luke so we could all get back since there weren't enough seats. We took the first train and they took the second.

"Get away from her!" A new voice yelled, Luke had been helping Clarisse down the hill,and now he was being tackled down a hill. For him it was a no win situation, if he hurts the guy, he gets in huge trouble, if he doesn't the other guy may kill him.

"Chris! Get the hell off of him!" Clarisse yelled.

"What!" He yelled. Looking up at Clarisse who was now leaning on Bianca and Thalia.

"Get off of him!" Clarisse yelled again.

"Make me!"

"Fine!" This time it was Katerina. No later than a second after she yelled the word a huge gust of water flew over the top of the big house and came crashing down on the two boys. It flew away quickly, but this time, Chris was in his clutches.

"Kat. Set him down right over here." She did as she was told. I had told her everyone about Clarisse's...predicament...on the way home. And don't think I'm spreading rumors because I'm not... We were hatching a plan, "Chris, why don't you take a walk with Thalia, Nico and I?"

"Okay cool." He thought it was so cool being invited to walk with the children of the big three... oh it was going to be cool alright.

The four of us walked away from everything and towards the beach. When we got there, Thalia spoke, "Now tell me, and I want a yes or no answer, before we left, were you pressuring Clarisse into...oh I don't know... sex?"

"Of course not!" He yelled.

"I can tell when your lying you know." Nico said, and to add to the effect, he made himself a throne much like the one his father has down in the underworld. Thalia and I both did the same with our father's thrones. So now, Chris was standing in the middle of three children of the big three, all of which are powerful enough to create thrones for themselves, (hardly any demi-god can do it...).

"But I'm not lying." He said.

"Listen. We are by the sea, so I have a lot of water at my command. Thalia can summon lightning at will and Nico can form an army of dead guys. Do you really want to lie to us?" I asked.

"I can fight too you know..."

"A son of Hermes is no match for sons of Hades and Poseidon and a Daughter of Zeus." Nico said.

"And a god who is also the father." A voice said. Our thrones shifted and a new one appeared. And in it's seat was Ares.

"Um. My lord...I..."

"Can it." Ares said. "Did you or did you not pressure my daughter into sex?"

"I...I... I...I did, sir." He said.

"Okay then. I'll be right back." With that Ares disappeared. Once again our thrones shifted and another appeared. Ares was back in his seat with Hera in the other.

"So you pressured Clarisse de Rue into sex?" Hera asked.

"No. I tried to, but it didn't work."

"I see. Do you know the consequences sex could have?"


"That's right pregnancy. But I don't think you truly understand it... so I think you will go through what you almost made my grand daughter go through..." She snapped her finger, but nothing happened.

"Did you just make him pregnant?" Thalia asked looking at Chris like she was seeing a two-headed squirrel.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Take an early pregnancy test." And then she was gone.

"Gotta love my mom." Ares said, and then he disappeared too.

"So am I pregnant?" Chris asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Never thought I would hear a guy ask if he was pregnant." Nico said, "Wait. If you were... how would that work?"

Thalia just started laughing. "Did she give you an extra hole too?" Thalia said through her laughter.

"Queen Hera!" He yelled running towards the big house.

The three of us just sat their, Thalia and I laughing and Nico smirking. "What's so funny?" Clarisse asked as she and Annabeth came onto the beach.

"Your boyfriend might be pregnant." Nico said. Thalia and I laughed harder and Annabeth and Clarisse looked at us like we were crazy.

"What?" Annabeth asked.

"Chris may be pregnant."

"Hera?" She asked. I nodded, "Interesting."