
Sookie looked over the top of her glass as the scene before her unfolded. To her right Galeal sat spoon feeding their son. To her left Aelthi entertained a very bemused Eliana, beside Aelthi sat Galeal's parents. Both of which were eating happily and conversing with Claudine and her husband. Claude sat opposite her on the table smirking at her expression.

"Problem?" she asked him.

"No," he smirked again. "Majesty." With that she went back to drinking the wine that Markus had brought for the Thanksgiving celebration.

"Go easy on that," a voice whispered. Sookie looked at Galeal who was suddenly glaring at her. "You barely touched your meal, yet you've been drinking that stuff like it's air." She noticed the sudden lull in conversation as she put her glass back down and went back to pecking at the meal in front of her.

Truth be told it was the most majestic meal her chefs had ever prepared. Everything looked and smelt amazing, she had been told it was all home grown making it even more magical. However the thought of food repulsed her.

"So," she said brightening up gently. "Markus," she grinned. "How long have you known Aelthi for then?" If this was an odd question neither said anything, Claude however simply smirked more and topped his glass up.

"Oh," the old man laughed. "What feels like millennia," he chuckled. "A very good family friend."

"I bet," Claude commented. "Is that why Aelthi orchestrated getting Sookie knocked up by your son?"

The silence on the table then made her chuckle to herself.

"What's knocked up?" Eliana asked looking at her mother.

"Galeal," she said gently. "There is nothing you can say."

"She is a Quail," he said looking at her. "She was Gabriel's Aunt."

"She was what now," Sookie asked.

"Gabriel's Aunt," he repeated.

"No," Sookie snapped. "She cannot have been, I would have been introduced to her during our courtship," at this he sighed and rubbed his face.

"She wouldn't have been around for that, she wasn't exactly a close family member," he explained.

"But she is a Quail?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Do you have any idea what I did to the Quails?" she asked advancing on him. "What I had my men do to that family?"

"I have," he paused and coughed. "I have heard the rumours yes."

"Does Aelthi know?"

"What doesn't that man know," Galeal laughed. He stood awkwardly as she sat herself down on the sofa at the end of their bed. Her long golden hair was hanging around her face, obscuring her face from his sight. Sookie's face however was scrunched up as she thought over the last few years with her so called advisor.

"You know," she said finally. "It was Aelthi who came up with half the stuff we did to the Quails," she rose from the sofa and ran her hand through her hair staring at him. "I need to go for a walk."

Sookie was walking through the rose gardens when she felt the presence of Dima behind her. She turned looking at the blank spot he created before smiling gently.

"Show yourself," she whispered. Within a blink he was there before her, his hair clearly rumpled from sleep. His usual uniform was untucked and he had even put his tunic on inside out. "Did I awake you?"

"Your protection is my priority," he said. Or would have said if not for a yawn half way through his sentence.

"You don't like Aelthi do you?" she asked him simply. "Or Galeal." He coughed before shaking his head at her, Sookie tilted her head to the side. "Why?" Again he coughed before shrugging his giant shoulders. "Answer me."

Dima looked at her as she stood in the centre of her roses. Her hair was down for a change, her eyes sparkling, she hadn't realised that she had stepped away from the house in literally a silk slip. Her feet already turning black from walking on dirt.

"Sneaky," he said simply. "Pair of them, don't like sneaky people."

"Did you know that Galeal's mother was a Quail?" With that he snapped his eyes to the house and glared gently.

"I assume that means you did not?"

"Indeed," she smiled at him.

"Majesty," he coughed. "You are young, you are not full fairy. You," he paused.


"Are exceptional," he breathed. "When you began talking to Eric about an heir it was almost as if a switch went off in Aelthi's sneaky little head. Within days Galeal appeared at my door wanting to join the guards. I sent him away, too young. He needed more training than I cared to give him and he did not want to face the mountains. Within another day he was suddenly on my guard rota. Aelthi called it a favour. I called it bullshit," he said using a phrase he had learnt from Eric. "Majesty," he whispered moving closer to her. "You should remove them both from your side."

"You believe Aelthi orchestrated this whole thing?"

"If anyone could, it would be him," he nodded. "He came into your life when you were most vulnerable. He wormed his way into your most inner circle, your thoughts and his are practically one."

"He makes a good point cousin," Claude said stumbling towards them. His cocksure grin was firmly on his face as he held his hands up in surrender. "I was taking a night time stroll with one of the porter boys," he winked.

"Galeal loves me," Sookie told them.

"Of that I do not know," Dima admitted. "He does dote on the children."

"He's nice to look at as well," Claude burped sitting down on the nearest bench. "I told you to just have children with me cousin."

"Anyone would have been preferred," Dima muttered.

"He just wants to fuck you," Claude laughed. "It's obvious, not once has he ever looked at you without thinking it."

"I am the Queens Guard," Dima roared.

"I am her cousin," Claude laughed. "I have at least thought about it 10 times…today," he laughed again.

"What do I do?" she asked looking at Dima.

"Remove them," he said instantly.

"No," Claude said rising. "You must be more tactful," he wrapped her in his arms and buried his face into her hair and neck. "Let us have fun cousin. Let us make them sweat."

"Claude," Sookie snapped sounding as appalled as she could manage. "Apologise this instant." He rose from the table and did a mock bow before apologising and flopping back into his chair. The conversation built again around them before Sookie extended her arms for her daughter. Eliana went happily onto her lap and began playing with the weaves of flowers that Sookie had plaited into her hair that morning.

"You are looking beautiful today daughter of mine," she whispered.

"You look beautiful every day Ma," she grinned back.

"You both look lovely," a voice piped up. Sookie smiled at the last remaining Quail in her realm and surveyed her again. She was very much like Galeal, her hair a soft shade of blonde and her eyes sparkling. She was also exceptionally timid, when asked a question her first instinct was to look at Markus before she answered. Sookie had not been prepared for this encounter, she had asked Galeal about his mother and he had described her as a tyrant. She had raised all the children by herself as Markus went off playing council or being a solider in the war with Niall. Clearly over the years something had worn Marissa down and now she was just sat staring at Sookie and the children like they were heaven sent.

As they all made their way into the gardens for a stroll to the beach Sookie felt an hand placed onto her arm. Turning she noticed Marissa stood quite awkwardly at her side. Waving on her family Sookie turned her full attention to the little woman in front of her.

"You did not want me here," she said instantly. "I did not particularly want to be here either. We both did this out of love for my son."

"My children deserve to know their Grandparents," Sookie smiled innocently.

"Ah," Marissa smirked. "Does everyone fall for the act? Or is it just men?"

"I have no idea what you mean," Sookie laughed.

"You have to be the most exceptionally beautiful looking fairy I have seen within the last 300 years. Rumours have it that you're telepathic in your home world. That you married a vampire that you ended wars," she smiled. "That you had my sister killed and her ashes scattered to the highest bidder."

"Rumours," Sookie sighed. "Only rumours."

"Men will just see the pretty face, the doting eyes, the little blush on your cheeks…"

"The tits, the legs, the waist," Sookie finished for her.

"My, my," Marissa smiled. "Aren't we feisty. Just know that this act, does not work on me. I see you for what you are. You are just like Niall, you use those around you and when you're done you scatter them on bars and collect the profits. My son deserves better than this."

"Your son," Sookie snapped. "Is a Queens Guard, he was only promoted to the House duty because I was fucking him," she hissed.

"If you believe that, then you're even more stupid than I thought," Marissa told her.

"Now, now," a voice chuckled. "Ladies," Aelthi said sliding beside them. "You are missed Majesty," he said pushing her gently away from the conversation. Sookie allowed herself to walk away as she noticed that Dima had awaited her at the doors. With a slight smile she linked her arm through his and together they began a walk through the gardens.

"Already replaced I see," Galeal commented as she caught up with them. She paid no attention to him as she pointed out to Dima the new trees she had recently planted and the lighter shade of paint she wanted the walls doing. Her children were running ahead of her as she did all this before she noticed Aelthi walking back alone.

"Marissa sends her apologies but she has departed for the evening," he said with a bow. "Majesty?" he asked extending his arm to her. "Maybe we should take a stroll on the beach with our guests?"

"Maybe we should," she smiled. "You do come up with some excellent ideas Aelthi; truly, I would be lost without you."

"Yes," Claude said wrapping an arm around her neck. "What would we do without the great and wise Aelthi," quickly kissing Sookie's cheek he pranced after his sister laughing gently to himself.

Sookie allowed Aelthi to take her hand as they began their walk. In front of them her children were chasing each other, their laughter floating back towards them every now and then.

"You are in a particularly funny mood today," he commented.


"The past week since you're argument with Galeal you've barely summoned me. Then today your cousin verbally insults me," he paused to shift some stones back onto the path. Sookie continued her stroll a small smile creeping onto her face.

"My cousin only has my best interests at heart," she said turning to look at him.

"Meaning I don't?" he snapped at her. Behind them Dima shimmered into view, his hand poised near his sword. "Oh stand down," he growled. "Majesty," he sighed. "Any issues you feel you have with me, we can discuss them later."

"Indeed," she sighed extending an arm for Dima. "Take me home, ask Galeal to bring the children back before its dark."

Aelthi watched Sookie walk away, her golden hair trailing around her waist, her face poised towards the evening sunshine as he stood in place. He watched as Dima turned to look at him and scowl profusely, behind him he heard the sound of Galeal jogging towards him.

"Where is she going now," he snapped.

"She has a headache apparently," he lied smoothly. "Dima is taking her inside."

"She's probably drunk," the guard muttered.

"That is a possibility. He'll see that she's fed and in bed shortly am sure. She wants the children returning before dark," he commented turning towards Galeal.

"I can care for my own children," he snapped.

"Her children," Aelthi muttered. "You were merely a sperm donor," he said smiling gently. "Couldn't keep your mouth shut could you about your mother being a Quail?"

"What has that got to do with anything…"

"Anything? It has to do with everything," Aelthi hissed at him. "I have worked too hard, too long for you to come along and mess this up," with that he turned and caught up with the rest of the family. The two royal children were playing happily with their Grandfather, their golden hair shimmering as they ran circles around him.

"What is your game?" Galeal growled appearing beside him.

"Game?" he laughed. "Oh no," he laughed. "It is no game, it is more of a…experiment," he said. "Yes, an experiment."

A/N: Am not happy with this chapter at all. It feels rushed and a bit confused so I dread to think what you've all thought of it. I feel a little lost with this story again, so I apologise.