So, I promised a Sunday update, so here you go! So, I really don't like to write action stuff. Because watching it is so much better, so I'm going to skip the whole-rescue-Han-thing. I'm super sorry, but that's not really a necessity to this story. If you want to see Han get saved, go watch the movie. So the first part of this is before Luke leaves to save Han, and then it skips to after. Reviews would be greatly appreciated! Just saying…

Sand is everywhere. It spreads to the horizon and back. Any person not knowing where they were would have no chance of finding water, shelter, or food. They would be left here to waste away into bones. Soon the perilous sand storms would erode even their bones away, and it would be as if they never existed.

Only one planet is like this. Anakin's home planet: Tatooine.

Lando, Chewie, the droids, and my children are planning an escape for Han. Luke is now a Jedi Knight, and almost as powerful as his father once was. In some ways he is more powerful, because he can keep a cool head.

I watch my son sleep every night. He has nightmares about his father coming to kill him. I try to soothe him by talking to him, and the only memory he has of me plays over and over into his mind. Often I see this look on his face, and I know he is thinking about it. Sometimes I can hear my own voice playing from his mind.

Obi Wan….there…is good in…him. I know… there is still…

Despite his nightmares about his father, he still clings to that memory. He wants to believe so badly that his father can be changed, and I believe that memory is pushing him towards that. Slowly he began to form an opinion that his father can be saved, and now that opinion is strong. So strong, in fact, that I believe he is almost ready to confront his father.

But before he can confront his father; Han must be saved. Han's a great starpilot, and he suspect he will be one of the key people to help destroy the Empire.

I know the battle is about to begin, and this is the battle that will end the war. Any force-sensitive can feel the shift, and because I'm one with the Force I feel it even if it shifts barely. I can only hope that the Force shifts in a way, so that we win and peace will be restored to the galaxy.

Close to me is the Falcon. Luke is inside it, waiting for the time in which he must go to Jabba's. Leia and Chewie have been gone for too long, therefore it seems like they will have to resort to Plan B. Plan Luke.

Soon my son appears out of the Falcon. He gives a long look at the sunset, I move beside him. I can see the worry etched into his face, so I lean in close.

"There is still good in him." I whisper.

This triggers the memory. I watch Luke's face smooth out, and he sets determinedly out. I watch him walk into the sun, and soon become a black dot on the horizon. After that, my son is gone. Off to save the day. I smile as warmth fills my body.

Luke is not the only one who has been training. Qui Gon and Yoda have taught me well, and I am the strongest I have ever been. Each night I try to probe at my husband's mind, but he never lets me communicate with him. But I can still hear his thoughts, and they are filled with doubts about the Emperor more and more each day.

Unfortunately these thoughts are not leading him away from the dark side of the Force. He wants Luke to join him and rule as father as son. I recall him wanting the same thing with me. He's always wanted to be at the top of the totem pole. His ambition is his downful.

"He's very braze." A voice says behind me.

I turn and smile at Qui Gon, "He is."

"He get's that from you."

My gaze wonders back to the sun, and I stare thoughtfully at it, "No. He get's that from his father."


That rescue really had my heart racing. It was more scary than the Battle of Geonosis. This time it was my children's lives on line, not mine. But cunning Luke got everybody away safely. And Leia took care of Jabba. I want so badly to congratulate my kids, but I cannot. But I let my love surround them, in hope that they can feel it.

Luke is on his way to see Yoda. I am dreading this meeting, because Yoda has warned me in advance that he will be joining us soon. Once again, Luke will lose another loved one. I can't help but wonder, how much can he take?

I wait with Yoda in his hut, and soon Luke walks in, "Ah, Luke! To see you again is good, yes, hmm?"

Luke offered him a faint smile back and thoughts of his father cross his face. But then Luke watches as Master Yoda walks slowly around his hut, and Luke realizes just how much he has aged. Yoda notices Luke observing him.

"Hmm. That face you make? Look I so old to young eyes?" Yoda question.

"No, of course not." Luke lies.

Yoda scoffs, "I do, yes, I do! Sick I have become, old an week," Yoda pauses and points a little green finger at Luke, "When nine hundered years old you reach, look this good you will not, hmm."

Yoda crossed the room slowly, and made quite an effort to climb up on his bed. If I had the ability, I would cry. The Jedi Master I always knew was strong and a great warrior. Now he is literally on his death bed. It is so sad that things have to change, so sad.

"Soon, will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned it, I have." Weaky, Yoda pulls the blanket over him. I want to help, but I know I will not be able to.

"Master Yoda, you can't die." Luke pleads.

"Strong I am with the Force, but not that strong. Twilight is upon me, and soon night must fall. That is the way of things," Yoda looks at Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and I, "The way of the Force."

"But I need your help! I've come back to complete my training."

"No more training do you require. Already know you that which you need." I hear the double meaning in his words.

"Then I am a Jedi." Look says in aw.

Yoda shakes his head, "Oh, not yet. One thing remains. Vader, you must confront Vader! Only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will."

Luke hesitates and stares at the ailing Yoda, "Master Yoda, is Darth Vader my father?"

"Mhmm rest I need. Yes. Rest."

"Yoda, I must know."

Yoda looks at me, and a sad smile crosses his face. He is asking my permission.

"Go ahead. He's been lied to all his life. He needs to know the truth now."

"Your father, he is. Told you, did he?"


"Unexpected this is and unfortunate."

"Unfortunate that I know the truth?" Luke asks angrily.

Yoda looks sadly at Luke. Right now he sees Anakin, not Luke. And this worries him.

"Talk to him, Yoda. He'll calm down." I urge.

"No. Unfortunate that you rushed to face him, that incomplete was your training. That not ready for the burden you were."

Luke's face softens, "I'm sorry."

Relief washes over Yoda's weak face, "Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware: Anger, fear, aggression, the dark side they are. Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny." Breathing became difficult for Yoda. I want to look away. I am remembering my own death. How it felt to have my breathing lesson, and the world I know fade around me. But I keep my gaze on the scene. There is one thing left for Luke to know.

"Yoda, tell him, tell him about Leia. He needs to know. He is strong enough, it is time." I say.

Obi Wan gives me a bewildered look, "Are you sure?"

I nod firmly, "positive."

"Luke…Luke..Do not…do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or..suffer..your father's fate, you will. Luke..when gone am I..the last of the Jedi will you be. Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, Luke."

"Yoda, tell him. You can do it." I whisper.

Yoda closes his eyes, and gives Luke hope in his dying breath, just as I did, "There is……walker."

The great Jedi Master became one with the Force.

Luke stared at the empty bed with astonishment. Another loved one has left him. I can see pain on his face. He feels the same way I did before I did. Alone. Completely and utterly alone.

Luke get's ready to leave.

"Obi Wan, you need to talk to him. Look at his face, he's crushed. He might do something drastic if you don't talk to him." I advise.

"I can't do it, Artoo. I can't go on alone." Luke mutters.

"Yoda will always be with you." Obi Wan says soothingly.


Luke nears Ben's spirit.

"Why didn't you tell me? You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father."

"Your father was seduced by the dark side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I told was true, from a certain point of view."

I remember the moment in which Darth Vader had risen to the surface.


"A certain point of view!"

"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. Anakin was a good friend. When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot. But I was amaze how strongly the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought that I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong."

"There is still good in him." Luke said firmly. I smile and stand behind my son. My hand rests on his shoulder. Obi Wan glances up at me, remembering my final words.

"He's more machine now than man," Obi Wan says to both of us, "Twisted and evil."

"I can't do it Ben."

"You cannot escape your destiny. You must face Darth Vader again."

"I can't kill my own father!"

"He can't kill his own father!" I repeat.

"Then the Emperor has already won. You were our only hope."

My eyes narrow at Obi Wan. Why does he always have to be so negative?

"Yoda spoke of another."

"Tell him Obi Wan." I insist.

"The other spoke of is your twin sister."

"But I have no sister."

"To protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from your father when you were born. The Emperor knew, as I did, if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. That is the reason why your sister remains safely anonymous."

Realization crosses Luke's face, "Leia! Leia's my sister!"

"Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor."

Luke nods in agreement. He glances away, but by the time he glances back Obi Wan has already disappeared into the Force, hidden from Luke's vision.

The three of us watch Luke leave. When his spaceship is just a dot in the sky, Qui Gon finally speaks.

"Where's Yoda? And why hasn't he joined us yet?"