Authors Note: Here's the last chapter. Thanks to everyone who has bothered to read all the way through this, and special thanks to Cort 85 who has reviewed every chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own.

"Killed?" Jack asked, "As in dead?"

"Yes," the sheriff answered. "I have a feeling that fellow Ryan had something to do with it."

"Why would he do that?" Dalton asked. "He was his partner."

The sheriff just shook his head. But Jack knew, "He didn't want him to tell anything."

"Some partner," Dalton muttered.

Jack turned around and jumped into the car. Something needed to be done before someone innocent got hurt. "Where are you going?" Dalton demanded.

"Stay here with Mom. I'll be back in a few hours," Jack ordered. Dalton made a move to get in the car, but Jack drove off before he got the chance.

"I know the way. It would probably be easier if I drove."

Jack snorted. "I am not going to be blamed for wrecking when I didn't do it."

"I can drive."

"Accidents happen." Jack paused for a moment. "Didn't you say you drove here? Where's your car?"

"At the edge of town. I jumped out to try to throw them off."

"How about we use it. Then you can drive. You do have the keys don't you?"

" No, but that shouldn't be a problem."

"You can hotwire a car?"

"Yes," MacGyver admitted slowly.

"Sweet!" Jack declared.

With a few directions from MacGyver, they soon reached the spot where the car was parked.

"This is your car?" Jack asked incredulously. He was somehow expecting something different from MacGyver. MacGyver took control. Jack was beginning to get used to the feeling.

MacGyver surveyed the purple van and grimaced slightly. "It's a rental." Opening the car door he got out and strode toward the other vehicle. "There wasn't time to lock it."

He walked around the front of the van and came face to face with Ryan. Ryan didn't seem too surprised. "So there is something valuable hidden in the van." Ryan smiled. MacGyver didn't see it though. His eyes were focused on the gun in Ryan's hand. "I've been searching for anything Jones might have left, but I haven't found anything. Perhaps you'd show me?"

MacGyver had automatically raised his hands upon seeing the gun. He now lowered them just an inch. He had to do something. He couldn't let his new host be killed.

"You better think of something!"

MacGyver started inwardly in surprise. He thought he had kept those thoughts to himself. It seemed he had blended more with Jack than he thought.

"There isn't anything in there," MacGyver tried to bide for time.

"Is there?" Ryan cocked his head. "Then what are you doing here?"

MacGyver smiled. "I thought I'd just take the van for a drive."

"Don't be silly with me, boy," Ryan hissed. "What connection do you have with Jones."

"I used to live in him," MacGyver smirked, but Jack could tell the smile was fake. He could feel MacGyver's rage building up, overwhelming his mind. Jack let it, adding his own anger for this man who would so willing kill his family. "He was my best friend." MacGyver let their combined anger loose and jumped forward.

Ryan gasped. One second he was winning, pointing the gun at the boy with a smile on his face, the next second the gun was knocked out of his hands and he was being pressed against the van with inhuman force.

MacGyver pulled his fist back. He should kill the man but he couldn't. That would make him just like Ryan. Instead he prepared to knock the man out.

When the boy moved his fist back it gave Ryan just the chance he needed. Using his free arm he flicked his hand, revealing a knife. He stabbed forward at the same time kicking out.

MacGyver cried out as the knife sank into his stomach, and the force of the kick sent him flying backwards. In an instant Ryan was over top of him. MacGyver rolled, barely missing the second stab. He didn't even have time to get to his feet before Ryan was on him again. MacGyver kicked out in an attempt to trip him, but Ryan would not be surprised a second time. Nimbly he avoided the kick and drew close to MacGyver again, knife ready.

"Can't we talk about this?" MacGyver asked. Ryan's only answer was to bring the knife down. MacGyver's hand shot out and grabbed his would-be killer's wrist. With a jerk he sent the man flying over his head. He scrambled to his feet and firmly planted his foot on the fallen knife. He could feel Jack's body weakening and realized the only reason it hadn't collapsed was his firm hold on it. He wouldn't be able to fight much longer.

The instant Ryan hit the ground he was on his feet again. Quickly he pulled a knife from his belt.

"How many knives does he have?" Jack asked, "Gah, this hurts."

"Sorry," MacGyver apologized.

"For crying out loud! Pick up the knife!" Jack yelled.

MacGyver was about to take Jack's advice and pick up the knife when Ryan charged. MacGyver leapt sideways barely avoiding the now crazed man.

Thud! Quickly MacGyver turned around, wondering if Ryan had produced some new way to attack him. What he saw was Ryan lying on the ground where he had obviously tripped and fallen. MacGyver waited a second, expecting him to jump back to his feet and renew the attack. When he didn't MacGyver moved forward. Cautiously he approached, wondering if this was some trick, but then he saw the blood. He turned Ryan over with his foot. The murderer's own knife was embedded in him. MacGyver knelt down and felt for a pulse. There was none.

MacGyver slumped down beside his enemy as Jack's body finally gave out.

"At least he's dead," Jack thought. "If I'm going to die, he should be dead too."

"You're not going to die. I can heal you remember?" MacGyver released his hold, he needed to concentrate all his energies on healing Jack.

"So I'm not too far gone?"

"No, you're not too far gone."

Jack smiled. "You know in the last couple of days I've come closer to dying more times then I have in my entire life. You sure were right when you said you attracted trouble."

Years Later

Jack stood in front of a mirror eying himself. It was amazing how different he looked. The military uniform had been exchanged for a pair of jeans, tee shirt, and a leather jacket. Those looked alright and were a simple change. It was the hair that was shocking. It definitely couldn't be called military anymore. He had a mullet for crying out loud! Jack's face darkened as he turned to the reason for these changes. He was having to hide. He was running from the government! He was going AWOL. Jack sighed, and ran a hand through his now long hair. His hopes of a military career had been crushed. Much to his surprise MacGyver hadn't ruined his life. He had joined the Air Force as planned.

The first time he had gotten hurt, no one had been around, and MacGyver had healed him. The second time it was small enough MacGyver didn't have to heal him. The third time however was life or death, and he was surrounded by people. MacGyver had to heal him, and that attracted attention. Too much attention. Nothing was said about it and Jack had hoped everyone would forget, but then his Colonel had ordered him to come to his office. Jack could still remember the conversation.

"Jack O'Neill."

"Yes, sir." Jack saluted.

"Sit down, what I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy." He gestured toward a chair, and Jack sat down. "Certain members of the government are very interested in you."

"Me?" Jack asked.

"Yes you," he sighed. "Your ability to heal has caught their attention."

"Heal, sir?" Jack tried to act casual, but his face paled.

"You know what I'm talking about. I don't know how you do it and I'm not interested, but they are, along with several scientists." He took a deep breath. "To put it bluntly, they want to experiment on you."

"They can't do that!" Jack cried. MacGyver's restraining touch was the only thing keeping him from leaping up and panicking.

"It would be easy. A simple accident, you're reported dead and are never seen again. They can and they will, if they can catch you. This is why I'm warning you now. You can still run."

"Are you suggesting…" Jack's voice trailed off.

"Yes," he answered. "It's your only choice."

Jack nodded and stood up. "Sir, may I ask why you're telling me this?"

"I serve my country, not the government," was the answer.

So here he was looking at himself in the mirror. Soon Jack O'Neill would be no more, and in his place would be MacGyver. A few years ago Jack would have fought against the idea of MacGyver being in control most of the time, but now he knew Mac better and the idea wasn't so repulsive. He looked at his hair again. It was still amazing that MacGyver could make it grow so quickly.

"Do you like it?" MacGyver asked.

"It makes me look like a hippy!"

"Its not that bad."

"Hmph. That's your opinion."

"Well are you ready?"

"We've been switching for years."

"You know what I mean."

"Oh. Well in that case, I'm ready."

MacGyver took control. Officially Jack was dead, killed in an explosion. His life was ended. MacGyver's life was just beginning.

The End

Well that's the end of this story. I am planning on going through both the MacGyver years and the Stargate years, telling how this changes things. The first chapter of a new story will be up soon. Thanks again for reading.