I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You to those who have reviewed. Reviews are my Fuel. Sorry for the short chapter…

My Baby Is Alaska

By Waterrain

"America, What is wrong? What did Russia say to you?" Germany asked as he grabbed the blue eyed Nation's elbow.

"He asked me why don't I just get rid of the baby. I'm not ever going to get rid of my baby. My baby is not a burden. Russia claimed that he could help me in many ways." America managed to say calmly, he moved his elbow from Germany's grasp, and turned to look at him. "You can leave at any time and stuff."

"America, I'm not going to leave you. Let's go to your home and I will make you something to eat." Germany commented firmly and he received a bright smile from America.

"We could also watch some horror films." America said cheerfully and they went on their way walking side by side. Germany listened to the blue eyed Nation chattering, he replied at times, and America is not one to let anyone or anything ruin his mood for a long amount of time.

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