(Dallas Fellow Of The Sun Church Basement.)

Godric sat on the cold concrete floor his legs in the Indian style position. The palms of his hands rested on his knees. The youthful looking man appeared a statue dressed in off white linens so thin you could see the silhouette of his tattoos beneath the cloth. Another man watched him through the porthole door of the cell, the tiny window smaller then palm of a full grown man's hand. A lopsided smirk crossed the preachers face as he used the key to unlock the door to step inside. His beige slacks appeared freshly pressed, the creamy yellow dress shirt he wore had the top few buttons left undone with a cardigan sweater draped over his shoulders, the sleeves tied in front of him. "So devil are you hungry?" Steve asked when two guards came in behind armed with guns.

Only the full lips of the seemingly young man moved as he continued to sit in front of the coffin that rested on the floor behind him. "I am fine. It was kind of you to offer." His voice sounded tired and empty, the accent untraceable.

Steve stared down at the vampire in front of him and made a motioned with one hand to the men behind him. The other hand reached to comb back the preachers dark locks before a guard behind him left and returned with a chair. "Your kind deserve to die!" Steve spat the anger and venom suddenly coming from nowhere. "You kill humans! You were once human! It is a sin against God that you live, yet you sit here as if you have never done anything wrong! How many of us have you killed?"

Sad eyes snapped open to look upon Steve as he sat in in a chair the guards had brought to him poised as if ready to strike. "That number would be beyond your comprehension, and for this I am more remorseful then you can ever imagine." Godric's voice truly sounded calm yet tinged with sadness as he gazed at the humans in front of him.

"You admit it? You a devil, a demon, admit you have murdered us like cattle. You are a wolf among sheep the very type of demon our God has warned us of for ages." Steve raged.

"I am what I am, and can be no more or less then what fate has deemed me to be. So here I have come in hope to gain forgiveness. I may not deserve it but pray for it none the less." The guards pondered at how calm the ageless youth was as he sat before the minister of their faith.

An indignant snort left Steve's lips as he looked down at Godric meeting his eyes with his own for the first time. "You deserve to die for your sins against God and Humanity!" His voice had an arrogant and condescending tone to it as he continued to look upon Godric.

"Perhaps, perhaps an end to the existence I have suffered is more then I deserve." Godric's gaze shifted from Steve to the men behind him and back again. "Will you end my suffering Steve? Will my final death appease your hate and anger. Will it show you what you need to see?" He asked almost mournfully.

"You want to die?" Steve was curious now.

"I am already dead." Godric's answer was cryptic.

"Yes.. yes you are." Steve looked at Godric wearily out of the corner of his eye.

"I have never feared Death for it has already taken who I was and erased the life I once lived." One of the guards behind Steve nodded in agreement with the vampire before them.

"Indeed it has indeed it has." Steve replied smugly. "You seem intent on staying of your own accord." The smugness turned to curiosity.

"I offered myself to you as a sign of peace. I keep my word." It was a simple response yet not so simple to those who knew the meaning behind it.

"Fine you will have the ability to move around in the storage facility but if you attempt leave we will end you." Steve stood up and began to walk out. "Oh and stay out of the locked rooms." He waved his hand in the air toward the guards as they left the chamber. Godric closed his eyes once again and never moved. His ears still catching the voices of those who had left the room

The guard looked concerned and cleared his throat hesitantly.: "Are you really going to let him walk around down here? Will it be safe?"

Stave rolled his eyes. "For the love of God man can't you see the pathetic monster wants to die, all he has done for days is sit there. If you are so concerned tell Gabe to watch the door to the basement."

A delicate eyebrow rose at the assumption Steve made, the only movement outside of speaking and opening his eyes the seeming young mans body made for several days.

(Eric's Room Hotel Carmilla Sookie's POV.)

I shuddered in his arms when my eyes fluttered open I saw his intense blue orbs focusing on me as a soft smile played over his full lips. Then what we were doing while he talked to Bill hit me like a splash of ice water and I struggled in his grip. His expression turned to one of concern.

"Eric let me go! You promised we wouldn't have sex so stop." My voice went from panting to anger as I felt his hands pull away from me. "I can't believe you!"

I stood up and huffed without turning to look a him; I knew if I did I probably wouldn't like what I saw. Or I would like it, way too much. "You, you, Oh my god I can't believe you did that to me while you talked to Bill it is just so wrong!" My voice quavered I felt guilty and ashamed.

"I have not broken my promise Miss Stackhouse, nor did you once ask me to stop. However now that you have, I will no longer indulge your desires again." I heard him stand up behind me his tone turned cold and so empty.

I was working up another serious mad at his words when his phone rang again. I turned to look at him while he answered. He was speaking in Spanish, uhg. I huffed and walked toward the mini fridge in the room when I turned around Eric's eyes were glaring at me menacingly I nearly jumped out of my skin. Wanting to get as much distance between us as I could I scampered off to the room on the right and shut the door. The inside was identical the one Bill and I had shared. Sighing softly, I went to the bathroom and locked the door.

How could I let him do that to me? Why on earth did he even try. It wasn't right. I am a good christian, I am still with Bill. Granted he was off with some lousy floozy of a vampire who made Eric look like a saint. That was another thing that riled, Bill was friends with her, and he had the nerve to accuse Eric of being and manipulative, not only that but Bill had manipulated me more then Eric ever had. I started to sob softly as I removed my cloths and started a shower. The water burned against my skin and slid over my back and down my legs, the temperature scalding hot as I let my tears fall down my cheeks. This wasn't right. I was some kind of whore jumping from Bill who I loved so desperately to let Eric touch me like that.

I pounded my fist against the wall in frustration with myself. I still wanted Eric to touch me but the look in his eyes when left the room showed nothing but scorn and malice. I didn't want him to look at me that way, he was trying to help me. I knew he was a horndog before we started the exchange I also knew from experience with Bill that for Vampires that type of thing typically lead to amorous activities. So why did I yell at him for being what he was? Because he promised he wouldn't? Damn it he lied to me!

"He did no such thing you insolent selfish child. His only promise was he would try to resist his urge to be with you and you yourself encouraged his attentions from the beginning, he stopped the instant you insisted he do so. The only person to blame for what happened is yourself. You are a selfish, stubborn, and narrow minded child." The voice was ringing inside my skull painfully, full of reproach and scorn. It scared the hell out of me. Frantically I reached out with my mind to find where it was coming and found only humans, a handful of shifters, and vampires near by. Not even the telepath from before was here.

Frightened I screamed. "Leave me alone!" I started to tremble as I curled up in the bottom of the shower. "Not until you come to your senses you impudent brat. I have never had one of my children behave so deplorably in all of my existence, nor will I have you treat the progeny of my brother in such a spite filled and selfish manner." The echo of the mans mental voice insulting me was not only making me afraid, but angry. I was no child I was a grown woman!

"If one will not take responsibility for their own actions, and blames others for what they perceive as their own erroneous behavior, then yes they behave as a child!" I covered my ears and huddled down into the far corner of the shower, the hot water still streaming over me as I began to shake and sob. No one had spoken to be this not even my Gran. Whoever owned this beautiful yet hateful voice was a devil and a demon out to torture me.

"I Think not. Your Grandmother would be ashamed at how inhospitable you have been toward me as your elder, and your kin. She would also admonish you for the way you have treated a man who has no reason to assist you from breaking free from a Queen he has sworn himself to. He puts himself at risk for your safety, and you treat him as if he is the most vile being to cross your path. You have no common sense, you attached yourself to a man and bedded him because you were depressed and lonely due to the loss of a loved one without knowing who he truly was. You never think before you act you just do it, you believe any facade given if you cannot see deeper then the surface, like a child who still believes in fairy tails. Your Grandmother may have enjoyed good story but she would never approve of you trying to live like a delusion stricken princess looking for some fictionally perfect man who will never exist, nor would she approve of you forcing your opinions and ideals on another."

"LEAVE ME ALONE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! YOU DON'T KNOW HER STOP TALKING ABOUT HER!" I sobbed and rocked back and forth in the bottom of the shower to hear Eric knocking on my bathroom door. He was the last person I should have logically wanted to see but his presence though not in the room caused me to stop shuddering.

"Sookie are you alright?" Eric's tone was concerned which surprised me. "Sookie?"

His voice and the fact his presence calmed me suddenly freaked me out even more. That is when the voice in my head not only spoke but forced me to move as well. I was trapped in my own body and had no control over it. "You will stop behaving this way now. I care not how frightened, stubborn or prideful you are. He is here to help you though I am no threat and you will give him the respect he deserves from you. He has helped you and you are nothing but an ungrateful infant. If I have to I will make you behave in a manner befitting of one of my own or I will destroy you. The creatures who have put you into the position you are in will use your idiocy against not only yourself but hundreds of thousands of innocents. I will not let you be the cause and the reason for their deaths now you will move!"

Move I did, no matter how much I fought it, I couldn't even scream as my body became my own cage. I had never been so terrified as I watched and felt myself stand and turn the water off before marching to the door naked and unlocking it. Terror turned to shame and out right rage as Eric stood there with a shocked expression on his face.

I was standing there naked and dripping wet with a look of horror plastered to my face as rigid as a corpse. Then the voice let me go and I crumpled to the floor desperate to cover myself and sobbed. Sobbed for the shame of it, not just being naked, but the shame of my fear, and my inability to defend myself against something I couldn't see, and the fact the voice was right about some things, others I wasn't sure on. Suddenly I felt a towel draped around my shoulders, and another rested over my knees. The next thing I felt was Eric's cool arms as he pulled me to him. He had sat on the floor cross legged beside me and tucked me into his lap. I felt his fingers start to comb through my wet hair as he hummed softly in my ear.

* * *
(Eric's POV)

I had not had to comfort anyone in such a fashion since I had turned Pamela. Sookie's terror had drawn me from my call with Isabelle and pulled me to her like a magnet. Those few moments it took her to answer the door felt like an eternity. Her rigidness, and then the shame that washed over her as she crumbled to the floor brought out a tenderness in me I had not felt since holding my human children in my arms. Normally when I see a woman with a body like Sookie's, naked, with shiny rivulets of water trailing off every gloriously tanned curve and plane of their sensual form, all I want to do is fuck them senseless. Right then sex was the farthest thing from my mind. I wrapped her in a couple of towels before sitting and pulling her to me. I was afraid the stress of what has happened and will happen to her is possibly driving her insane, and not figuratively. I could not let that happen, I needed her to find Godric and help him. She was my precious key to one of the beings in the universe that means more to me then my own life. The fact I could barely feel him through the bond, just a faint hum in the back of my mind, concerned me greatly. I needed Sookie to bring him back to me. I needed her whole to do it.

Cradling her to me as gently as I can I hummed to her. I noticed that action calmed her, but only slightly, she was still terrified, still crying with her small fists bunching my shirt in her tiny hands as her face nuzzled my chest. I ran my hand though the silken wet strands of golden hair and sang the same lullaby I had sung to my children, softly in her ear. Slowly I felt her tense muscles relax, and her sobs begin to peter out.

The sky is dark and the hills are white
As the storm-king speeds from the north to-night;
And this is the song the storm-king sings,
As over the world his cloak he flings:
"Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;"
He rustles his wings and gruffly sings:
"Sleep, little one, sleep."

On yonder mountain-side a vine
Clings at the foot of a mother pine;
The tree bends over the trembling thing,
And only the vine can hear her sing:
"Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
What shall you fear when I am here?
Sleep, little one, sleep."

The king may sing in his bitter flight,
The pine may croon to the vine to-night,
But the little snowflake at my breast
Liketh the song I sing the best, -
"Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
Weary thou art, anext my heart;
Sleep, little one, sleep."

Over and over again I sang to her, it felt like eternity but my internal clock indicated it was only twenty minutes that it took for her to finally be calm enough to cease her tears. The soft keening sound in the back of her throat was still present but only to ears as sensitive as mine. Still combing my fingers through her golden locks I whisper softly in her ear. "Sookie, tell me what has you so frightened little one. I will do my best to help you." I rested my chin on top of her wet head and closed my eyes. I prayed to Freyja and any god I could think of to hear me and make sure she was alright.

I felt her tiny hands relax and release my shirt as her head tilted up to look at me. I gave her a soft smile as I reached to gently stroke her cheek with one hand wiping away her tears my other busy holding her tiny form to me. "Eric, he is in my head. He hates me. He made... he.. oh god I am possessed." She then buried her face in my shirt again and cried some more. The information she gave me was puzzling. Seeing her frightened like this also did not sit well with me. Normally she was fiery, belligerent, and refused to give into her fear. I also knew possession wasn't possible in anything but a pure human, and humans are not telepaths nor do they smell or taste as Sookie does.

"Shhhh, you must become calm little one. I cannot help if I do not know what is wrong." I rocked her in my arms again and continued to use small gestures of comfort, kissing the top of her head, holding her closely, letting my hand cradle her face to my chest as her silky hair spilled between my fingers. Again she relaxed and I let out an unnecessary breath of relief. "Slowly little one tell me what is wrong." When she did not respond I closed my eyes and spoke as softly and calmly as I could, but loud enough so she could hear me as my whole body tensed slightly gripping her closer to me. "Please." My own voice sounded strangled in my ears as my jaw tensed and struggled to whisper out the single word. I had only said please to Godric in my entire existence, living and undead, saying this to her grated at me, but I was desperate. I needed her, needed her for Godric.

I felt her shift, and move her head, causing my hand to slip to the base of her neck as she looked up at me with red rimmed eyes. A small hand untangled itself from my shirt and reaching up to gently brush against my cheek. It took everything I had to keep my expression calm and serene as my system jolted at the touch. Part of me wanted to rip her hand off after the way she had treated me earlier, another part of me wanted to rejoice at the small gesture of affection. But a greater part filed it away and ignored everything but the task at hand. Getting her to help my Maker was what mattered more then my pride or lust. Letting the arm around her waste grip her closer to me I moved the hand cradling her head and gently reached up to grasp the hand resting against my cheek as I looked into the depths of her brown eyes. Again I had to resist the instinct to flinch away as I saw a bright blue rimming the soft brown of her orbs. Where before only the softest of doe brown could be seen now it seemed as if the summer sky was edging her eyes.

Thousands of questions filtered through my mind as I watched her eyes and the strange two toned color within them, her emotions written into the windows of her soul showing fear, grief, worry, and something I had only ever seen flutter through the vision of Pam or Godric, affection. I felt a warmth start spread through me as my own hand cupped her smaller one to my face. "Little one.. "

Seeing her lip quiver as if she were to cry caused me to grip her to me again as her voice spilled forth from those petal soft lips. "Eric I am so scared, the voice in my head he keeps yelling at me, he hates me. But I think he has every reason too." I saw more fat tears run down her already stained cheeks, their smell tantalizing and tempting me. It took every ounce of my self control I had not to lean forward and lick them from her rosey cheeks.

"Does he have a name Sookie?" Then I was enthralled and amazed. Her eyes turned a shiny silver for several second before she spoke again her entire frame riddled with fear and self loathing.

"Morpheus..." Her voice was a whisper so soft and quavering. I had held many frightened humans in my life and I had enjoyed their terror, savored it even, but hers disturbed and angered me. "Eric maybe he is another telepath who watched to many Matrix movies, maybe I can just block him out if I try?" I could tell by her emotions and her fear she was grasping at straws, the second sign was her eyes again. The silver entered her orbs and her whole body stiffed. The voice that spilled from her lips was not her own it was deep, masculine and resonated in my bones like no other had before in all my existence and spoke no language Sookie could have heard in her short life for it was long dead.

"Eiríkr of Northumbria son of Harald warrior of the bloodied axe and progeny of my youngest brother son of Δρομιχαίτης and the lady of eternal night my mother Νύξ to you I entrust the care of those who are of my blood and the kin of he who has remade you." I felt my already cold body chill to an even greater degree. He knew things no one could know, things I had only guessed at.

This voice was no telepath and neither was Sookie if his words were true, he was no movie character either. He was far worse and more terrifying. Vampires as far as earth went were one of the strongest creatures alive depending on their age. Fae as a race ranged in strength from weaklings to the Demonic and the near Divine, but as a general rule vampires and weres out numbered them so they left us alone. Britlingens creatures that had to be summoned by Fae magic or through the combined strength of a coven of witches came from another universe, or dimension, they were frightening in their glory and reminded every creature that walked this earth that something out there was greater then they.

But Μορφεύς the lord of dreams, and Νύξ lady of the night, those were creatures that could unmake us all. They defied time, creation, life, death, eternity was but a flicker in a passing moment for creatures such as those. For the first time in several hundred years my blood ran cold as glacial ice with the very same terror Sookie felt, her fear combined with my own was almost unbearable as I felt my body tense and crush her to me. My mind prayed to Freyja for her protection, guidance, and grace for she too was one of those most powerful beings and had never guided my wrong in all my existence.

"Worry not Norsemen I offer my aid to you and the grace which I have taken away from you since your rebirth. You shall dream again through the child of mine whose blood you share, her dreams shall be yours and yours shall be hers twined liken unto a forged blade of combined strength. Her fear you must overcome, her trust you must gain, and through dawn's fire the one who has wronged her with his tainted blood will be burned from within her, cleansing her mind and spirit of his influence and darkness. Beware your own darkness, for if it engulfs her it will bring her death and my wrath. Your mistress bids you walk to the mirror before your daily rest she will speak with you." The silver faded from Sookie's eyes and the blue had spread further as her small body shuddered in my arms, the hand on my face moved and curled about my neck pulling herself closer to me.

"Shhhh, it will be alright. You are not crazy, and you are not possessed." I used my long fingers to stroke the back of her neck and base of her head as I held her. I wasn't certain who I was trying sooth more her or myself. My own fear shamed and angered me, but it was warranted.

"How do you know Eric? How can you be so certain?"

I rested my chin on the top of her head again and closed my eyes. I needed her trust but I doubt she would believe anything I had to say. I myself had so many questions yet unanswered, and only the things Godric has taught in my long life to aid me. I took a deep unnecessary breathe and used my calmest most steady voice. "You know vampires exist yes?"

"Uh huh." I felt her head move slowly under my chin as she attempted to nod causing her damp silky hair to glide over my skin.

"What of were's and shifters?" I asked softly.

"Sam is a shifter...Eric what does this have to do with anything?" She moved her head and tipped it back to look at my face. I opened my eyes and looked into hers. The blue was still bleeding into the brown from the edges, it unnerved and distracted me, I wanted to know why it was happening, what was causing it and how. Instead I stayed my course and continued speaking to her. "You know if such creatures exist others do as well?" Her nose crinkled in an expression of distaste as her eyes shifted to look at the floor.

"What else is there Eric, I am not stupid enough to assume that everything I have seen is all there is to know." I felt her fingers dig into the skin on the back of my neck as her unease filtered through me.

"There is so much more. Fae are many creatures all from another realm or dimension, all of which are beholden to the elements. Elves, Faeries, Goblins, Gnomes, Dwarfs, Nixies, Pixies, Sylth, Trolls, Satyr, Centuar, Unicorn, Sprites, Dryads, Naiads, Minotaur, Dragons, Griffin, Genie, Ifrite, Brownies, Phouka, Kelpie, Willow o Wisps, Demons, Angels and many more I have probably never seen, nor will see, are real as you or me. Every myth or Fairy tail you have heard is based on a factual being or creature but the reality of them can be far more terrifying than any story ever told. Weres are human of a sort, but they shift into one animal or another anything from wild wolves, to giant cats, even bats or aquatic creatures but they only have one alternate form. Shifters can turn into anything they have seen before." I felt her small hand touch my lips as questioning eyes looked at me.

"You are telling me Demons and Angels like from the bible are just aliens that don't belong here?" I felt apprehension and amusement tickling through her fear.

"Aliens?" I murmured past her fingers lifting an eyebrow up in quarry.

"Yeah aliens, like from Mars or some other planet! Little green men." She almost sounded indignant at my question which left an opening for me.

I moved my hand from the back of her head and gripped the one at my lips twining my fingers through it and bringing it to my side. "No Britlingens are aliens. They come from another universe. Fae come from a place identical to here only different. A parallel Realm. "

She giggled and then out right laughed. My face turned stern as I looked down at her and squeezed her fingers as gently as I could to get her attention. Her two toned eyes looked back into mine as her laughter stilled and her smile dropped. "Oh my god you are serious! This Morpheus he is one of these Fae creatures?"

I sighed and closed my eyes. "If you let me finish then ask your questions you may find you will have fewer or different ones you will need to ask." I was beginning to feel exhausted and it was not quite midnight. Never had I felt the need to slumber before sunrise so much as I did now.

"I am sorry please continue." She murmured softly.

"Thank you." I opened my eyes and stared into hers as I continued. "There are witches, warlocks, and necromancers as well. Most of these are separate beings with a spark of magic inside of them, however there are a rare few humans that can be taught these abilities. These people can be extremely beneficial or very dangerous as they can manipulate reality and change it to their whims. They can create shields and wards against danger, or they can curse you." Sookie opened her lips and looked as if she was going to something causing me to stiffly move my head from side to side. She closed her mouth and let me continue. "Then there are beings who are so powerful they can unmake all of us if they so desire to. Every mythology you have heard of contains one or more of these creatures and their offspring. For the most part they leave us alone and attend to their own realms and demesnes. However sometimes they come here and have affairs with mortals, taking lovers and leaving behind their children. You most likely have heard stories of this as well. Histories greatest Heroes and it is greatest Conquerors have been said to be descendants of these Divine beings. Morpheus is one these, and claims you and your family as being of his bloodline."

I felt indignation and anger next as she jumped off my lap and stared down at me, her towels fell into a puddle on the floor in front of me and bared her bronzed flesh to me once again. "Wait one damn minute, my mom was a human, and so was my dad no one in my family has anything weird but me, are you telling me this son of … this A-hole seduced my mom and I am some weird critters bastard child?"

It took everything I had not to laugh or become aroused as she stood there naked gazing down at me as I sat cross-legged on the floor. "I never said any such thing. However since you have not displayed anything but your telepathy and the most delicious blood I have ever tasted I would hazard a guess that the connection to this being is not as strong as you are assuming. You are most likely a descendant many times removed and your telepathy is a recessive trait since whilst he used you to speak with me he demanded protection not only for you but your family as well. How many siblings do you have Sookie?" I watched her indignation fall from her face as realisation started to dawn on her at my rationalisation of the situation.

"Oh my God Jason!" Her hands went to mouth as her eyes widened. "You mean to tell me that horn dog gets so much sex because he is related to some heathen pagan god or some such craziness?"

It was taking more self control then I was wanting to exert to have a conversation with her while she was unclothed as she was. I could feel the ancient blood in my body begin to throb and pulse between my legs. The fact she seemed oblivious to her state of undress was driving me mad. Even worse the situation certainly had not resolved itself and now was not the time for such things. I stood up and grabbed a towel off the floor and tucked it around her. "Yes Miss Stackhouse that is exactly what that means, he most likely exerts an unconscious preternatural influence over those he finds himself attracted to. "

Her face flushed with blood as I secured the towel around her, her hands taking it from me and gripping it to her tightly as her eyes widened dramatically. I felt her shame then anger again. This was getting to be amusing. "You pervert!" Her voice exploded from her as she backed away. I loved it when she was filled with fire.

"Ah my dear if I was a pervert I would not have tried to cover you and save your modesty. I do believe aiding you when you left the bathroom and now was a gentlemanly gesture. However if you wish me to be a pervert I can quite simply take your towel from you and enjoy the view you oh so deliciously have given me several times this evening." I smirked at her waiting for her become angry and yell again. When she did not I noticed her eyes flickering with the silver they had flooded with before. Her entire body turned a lovely shade of coppery pink from the tops of her toes to her forehead. Oh how I wanted to taste her blood on my lips again, when she blushed like that causing the delectable fluid in her veins to push close to the surface and fill the room with its tantalizing aroma. I never in my life wished the ability to read minds as much as I did right this minute.

"I am sorry Eric that was rude of me thank you for your help and everything... If you give me a few moments I'll get dressed and meet you in the other room." I felt my brows shoot up onto my forehead as she looked at the floor and mumbled.

That was not what I expected at all. "You are very welcome. I will warn you however that Isabel and her human Hugo will be arriving this evening dress comfortably as you will most likely go to bed afterwards, but be sure you are still presentable." I then left as quickly as I could to escape her tantalizing scent and change my own cloths before it drove me mad with blood-lust.

* * *
(Sookie's POV)

"Since when do you get to tell me when to go to bed you..." He was already gone, he had used his vampire speed to escape before I ever got a word out. "..damn him, arrogant, bossy, high handed vamp!" I stomped my foot and trailed over to the dresser looking for a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. He said I wasn't insane that some "thing" or "someone" I am related to is channeling through me... like I am sort of ghost medium without the freaking ghost, killjoy! Regardless if Morpheus and his constant reprimands and demands didn't make me lose my sanity Eric was going to send me into a raging fits that would require straight jackets and padded rooms.

Still angry and huffing I slipped on my pants and debated on a bra after several minutes of indecision I skipped it and grabbed the red Fangtasia T-shirt Pam had given to me wear after the Maenad and torn my back to shreds and put it on over my tank top. I wasn't go to show Eric anymore skin tonight. Once I had on my comfy cloths I made my way out of my room and saw Eric sitting on the couch. I beelined for the chair putting as much space between as possible.

"So... demons are real?" I had to ask, there were all kinds of stories in the bible and movies and sometimes they were in the romance novels Gran and I would read I couldn't help but ask.

I saw his right eyebrow raise up and lips turn into a smirk. God how I hated that smirk it always made me squirm because it exuded his confidence and made him sexy as hell, but to me it also reflected his arrogance. "He has every reason to be arrogant if you want his knowledge you will stop hating him for having it." I was being snipped at again. The voice was right though I was being bitchy and ungrateful.

"My lawyer is a half demon. They, like all Fae, cannot lie, they make wonderful legal aids and can find any loophole left to jump through." That got my attention.

"Seriously they can't lie? They always have to tell the truth?" I was excited, this would be something I can use.

"This is true, however do not find security in such a trait. It means any secret they hold they may be forced or compelled to divulge in nothing but the utmost accuracy, it also means they have developed ways of twisting the truth so that one may interpret their words in a fashion that is the opposite of what truly has occurred or needs to be known." He seemed thoughtful as he paused giving me a moment to interrupt.

"How can one make the truth be twisted I don't get it..." I really didn't, if they can't lie, how do they make the truth a lie?

"Let me give you an example." He stood up an walked over to the fridge. "If you were to ask me what color my underwear is I could respond in several ways. In this example I will say I have red underwear. There is a way this would be true yet false at the same time.." He leaned down opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of blood placing it in the microwave as he continued. "the reason being quite simply I am not wearing any, however I do have red underwear in my room so it also a truth, the question did not ask specifically if I was wearing them or not. Do you understand?" The microwave dinged forcing him to turn away from again as my brow furrowed.

I understood just fine, that it was absolutely underhanded and sneaky, but brilliant, and he was still the sexiest pervert on earth with an ass to die for, and liked making me think about it. "I get it Demons can't lie directly but they can still bend the truth and make better liars then anyone because they make you believe an untruth with the truth."

He turned around and looked at me while he stuck his thumb over the top of the bottle and shook it. I watched the muscles in is arms flex, I swear if there was such a thing I just watched arm porn, I couldn't believe that turned me on. "That is where you are wrong, it is not Demons it is ALL FAE. They must always speak truth, but be wary of their truths for they can bend your perceptions to an illusion that is not there. their magic functions in a similar fashion. None of them look human, but they use the illusion of your fantasies so you can perceive them as human like." He walked back to the couch and sat down letting his body be cradled in the right corner so he could sit sideways and prop his feet on the table as he drank.

My eyes wondered from his bare feet and up his legs and those oh so tight black jeans to rake over his chest. It was then I realised his dark grey v-neck shirt was slightly see through and I could see his nipples poking through. Uhg this man was trying to kill me and was purposefully posing himself in as sexy a fashion as possible! I ignored it and snapped my eyes back to his face. "Okay Fae tell the truth make you see it in a way that it is not really how it is, and not just Demons do it. Got it. So how are Demons different from other Fae?"

He chuckled softly as he lounged twirling the bottle in one hand while the other reached back to pillow his head. "True Faeries or Full blooded Faeries can turn into Demons or Angels. All Faeries are tied to an element, Fire Faeries, Water Faeries, Earth Faeries, and Sky Faeries. I know more of the Sky Faeries then any other so we will use them as an example. I know a specific set of triplets where one is attempting to ascend, and the other to descend so to speak while the middle one will remain a true Faerie. The one who wishes to ascend may not kill or maim another. They must also take on a ward whom they must guard and protect for a set period of time. The one who wishes to descend has a different set of parameters, they too must protect a ward but they have no restriction in how they do so, most choose to do so violently and with more blood filled zeal then any vampire, this is why they typically have a bad reputation because it is easier to kill a threat then to talk it into doing as you wish. My lawyer however is very good at talking people to death he could kill you with boredom if you let him."

I blinked. "So you mean to tell me siblings can be an Angel and a Demon and they have nothing to do with god at all?"

"Yes." He gave me an amused smile and didn't blink or move an inch.

"So a... what element exactly do Sky Faeries have anyway? Sunlight? Wind? What would an Angel or Demon of the Sky Faeries be able to do?" I wasn't letting him off the hook and this is the most information anyone had ever given me straight up in my whole life. I could kill Bill for keeping me in the dark about so much of this shit when the answers were so easy to give!

"Sunlight, Moonlight, Darkness, Starfire, Wind. They are the most powerful because their domain is very large however each member of the clan can only access a certain amount of abilities in the same fashion each vampire has a limited number supernatural talents. Bill can learn and retain information quickly, he also has senses heightened beyond that of normal supernatural creatures so he makes a great tracker. I have edict memory and I fly. Pam has edict memory and the ability to tap into most peoples inner fantasy concepts and give them a form of reality, it is why Fangtasia works so well."

Something was turning about in my head as he talked it sure seemed to me like vampires and Faeries had a hell of a lot in common. Knowing how proud and elitist vampires were I kept it to myself. "So what talents do the other Elements have?"

"I am only familiar with Fire since that is the domain my Lawyer is tied to. Change, explosions, light, heat, passion, hunger, fire of course. Those are ones I know of there may be more I am unaware of." He took a sip of his bottled blood and wiggled his feet to an unheard tune.

"How do you know about the Sky Faeries? I get a Fire one works for you but the others?"

He turned his head to look at me his feet still wiggling to whatever was running around in his head. "They live in my area and are under my protection, they are also business associates." It was then a knock was heard at the door causing me to nearly jump out of my skin as I hopped up like my pants were on fire.

"I will get it!" I squeaked out as I scurried across the room to open the door.

Isabel stood in the hallway with the human guy who had been washing dishes at the nest. He was the one gave the creeps. Having to deal with him and the fact that Angels, Demons and fairy tail critters were aliens no matter what cracked weirdness Eric used to explain they weren't left me a bit rattled.

"Eric, is Bill's human broken? She is standing here saying nothing." She deadpanned looking at me as if I was some kind of exotic appetiser while Hugo did nothing but give me but a dirty look.

"I am not Bill's, and won't you please come in." I harrumphed as I opened the door all the way and stood to the side.

Eric just seemed to laugh like a loon while Isabel's eyes widened to the size of saucers. Hugo just marched in and went to sit on the couch across from where Eric sat, Isabel trailing behind looking at me like I was a bug under a microscope and flashing glaces at Eric while he looked at us as if we were his own personal jesters. It was also in that moment Eric almost appeared human. He never had to me before, always very serious or turning everything into some lust filled blood drinking innuendo. Then my brain clicked that for most of the evening Eric had treated me in a more humane fashion then Bill had our whole relationship and had displayed compassion, understanding and concern for me the entire time while I had been bitchy and cranky. It made ms sick to my stomach to compare the both of them and to realise how blind I really was.

Not wanting to be a rude hostess I looked to our guests and asked if them if they would like something to drink. Isabel still looked at me like was a trained monkey never responding and Hugo murmured something stiff. At that Eric stopped laughing and raised his eyebrow while bringing his drink to his lips but didn't say the perverted comment he was most likely thinking. With a heavy sigh I turned around to the bar and got myself a gin and tonic and poured Hugo a glass of vintage Glenlivet.

I gave Hugo his drink then moved to sit in my chair when Eric sat up and reached out one long arm to swivel me onto his lap. I was startled more then anything and nearly spilled my drink. "Hey watch it... you almost committed alcohol abuse!" I retorted hotly before swatting his arm and trying to struggle free.

"I call physical abuse Lover!" He chuckled before placing his drink as well as my own on the table and securing me in his lap by wrapping his arms around like an over sized restraining device.

"Whatever Eric, please let me go, and knock it off we have company!" He had a lot of nerve calling me Lover and and pulling me into his lap like this. He was worse then an over grown kid. Granted it was cute but extremely annoying.

"Alright Sookie we shall do it your way then." He sighed with a disappointed look on his face while plopping me down onto the couch beside him and taking one of my smaller hands and twinging his large fingers through mine.

"You have to be kidding me, this bitch is sleeping with two of them? What a slut, she will get hers tomorrow."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at Hugo's thought and jerked my hand out of Eric's and placed it in my lap. Eric looked at me briefly while I continued to look down at my fingers as they rested against my white yoga pants.

"I would like to thank you for suggesting that Hugo go with Sookie tomorrow Isabel. With the two of them together they should be safer and less conspicuous." He nodded his head in the direction of the Female vamp and she sat up straight and nodded back before speaking.

"It is my pleasure Eric. However I should let you know it was Hugo's idea not mine. He was concerned about her going by herself into the church with no one to help her." At Isabel's words Hugo's lips turned to a soft smile his eyes focusing on Eric through his glasses while downed the last of the scotch in his glass.

"This is going to be very easy. They already have Godric and Farrell, once this girl is taken they can most likely lure this one and the other she sleeps with to them."

I kept my face blank as I felt rage slide through me. Visions of Hugo speaking to Godric, asking him to meet him so they could speak of Isabel and meeting in a park where there were families and children present. Some young men armed with silver chains and crossbows target Godric while Hugo stood off to the side looking rather smug and happy with himself. Godric holding his hands forward and speaking calmly stated he would go with them so long as they harmed no one and left those in his area in peace.

The scenes shifted to a vampire who dressed a lot like Stan with brownish blond hair streaked with grey entering some bar called the Bat's Wing. One of the same young men who had been there when they took Godric came up to Farrel and started to flirt with him. After several minutes they went to the bathroom where Hugo came in behind Farrel and injected him with colloidal silver. Godric was definitely in the church but Farrel was being taken elsewhere. Both were to be chained to a cross and forced to meet the dawn before an assembled congregation.

I felt ill and dizzy as his mind filled my own. Eric suddenly reached over and pulled me to close to him. "Sookie what is wrong?"

"Eric some one named Farrell when did everyone last see or talk to him?" My voice was very low almost a whisper but Hugo heard it anyway and instantly stood up. As he stood Isabel grabbed his arm and asked him what was wrong. Eric instantly let me go and stood up."Farrel? When was he last seen?"

Isabel looked at Eric and then Hugo as the human lawyers face paled drastically. "Yesterday, he went to the Bats Wing, Hugo drove him then said he left with some young man." Her voice started firm then became soft as she eyed Hugo. Still holding firmly onto her humans arm she too stood up and pulled out her phone and dialed a number, after several minutes with no answer she dialed another. She spoke in clipped Spanish before turning to Eric. "What does the woman know?"

I was getting sick of being treated like an animal, but my stomach was still not very happy with Hugo's vision of burning vampires so my retort was a tad weak. "Hello I am said woman, my name is Sookie and you should be asking me, not him. He can't read minds and if he could I wouldn't be here."

Every ones eyes fixed on me. Hugo tried to pull his arm free from Isabel still white as a sheet. "Hugo lead the soldiers of the sun to Godric in a park full of kids. He said he needed to speak with him about you because he was worried. Godric went without a fight to prevent harm from coming to the people there that were not involved then they bound him in silver and it seared his skin." I heard a feral growl come from Eric as I spoke. "Yesterday Hugo drove Farrell to the Bat's Wing and got one of the soldiers of the sun to seduce him into the bathroom where Hugo injected Farrell with colloidal silver. They are going to kill them, chain them to a cross and let the dawn take them." I began to cry softly as I curled myself up on the couch.

Isabel's face contorted to one of rage. "Is this true Hugo? You know you cannot Lie to me, you will speak now, and tell me why?" Her accent became very thick as her voice filled with so much anger and pain.

"You wont keep me, you wont turn me, you just use me for food and sex and expect me to live with it? I loved you and gave you everything, I lost my job so I could spend more time with you and have become nothing but an over glorified house servant to cater to your fancy and whims!" Hugo's voice rang loudly through the room. I reached up and grabbed Eric's hand as quickly as I could, I saw murder in his eyes and something that stunned me more then anything. Isabel had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh Hugo..." she whispered softly as the bloodied tears trailed down her cheeks.

"Isabel take your human and detain him, Godric will determine his punishment once we have freed him. Get him out of here before I kill him." Eric's voice had gone deep and throaty his tone turning my blood to ice as I tried to pull him back toward me. Instead of coming to me he pulled me up to stand next to him and put one of his arms around me. "Have a Bell Boy bring the bags you assembled for Sookie before coming and have a set of soft colored contacts in blue sent before morning."

Isabel and Hugo said nothing as she drug him from the room and left. Eric kept his grip on me tight his other hand clenching and unclenching at his side. "They will know you are coming tomorrow but they will expect Hugo to be with you. It is not safe, are you certain you still want to do this?" I nodded and rested my head against his chest while he looked down at me. "Thank you." He whispered softly before moving us to sit down on the couch and pulling me into his lap.

The lullaby Eric sings is "Norse Lullaby" by Eugene Field.

I would like to apologise for the extremely late update. I had this chapter written in August only to have my cat trip me while I was walking up my stairs by twining between my legs causing me to fall and break my lap top. I had to rewrite everything, sadly everything is different then what I had original written except for Godric's scene. I am sorry it took so long for the rewrite and hope you forgive my extreme delay.

I would like to thank those who have added me to their favorites as well as well as their alerts and to also thank those who have left reviews. It helped me through my rewrite stump as losing everything I had written before had left me depressed and with a case of writers block for a brief period of time.