WARNING this story will be among the weird and grosser stories I write simply because of the style of the Xenomorph (aliens) on the AVP movies and games and other such things. I will try and keep it down, but I cannot promise to keep it G rated so this is going into the teen rating category, at least for now. Also this story will feature a female Naruto after a change in his gender.
Now I would like to introduce my editor to you all.
Sup' **.
That was Rain Shigu for your reading pleasure. Now without further ado, let the story commence.
Rain Shigu: I'm letting you know that the rating WILL change.
Espo: Thank you Rain.
Chapter 1: Face Rape
Speaking: "This should be self explanatory"
Thoughts: 'This should also be self explanatory'
~A short distance from Wave~
Naruto had been wondering where Kakashi was for about an hour now, and to a lesser degree, his teammates. They had been sent out on two C-rank missions. The first mission was to guard the old bridge builder Tazuna. The second was to investigate the site of something that seemed to come crashing to the earth from the sky. Kakashi had sent Naruto ahead to the crash site while he and the team would follow in about 30 minutes once they received a massage from the Hokage about the mission Rank increase.
Naruto, once he had gotten to the site, found what looked to be a ship. Though it was unlike any ship he had ever seen before. Naruto cautiously looked at it from a distance moving around it in a wide circle in the trees, to avoid being seen if there was anything alive inside. But after he made a full circle around and noticed nothing, he approached carefully and started looking for a door or some other way inside. He had been looking over the entire ship for almost an hour now and had not seen any signs of a way inside or of his team.
Naruto, growing tired of standing while waiting for them, sat down on the ship like thing mumbling a few choice obscenities and looked around for his teammates. Unfortunately for him however, when he sat down it was on a panel that had been loosened during the crash, causing him to fall through the hull into the interior of the ship. He landed on his back with a thump, which caused the air to be knocked from his lungs for a few seconds. When he was finally able to get his breath back he got up and looked around the small cabin of the ship. He glanced around and noticed that there was no one in the ship except him. He slowly moved through the small area but could not find anything except a broken tube coated with some strange, slimy, residue. Deciding there was nothing there he took one last look around before he leaped back through the hole he had fallen through. Landing on the ground outside he sat down a few feet from the ship and glanced around for his team. "Man this is boring, where are they," he wondered aloud?
Then, hearing a weird sort of rustling sound behind him, he jumped away from the ship, quickly spinning around in mid air to see what had made the noise. He looked around carefully with a kunai at the ready if needed but he didn't see anything at all, which made him worry because his senses were almost better than that of Kiba's. When he finally decided that it was nothing he needed to worry about, he looked over to where he had come from and debated heading back to his team. He was broken out of that train of thought almost immediately as he heard a rustling noise again. Quickly turning towards the noise he saw a black spider-like shape flying swiftly towards him. And before he could react it latched onto his face causing him to stumble backwards and trip on a rock. As his head hit a stone and he was sent into unconsciousness the last thing to go through his mind was the feeling of something being forced down his throat.
~With Naruto's team~
Kakashi was leaning against a tree reading his trademark orange book, while Sakura was trying to convince Sasuke to go out on a date with her once they got back to the village, which Kakashi knew would never happen. Kakashi looked over at their charge to see that he was once again getting drunk. He was about to go back to his book when he noticed a crow flying towards him with a scroll in its talons, presumably from the Hokage. Once it landed, he quickly took the rolled up paper and read the contents. Kakashi, after he finished reading, was mildly shocked. The Hokage was telling him that he and his team were to continue with the mission. It also stated that he was given permission to use all necessary force to see to it that the mission was completed. Kakashi smirked a little bit under his mask at being allowed to use his Anbu training again, though he was a little surprised that the Hokage would let him do that in front of his team of freshly promoted genin.
Kakashi looked over the scroll again before he spoke, "Okay the Hokage says we can move on with the mission. I'm going to train you into the ground in order to prepare you to take on anything that happens during the mission. Now Sasuke, Sakura, you are to stay here with the client while I get Naruto and see what he's found, then we'll move out."
Sasuke and Sakura were shocked, as Kakashi seemed to change into another person. Gone was the lazy laid-back pervert that read while telling them what to do. And before either of them could reply he disappeared, off to find Naruto.
~With Naruto~
Naruto was slowly getting up after he had been knocked out, he looked at the spider like thing that had attacked him and he did not like it one bit. It had done something to him, though he wasn't sure what, since he was knocked out quickly enough; but he still knew something had happened. He was not able to dwell on this though as Kakashi emerged from the trees, relaying to him what the Hokage had said in the message, before he asked what Naruto had found which, was nothing. Naruto did tell him about what had attacked him, though Kakashi could not tell what it was and decide to leave it alone for now, seeing as Naruto was unaffected. With that they left the clearing not knowing one of their lives was soon to change when they entered the Wave Nation.