This is kind of hard to explain... it's like in tweets, blogs, e-mails, and chats(this chapter being in tweets). I'll try update as much as possible, but next week school starts, and I'm gonna be a freshman. I used to be homeschooled but someone(who is sitting next to me and is named Ali) convinced me to go with her to "real school." So, let the story begin!
Disclaimer: I don't own Sonny With A Chance, Twitter, pretty much all I own is the idea, but it's kinda copied from this book called Tweetheart. I own a copy of that book, but don't OWN it. Yeah.
SoRandomSonny is now following TawniHartOfficial
SoRandomSonny is now following ZoraLovesGnomes
SoRandomSonny is now following NicoAndGradyBestBuds
CDCatTheFalls is now following SoRandomSonny
CDCatTheFalls (at)SoRandomSonny not following me? Every other teenage girl in the world is ;)
SoRandomSonny Chad, shut up.
CDCatTheFalls (at)SoRandomSonny Maybe Tawni should teach you how to do replies
SoRandomSonny (at)CDCatTheFalls haha CatTheFalls roflol!
CDCatTheFalls is rolling his eyes at (at)SoRandomSonny
SoRandomSonny thinks (at)CDCatTheFalls is weird... But I luv him anyway. (:
SoRandomSonny is now randomlysonny
randomlysonny is now following lucyluvsyou
CDCatTheFalls lovessssssss randomlysonny
lucyluvsyou (at)CDCatTheFalls plz follow me back i luv u i went to ur bday party with sonny and sonnys my bff!
CDCatTheFalls is now follow lucyluvsyou
lucyluvsyou omg thanx so much (at)CDCatTheFalls
randomlysonny Someone needs to tell me that I need to get back to work and write some sketches!
CDCatTheFalls (at)randomlysonny Get back to work. You need to write some sketches.
randomlysonny (at)CDCatTheFalls I don't have any ideas! ):
CDCatTheFalls (at)randomlysonny come over tonight and I'll help you. (:
CDCatTheFalls is now ChadLovesSonny
randomlysonny is now SonnyLovesChad
SonnyLovesChad is going to get ready for her date/writing session with (at)ChadLovesSonny
ChadLovesSonny is leaving the studio to go home and clean his room.
SonnyLovesChad is roflol.
lucyluvsyou (at)SonnyLovesChad my fam is goin to l.a. for vaca around christmas to hang with u and ur mom!
SonnyLovesChad (at)lucyluvsyou OMG, Yay! I'm so happy!
TawniHartOfficial is now following SonnyLovesChad
TawniHartOfficial (at)SonnyLovesChad when did you join the twitiverse
SonnyLovesChad (at)TawniHartOfficial About 2 hours ago... why?
TawniHartOfficial (at)SonnyLovesChad youre already a verified account
SonnyLovesChad (at)TawniHartOfficial ok...
TawniHartOfficial is tired... and pretty!
I know, it's short. Review? It was going to be longer, but I just loved that last line of Tawni's so much I had to end it there.