Well we've had the laughter and the akwardness I think its time for some romance xx

I want to thank all of my readers, reviewers, those who have added me to their favs, those who have added both me and my stories to their alerts you have no idea how much it means to me, it gives me the encouragement to carry on writing xx thank you again everyone x I love each and everyone of you

Bobby walked into the garden and picked a few flowers to give to Tara, for two main reasons one he always wanted to give her flowers and two it may help lift some of the temsion between them, heading back into the house he stopped in the kitchen, poured them both a glass of wine and knowing she wasn't downstairs he headed upstairs to finish his search for her, smiling when he heard the

"Whoop whoop" of her voice coming from the games room

Walking towards the room he was pleased she hadn't closed the door, leaning against the frame he just stared at her. He really was in love with this woman and knowing that she loved him back was better than the Wizard's basketball team winning the championship.

Walking slowly towards her he placed the wine on the small table and the flowers on the control panel, causing her jump slightly and look up at him, before gazing around the room avoiding making eye contact


"Hi, Tara, are you ok?"

"I'm fine why?"

"Well you've been avoiding me all night and even now when I'm in the same room you can't even look at me, there is obviously something wrong so why don't you tell me"

"I can't tell you; even though you are the one person I should be telling, I just can't"

Taking her hand he led her to the sofa where the two of them sat down

"Tara you can tell me anything"

"Not this"

"You can Tara, just tell me, I know how much it hurts too, how much you want to say something, you just have to let the words come out"

Tara looked at him wondering what he was on about and then it dawned on her she had just told Lola being without Bobby hurts; could it be he feels the same way she asked herself silently

Booby seeing the confusion and distance on her face closed the gap between them and tucked her hair behind her ears, feeling her leaning into his palm he smiled

"Tara, I want to tell you something" he whispered his voice a little hoarse

"What, what do you need to tell me" she asked her own voice breathless and hoarse

"I don't know how to put it so how about I show you" he replied the words he wanted to say suddenly disappearing from his head

Leaning towards her face he paused momentarily and waited for her to move backwards but she didn't so he continued, placing a delicate kiss on her lips, feeling her respond kiss quickly deepened, smiling against her lips when she let the tip of the tongue skim his lips wanting access to his mouth which he granted, their tongues tangled together and all the passion inside them was finally released. Her hands made their way from his shoulders to the back of his neck, while his lowered to her waist. After a few moments they parted both struggling to breathe

"Tara, I have a confession to make" he said once his breathing had calmed "I heard you talking to Lola earlier and I knew I had to find a way to tell you I feel the same, working with you and not being able to touch you, hold you and comfort you for the past three years has been torture. I never thought you felt the same way so I kept quiet and thanked God that I still had your friendship which was better than nothing"

Tara looked at him, the thought that he had the same feelings for her that she had for him caused the tears to slowly fall from her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile as he lifted hand to brush them away

"Tara, sweetheart please don't cry"

"I can't help it" she said "I've wanted to kiss you again ever since the benefit but I always thought you saw me just as a colleague. I spend every moment thinking about you, every time you go out on a raid I panic and pray that you come back safe, not knowing what I would do if you didn't."

"I know how feel, every time I go out I want to hug you and kiss you like I just did, just encase the worst happens. When I come back it takes all my strength not to grab hold of you and tell you how much I love you"

Tara smiled as he finished, he had finally admitted it, he to realised he said it and grabbed her hands

"Just encase you didn't catch that I'll say it again I love you Tara Williams"

Wrapping her arms back around his neck she smiled and shouted on the top of her voice the words she had wanted to say for three years

"I LOVE YOU TOO BOBBY MANNING" before capturing his lips in another long passionate kiss that caused the two of them to fall back against the sofa with her practically on top of him

Once they parted Bobby lay back on the sofa while Tara lay down with her head in his lap, his left hand entwined with her right as they rested on her stomach while his right played with her hair and her left stroked his arm.

Bobby seeing the faraway look on her face knew what she thinking

"The policy at work?" he asked

"Yes, I want us to be together; now that we are I don't want to lose you so I'm going to ask Ted for a transfer"

"There's no need sweetheart, when I heard you talking to Lola, I made my way to the office and sent an email to Ted asking what the transfer process was..."

"Bobby I am not going to let you leave the team, you are an important agent if anyone is leaving I am, there are always more opportunities for a tech agent than a field agent"

He placed his hand that was entwined with hers on her lips to silent her

"Sweetheart, can I finish now?" he asked causing her to nod

"Ted sent me a message back, saying that for the past three months Lucy and Myles have been involved in a secret undercover. Apparently they went to Ted wanting to rekindle their relationship and Ted arranged it for them to date in secret to see if team dating and professionalism could work"

"Hold on, back up a second, Myles and Lucy are dating?"

"Apparently so, and they have been for the past three months, anyway it seems the undercover has worked and the policy has been cancelled, which means that as long as we stay professional you and I can be together and stay where we are"


"Really" he replied pulling her up into his lap for a hug and another kiss

Breaking apart she rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled into him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist not wanting to let her go, smiling brightly she lifted her head and they looked into each other's eyes excited to find out what the future held for them.

Please review xx