"Hey Claire. How...uh...how are you?" Cliff still found it hard to talk to the blonde girl who stood in front of him. He had been in Mineral Town for three months and was starting to struggle financially.

"Fine thanks." She smiled. "How about you?"

"I...I actually need to talk to you about that..." He sighed, refusing to meet her gaze; she was always willing to help him but he didn't want to burden her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, concerned. "Coz you know if anything's wrong you can tell me."

"I know." He bit his lip. "It... doesn't matter."

"Cliff, if it's bothering you it matters."

He closed his eyes and tipped his head back. "I have to leave town at the end of the week." He said quickly.

"What?" She stared at him, wide-eyed.

"I'm running out of money, I can't afford to stay here any longer." He said sadly. "If I could, I would."

Claire looked at her feet. "If I found a way to make sure you could afford to stay, would you?"

"Not if it comes from your own pocket."

"So, let's say you earned the money yourself."

"Duke needed some help picking the grapes from the winery tomorrow and he said he was going to pay me." She explained. "I'm sure they won't mind if you come along."

"I don't want to cause any problems." He said. "Besides, maybe it's a good thing I'm moving on."
"Stay here, I'm going to go talk to Duke!" She dashed out of the church, leaving Cliff standing in his usually position, totally confused.

"Claire, is there something I can help you with?" Manna asked as the blonde girl swung opened the door to the Aja Winery.

"You know how you wanted me to come and help with the harvest tomorrow?"

"Yes." The older woman smiled. "Is there something wrong, can you not make it?"

"I've got a...friend who's running out of money and I don't want him to leave town."

"That Cliff boy?"

Claire nodded. "I really don't want him to leave."

"I'm sure Duke won't mind, bring him along."

"Really? Thank you so much!" She disappeared out the door of the winery and headed back to the church.

"Cliff!" Claire hurried back into the church. "Manna says it's alight if you come along!"

"You didn't need to go to that trouble." He felt his cheeks burn; she had gone to so much effort to delay his leaving town.

"I wanted to." She folded her arms. "You'll be able to stay a little longer and find a proper job!"

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Just come along to the winery at ten o'clock tomorrow, alright?"

He nodded. "Thanks again."

"No problem." She grinned. "See ya tomorrow!" She waved as she left the church, heading off to finish the errands she had planned to run that day.

"Cliff." Carter looked at the young man after Claire had left.

"Yeah?" He looked up at the altar where the priest stood.

"Is there something you're not telling that woman?" He asked. "You know, the Harvest Goddess has faith in you and would want you to tell the truth to her."

"There's no point in telling her if I'm only going to leave." He sighed. "I mean, there's plenty of other men in the town who are going to stay here."

"Have more faith in the Harvest Goddess." Carter sighed, annoyed and amused at the same time. "If she wants you to be with Claire she'll find a way, but you have to make the first move and tell her how you feel, otherwise you might lose her."

"I guess...I guess I should." He said sadly. "But I don't want to hurt her!"

"You're hurting yourself by refusing to tell her."