Hey, people of fanfiction! This story is the COMPANION fic to "Stuck in Volterra" and entirely in Caius's POV. If you would like to read this story in Bella's POV, please read "Stuck in Volterra." Anyway, enjoy ^^

Chapter 1

"Caius, dear! I'm back."

Dread and disappointment filled every solid part of my being after hearing those words. Indeed she had returned. Already.

Two vampresses, one blonde and the other dark ebony, both approached the three thrones, and bowed respectfully.

The blonde vampress flitted to the side of my throne in a flash the second she finished bowing and lowered her foolishly smiling face down towards mine. Automatically, I snapped my face the other direction, disgusted by the vampress's foolish attempt for a kiss. I would not kiss her. I never kissed her.

The blonde vampress retreated many steps back, failing at masking her disappointment. My scowl deepened. Did she really believe I would ever attempt at being romantic with something as disgusting and vile as she? She should have expected me to turn away. I always turned away.

"Good evening, ladies," Aro said rather delightfully. "I expect you had a nice hunting trip?"

"It was decent, master," Sulpicia murmured, in her usual uninterested tone. "A few witnesses tried to sneak off, but Athenodora and I eventually had them cornered. A boring night it was, indeed. Well, now that you mention it, Athenodora and I have some buisness to attend to in the library. We will return when ordered to, master."

"Yes, my beautiful morning bloom," Aro purred.

Then, Sulpicia and Athenodora turned to exit the throne room, Athenodora gave me a dashing smile. "You know where to find us, dear."

I did not return her farewell.

The second the vampresses left the room, Aro fully turned towards my direction. "Brother Caius. Forgive me for questioning, but why do you not ever greet your mate when they do so in return?"

"Aro, we have been through this," I responded to my superior. "I do not wish to form a somewhat romantic bond with Athenodora. That is the way it has been for two thousand years, and I do not plan to start now."

"But she is your mate," Aro insisted, his bloody eyes twinkling with hopeful desire. "She is the one you must be tied to for the rest of your immortal life."

"Then let us come to the conclusion I have been requesting for decades," I raised my voice, refusing to back down. "Allow me to execute her. The problem will be resolved if she is not around anymore. In addition, I feel unable to stand her disgusting attitude or presence any longer."

"Brother, that will never be the proper solution," Aro reasoned. "Unless Athenodora commits something terrible or does not follow one of our most strict rules, it would be disrespectful to execute one of the Volturi members."

"I refuse to drop my solution," I stated, and held my head high. "And I consider this argument finished until further notice."

Aro reluctantly returned to his throne, his eyes saddened and somewhat disappointed. I failed to see why this was such a problem in Aro's eyes, anyway. He believed in "love" and everything else that should go along with it. Love. Such an immature myth. No one could feel so powerfully for another being. How dare those revolting mortals let their imagination and stories cloud Aro's thoughts.

I never had any sort of mild interest in the vampress, anyway. She did have beauty, and a decent background, but she was a complete animal. Nothing she did was ever permit or useful to the Volturi, the way I saw it. Marcus was the one who chose her for me when I was in desperate need for a mate. I admit I thought she'd be useful at the time, but my thoughts trained on another course very shortly afterwards.

I needed a new mate. A new bride. I did not care who, anyone but her. I wanted her out of my life. I wanted her out of my life for good.

The strong wooden doors of the Volturi palace squeaked to life when Demetri stepped in. He had a cream colored letter in his hand, with a familiar scent rolling off. After he neatly closed the door behind him, he approached the thrones to kneel before us like a proper guard should do.

"Demetri," Aro acknowledged.

"Master Aro," Demetri responded formally. "I bring a letter recently discovered in our mail system. It is addressed to the three leaders of the Volturi."

"Thank you, Demetri," Aro slipped the letter into his own fingers, and motioned the guard away. "You may leave now."

My nose clouded from the familiar scent. I knew that smell very well. It was the Cullens, I was sure of it. We had seen two of them last year, along with a mortal girl who could equivocate all of the Volturi's powers. Very odd, that girl was. She did not deserve to live. Nor did the Cullens, but without a shock, Aro had let them pass.

Aro scanned over the letter, his eyes bouncing with interest and a bit of unexpected surprise. He then handed the letter to Marcus, who did not seem as interested in knowing what the letter's purpose was as I.

"What did it say?" I demanded, confused at what the Cullens wanted at this time of year. Were they attempting to go back on their deal? They better not. I would not allow it.

"It seems…" Aro turned to me with a sly smile. "…we're going to be having a visitor staying with us this Fall."

Well, that was the first chapter. Hope you guys liked it, and I assure you that the rest of the chapters will be much longer than this one. Reviews keep me moving ^^