We are the 0BSERVANC3.

We view many different timelines.

We are the 0BSERVANC3. We see all.

Sadly, we do not own Naruto


Dear Fellow Akatsuki Members,

I wish to offer my sincere congratulations at the completion of our twenty year Main Project. Yes, that's right, we have done it! After twenty years - and countless hours of research and experimentation - we have created our masterpieces! Soldiers of unparalleled power and strength. We have created the Bijuu!

Thanks to your hard work and determination, we have created not one perfect warrior - not two - or even three, NO! … We have created NINE! From the Ichibi, our Soldier of the Desert - to the unknown and unmeasured powers of the Kyuubi, the last of our successful experiments, these nine creations of ours will bring a new age of peace to the Elemental Provinces. A peace we have strived for since the original Founders of our organization gathered all those years ago.

A special thanks to:

Dr. Deidara - Whose knowledge on the decomposition and reconstruction of the human body, particularly the brain, was especially useful. Without his research and experience, all of our subjects, past and present, would have died from rapidly degenerating brain cells or collapsing nervous systems.

I would also like to applaud his near endless supply of funds, and workers, for the construction of our many different bases of operation. This may have something to do with his past as a demolitions expert. He did seem a little too eager to start blasting away… Erm…He truly has an artistic talent.

Dr. Itachi Uchiha - Who led our psychological team in the stabilization of our nine soldiers' minds, as well as many other patients, before and after their surgeries and trial runs. It almost seemed like his very eyes could hypnotize you. He has, by far, the greatest calming effect on our Bijuu Soldiers.

His years of experience in the inner workings of the mind and how to manipulate and calm his subjects has lead to the successful halting of the "Feral" condition, as we have come to call it. As you all know, Feral is the mental breakdown some of our more powerful experiments develop. It causes a near complete loss of self, as well as an exponential increase in power and abilities. As you all also know, Feral is the cause of many of the "accidents" that occur in our labs. Dr. Uchiha has truly been a great asset.

Dr. Zetsu - Our resident botanist expert. Dr. Zetsu has made leaps and bounds in the genetic enhancement of the surrounding fauna. Combined with some our other Doctors' work, he has been able to give a small group of people the ability to control or grow any sort of plant at an alarming speed. The Senju family are one example of this, with their ability to grow entire forests in less than an hour.

Though Dr. Zetsu had little to do with the creation of our Bijuu Soldiers, he was vigilant in watching their development and progress. But, due to his continuous exposure to the numerous biochemicals he uses in his experiments, Dr. Zetsu has been effected in an unexpected way. The lower left side of his body has been transmuted into plant growth. Also note that the growth has caused a Venus Fly-Trap to sprout from his shoulder blades. The black and white paint that Dr. Zetsu employs is of his own creation. It prevents the acceleration of his "infection". Though it does seem as if he has developed a split personality from his ordeal.

Dr. Kisame Hoshigaki - For his enormous advancements in the field of genetic splicing between human and animal DNA. His research in this field was pivotal in the creation of the Bijuu Soldiers. His experimentation has led to each of them having a small piece of animal DNA in their genetic make-up. This was done, as you know, to allow a greater distinction between the Bijuu, and to give them a greater fighting instinct.

It is unfortunate that because of the accident in his research lab, Dr. Hoshigaki was exposed to copious amounts of pure Great White Shark DNA. It fused with his genetic code so thoroughly that it is impossible for him, or anyone, to reverse the bond. Even more unfortunate is the after-effect of this accident. Dr. Hoshigaki now has a taste for blood. We have worked around this obstacle, but it is still highly advisable that any interns be closely watched around him.

Dr. Kakuzu - Our anatomical technician who built all of the vital organs of our Bijuu Soldiers. Of course, our unstoppable warriors needed more durable parts. Peace is never gained without war, as we have seen over time, and our warriors needed to be strong enough to take enormous damage and bounce back swinging. Even with the nine Soldiers having been picked from the best genetic stock in all of the Elemental Provinces, Dr. Kakuzu's organic masterpieces have made them ten times more resilient in battle.

There was some controversy over the subject of Dr. Kakuzu's past as the Head Surgeon at the Main Hospital in the Hidden Waterfall Province. There were unsubstantiated reports that five or more patients were brutally killed, then mutilated. Their hearts were ripped out and never found. The reports were that it was Dr. Kakuzu who committed these crimes. These charges were never proven and were dropped. End of subject.

Dr. Hidan - Who has amazingly been with our organization since its conception hundreds of years ago, though you'd never know it by looking at him, only his hair is any indication. He has had a hand in all of our research, development, and most importantly, the field work. All through the Bijuu Project, you could always find Dr. Hidan watching the Soldiers train and expand their abilities.

We did have that scare with the Nibi, or as she is more commonly known, our Two-Tailed Hellcat, when she ripped off both of Dr. Hidan's arms. Instead of immediately passing out from blood loss, Dr. Hidan merely laughed and asked if Dr. Kakuzu would be so kind as to hold his severed arms to his shoulders. To the complete surprise of all present, his arms completely reattached themselves, with no scars! What is the secret to Dr. Hidan's ability?

Dr. Sasori no Akasuna - Though seemingly apathetic to our cause, he has never let us down. Even if working on a way to bring fallen soldiers back to a semblance of life was Dr. Akasuna's main purpose in our organization, his contributions to the Bijuu Project cannot be ignored. If Dr. Uchiha was unavailable to control an experimental Feral, then Dr. Akasuna would assist in restraining them. Please note that due to an unresolved conflict during his childhood, Dr. Akasuna comes off as heartless, do not be offended. Also, do not be alarmed if dead experiments seem to disappear in his presence. This is only due to his aforementioned ongoing project.

Head Nurse Konan - Who stayed with the Bijuu Soldiers throughout their development. Hopefully, the Soldiers see her as a mother figure, and will be more likely to follow her instructions in the future.

And yes, it is true that Miss Konan was recently married, so Dr. Kakuzu, you can forget about those dates you continuously ask for.

Sadly, I have come to a disturbing piece of news.

Prof. Orochimaru has been found guilty of misusing our technology and resources for his own gain. He had in fact been trying to create a permanent way to sustain his life. That is right my friends, Orochimaru has been attempting to create immortality. We learned of this from the Hokage from the Hidden Fire Province, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Mr. Sarutobi was in the past the Third Hokage of the Hidden Fire Province, and due to unfortunate events, had to take up the mantel again. For those of you who are ignorant of the politics of the Hidden Provinces, the Kages are the strongest warriors and leaders of their Province's military power, second only to the ruling daimyo and of coarse, the Elemental Emperor. Mr. Sarutobi was also the sensei of Prof. Orochimaru.

When Sarutobi investigated the continuing disappearances of people in Konoha, the capital of the Hidden Fire Province, he discovered a secret laboratory that Orochimaru had created. Inside, Sarutobi found evidence of live human experimentations and dissections, as well as other, un-nameable horrors. Shortly after this discovery, Orochimaru disappeared from the Hidden Fire Province, undoubtedly to continue his research.

To all those who helped create our tools to gain world peace,

Nagato Pein