"Modifications complete." The calm voice broke through my drug-induced haze. "We are ready for the preliminary examinations, doctor."

Why do I feel so… blank and empty?

"What number are we on? Three?"The surgeon asked his assistant.

"Four."The nurse stated calmly, handing the surgeon a stamp. "Number three is dead."

Dead? From what?

"…Delta then." The surgeon declared, pressing the stamp over my palm. "Not much of a difference from what his name was before, I suppose. Let's start with the basics."

I glanced down in confusion at the large white triangle on my left hand.

Basics? Before?

"Initiating test sequence." I heard multiple switches to my right. "Go on, doctor."

"What is your name?" The surgeon asked me, his face partially hidden by the bright light of the numerous monitors above his head.

I DON'T KNOW. I said, but I only heard the disjointed rumblings of a whale emerge from my throat.

What happened to my voice? More over… why did it feel as if half the skin off my face had been ripped off?

"Voice box modification is a success." The surgeon noted. He turned back to face me, something held in his hand. It was a tube that smelled strangely sweet.

"Can you open and close your fist for me?" He asked politely, pointing the tube at me.

Something in me compelled me to follow. My hand… it felt alien, numb and absolutely gigantic as it moved to comply.

What did you do to me…?

"Pheromone compelled obedience, check."The surgeon put the tube away. "Gene tonics seem to be holding well too."

I tried to move my head, but it seemed like I was bolted or buckled to something.

A table? I was on an operating table?

My breath sounded harsh and animal like to my own ears as the people buzzed around me.

"Is everything in place?"

"Secondary oxygen supply, check." A voice said behind me. I recoiled immediately as I felt cold fingers probe the back of my neck. "EVE reserves, check."

"Healing gel?"The chief surgeon asked. The person behind me must've nodded.

"Alright, ladies." Another nurse came to assist, holding a massive steel thing with a single porthole up and over my head. "Place the helmet."

God, oh god- the walls were closing in-

"Heart rate is up."Someone noted as I heard rivets clicking into place. Another man pressurized the helmet. "He's panicking."

"Sedatives." The chief surgeon immediately commanded as the anesthesiologist scrambled to press on a hanging plastic bag. I felt something cold rush through my veins, burying my temper beneath layers and layers of frost.

NO… I stammered. NO-!

"Keep him calm and docile, people. We're almost done." The man turned to look at me, titling his head like I was a smashed up puzzle that needed to be put back together. "Did we do everything on the list?"

"Hold on-" I saw the nurse turn to consult some papers. "… yes, doctor. We need only introduce the Gatherer candidate."


"Alright then. Bring her in."

I grunted and groaned on the table as they pressed a button. Hidden hydraulics went into action as my table pulled me to a near-standing position, my arms held outwards by straps and buckles.

I spotted a brown haired girl, her eyes glowing with ADAM, go near me. The surgeons and nurses seemed to be very expectant, watching on with a cautious eye as they pressed on several buttons and pulled on a multitude of switches.

The little girl looked up at me and gave a wide, wide smile that pulled at something. Something in my memory…

why… why do I feel like I know you?

"Hello, daddy!" She said brightly.

Your face… your smile-

My thoughts were cut short as I felt white hot fire course through my veins.


"Lot 642 injected." Someone announced.

I gasped, my whale voice becoming labored and heavy. My heart felt as if it was dying. The pain was so intense my mind nearly snapped itself into pieces.

Suddenly, my heart stopped. I heard high pitched beeping from the heart monitor, but everything sounded so far away-

"Daddy?" Her voice. Her angelic voice… I felt revived.

My lifeblood pulsed within me once more as my heart forced itself to beat in time with hers.

"… the pair bond has been established." Someone said reverently as I pulled my symbol-bearing hand free from the table and reached out towards the little girl.

"Yaaay, daddy!" She squeaked in delight as she clasped my finger.