AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yep, I know about the removed audio from the game. I was just thinking about what it could be like if they actually pulled through with it. (That said, this is still alternate universe because the official canon is that Delta is not Eleanor's biological father.

For those who don't know, the file is Bio2_DX_07_08_09-ALL_STREAM(76). Google it. It's awesome. :D

"I have a proposition, mister Topside." Sofia Lamb's prim voice cut through the observation glass. "If you accept, you shall be transferred to minimum security, able to move around as you please."

"… I was getting tired of walking around in a straitjacket." I said with a wry smile. "What do you want from me?"

"Your genetic material." She said flatly.

"… My what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I would like to have an heir to my life's work, mister Topside." She began impatiently, as if my ignorance insulted her. "And you are the most viable candidate."

"Wait… You want me to father your child?" I asked incredulously.

"The heir will not need a father." She stated, folding her hands across her lap. I was beginning to feel sorry for the kid; it wasn't even born yet and already- "The heir will have a mother, and that is certainly enough."

"So once I… do it…." I continued. "I won't be needed?"

"Fathers are certainly not part of the biological equation, mister Topside." She adjusted her glasses and pulled back a lock of blonde hair. "You simply… do your business and then that is it. You are free to prance around in minimum security afterwards if you wish."

"…. Right." I briefly mourned the fact that I actually wanted to trade my freedom in exchange for the kid's misery of being stuck with that overbearing woman for at least twenty years. "When do we…?"

"I shall need your genetic material tomorrow." She gave a satisfied smile as she passed on a weird looking container to the waiting officer. "Place your semen in there and then I shall put in a good word with the warden to place you in minimum security."

"Wait-" I asked, alarmed. "We're not even going to-"

"I would not even dream of it." Sofia Lamb stated with a hint of disgust. "Such barbarism, such loss of control… no, mister Topside, the world of Rapture is a world of science."

I shook my head at her as I took the container from the officer. I inspected it from top to bottom. It was plain enough; the writing on the cover bore my name in neat, capital letters.

"Well, since I'm going to be discarded-" I tried to keep my good humor. "Why me, out of all the people here?"

"Your genes are intact, mister Topside, and that is enough." She replied. Well, at least she was answering me clearly. "Most of the men here have indulged in splicing, and that destroys viable genes. I need someone without a mark on their genetic code."

I gave a nod to show that I understood. She seemed satisfied with this, and she was in the process of standing up, when something occurred to me. "… miss Lamb?" I asked hesitantly.

The doctor turned to glance at me. "Yes, mister Topside?"

"… when the child is born…" I mumbled out. "Can I have a photograph? Preferably, one every year?"

"Sentimentality, mister Topside?" She asked with a curious eyebrow raised. "I didn't think you to be that kind of man."

I thought of the family I left behind on the surface. What would they think of me now? I didn't pay as much attention to them as I should have, preferring to focus on my job as a deep sea diver. Now that I was stuck here in Persephone, I had all the time in the world to think about what I had lost.

"… I just want proof." I replied.

"Like all men." She commented. "Wanting to make their mark on the world."

"Please?" I asked humbly. "I… I'm alright with not seeing the child. I just want to know that I did something… something worthwhile."

"… Of course, mister Topside."