Chapter: Our Two Years
Disclaimer: OWN NOTHING
Macy's P.O.V
Everyone said I looked stunning and how much I shouldnt be nervous, but i was shaking terribly. "Stella are you sure the dress is pretty enough...or what if he gets cold feet...or what if-"
"Mace babe chill, you look stunning...I cant believe your getting married!" Stella exclaimed as we both were jumping up and down like little girls. As we settled down the door to my room flew open.
"MACY!" my two best friends and sister screamed. Lexi, Nikki, and Tina looked gorgeous in their bridesmaids gowns. All the gowns including Stella's were aqua and flowing.
"Hey guys we have exactly...twenty-five minutes so lets go!" We all made our way downstairs. My mother was gracious enough to take Miricale so dont think I forgot her! We all piled into the limo outside my house and made our way to the church.
Nick's P.O.V
"You can do this Nick you are the man...you are the man...YOU ARE NICK LUCAS...NICK OF JONAS!" I tried pep talking myself but as the exspression on my face read...it wasnt helping. Then I heard laughter. I slowly turned around and saw Joe, Kevin, and Frankie laughing like crazy.
"YOU ARE NICK OF JONAS!" Kevin mocked while the two other boys laughed. I rolled my eyes and fixed my tux. I was at the church already and people were already starting to take their seats. Then I heard a knock on the door and saw my dad.
"Nick time for you to take your position...and im proud of you son." My father and I exchanged a hug and then I started for the main room.
Macy's P.O.V
It was time already. I could here the music and I saw Stella and Joe walk arms linked follwed by Kevin and Tina, then by Frankie and Nikki. Lexi and Jimmy one of Nick's friends were last and Lexi said good luck as she walked out. Then the flower girl went and now it was time for me. I slowly walked out flowers in hand. I heard gasps and people say "she looks breath taking." Then my eyes locked with Nick's and he smiled. I felt blush slowly rise to my cheeks. We heard the priest say whatever but I was looking at Nick and thinking...how did I get this lucky. Finally I heard Nick say "I do" then it was my turn ai quickly returned those words. He blushed this time and smiled.
"You may kiss the bride!" Nick quickly advanced towards me lifted my veil and kissed me with passion. Everyone was clapping and cheering and Nick whispered two words he said to me when everything important happened between us.
"Something Great."