Title: Eye of the Beholder

Rating: T

Genre: Romance/Drama

Pairing: KakaSaku

Chapter Title: Trust & Betrayal

A/N: A few years back I heard my niece in her room trying and trying to play this tune on her guitar. After a while she finally got it and came to me sat on the floor and played a song for me. As she sang the lyrics I laughed and laughed because the song was like the greatest thing ever to me. The name of the song was 'The Cat Came Back'. The tune of the song, well, I can't find a better version of the song than the version my niece sang to me, but you'll probably need to hear it to get the full effect.

"So, how was the date?" Sakura looked at Temari's curious face and sighed. She couldn't even go to the market without being harassed. Maybe she could do without food for a few more days and just make a run for it…

Sakura's stomach grumbled and she cursed it for it's practicality.

"It was fine." Sakura replied vaguely hoping that the lack of details would drive Temari away—only it wasn't that simple.

"Oh." Temari said after a while. "So it didn't work out. Do you want me to find someone else?" Sakura looked at Temari as if she had grown another head. The woman was like a dog with a bone. She wouldn't let go until she felt Sakura was sufficiently happy. Sakura scowled.

"That won't be necessary."


"Temari, I did as you asked. I went on the date. Now please just let it go."

Temari studied Sakura's face sensing that she was hiding something. Sakura looked back at her blankly but Temari had seen that look on Sasuke's face long enough to know it meant something. "You're going on a second date with him, aren't you?"

Sakura grimaced and briefly thought about lying. The image of Temari finding another man popped into her head and she disregarded it immediately. "What of it?"

"What do you mean what of it? That means you have to tell me all about you first date! What's his name?"


Temari stared at her for a second or two puzzled. The former sand ninja racked her brain searching for a face to attach to the name but to no avail. "I haven't heard of any ninja named Kaori."

"Mmm. That's probably because it's an assumed name."

"You mean, he didn't tell you his real name after the date." Temari was obviously aghast and more than a little angry. The fact amused Sakura because the mystery of Kaori would force Temari to mind her business—for a while.


"Why not?"

"I didn't want to know it."

Temari stared at Sakura for a moment then shook her head. "Sakura, how can you have a relationship with someone if you don't know their name?"

Sakura shrugged her shoulders and gave Temari a carefree smile. "I don't know, but I'll manage somehow. Now if you'll excuse me I have some shopping to do. I'm sure you do as well."

Temari scowled at Sakura's rapidly retreating form. And while Sakura was walking away she wondered why—if Temari had set her up on the date in the first place—why didn't she know who he was?


"Who is it?"

Kakashi looked up from his book into Temari's face. From the looks of it she had been chasing him down for quite some time given her disheveled state. She was very probably irritated with him. Kakashi had to fight back the smile.

"Who is who?"

"Don't be coy, Hatake. Who did you set Sakura up with?"

"I'm under the impression that either she doesn't know yet or she doesn't want you to know. Either way why should I tell you?"

Kakashi looked at Temari curiously wondering how she'd reply to that. "Because he wouldn't have gotten the date in the first place if it wasn't for me." Kakashi raised his hand and rubbed his chin. She had a point there but still it wasn't enough for him to tell her that he went on the date with Sakura.

"Not good enough."

"They're going on a second date. For Sakura that's something." Temari argued but Kakashi simply smiled at the reminder. Yes, they were going on a second date.


They had been going out for a couple of months now and Sakura had long since dropped her henge revealing to Kaori who she was. She remembered how he smiled at her once she had told him the truth and she had nearly melted into a puddle of goo at his feet.

She hadn't exactly expected him do the same right then, but she silently admitted to herself that it would have been nice if he had. She didn't push it, though-especially since he asked her to give him a little more time. She would give him the time while she sorted out her feelings for her although every now and again she felt the need to harass him about it.

She straddled his lap giving him a pout that she knew he found irresistable. "Kaori, what are you hiding under that henge? When will I see your true face?"

He blinked at the question, then chuckled, and the chuckle turned into full fledged laughter. Sakura hit him on the chest angry that he was laughing at her and she didn't know why.

"Sakura," He said in between kisses after he had composed himself, "Just give me a little more time. You trust me don't you? You know I wouldn't deliberatly set out to hurt you."

"Yes, Kaori. I know."

"Then trust me."



They had been drinking pretty heavily—they being Karin and Anko- but surprisingly enough they hadn't been kicked out of the bar yet. They were discussing Sakura's love life. Not an unusual topic but even more so now that Kaori was in her life. She had just delivered some stunning news and Sakura was certain that it was moments before they were thrown out of their first bar of the night.

"What do you mean? You still don't know what the infamous Kaori looks like?" Anko yelled incredulously. Kaori was out of town on a mission and suddenly Sakura realized that she hadn't hung out with her girls in quite some time. She felt a little guilty about spending all her freetime with Kaori and just dropping them like that so she had sought them out.

"No, I don't."

"And you're just going to let him get away with that?" Karin asked.

"You still don't know his real name, either, do you?" When Sakura didn't reply Anko slammed her hands on the table and leaned forward close to Sakura's face. The putrid smell of alcohol filled Sakura's nostrils but she didn't lean back or show any sign of disgust. That typically made Anko worse. "You know what this means, right?"

"He doesn't trust you." Karin piped up and Sakura flinched at the words.

"Oh no, Karin it's far worse that than. Trust can be earned in time, but why would he be worried about Sakura knowing what he looks like anyway?"

Karin's eyes widened with realization, "He looks like foot and ass."

"Exactly!" Anko yelled and jumped to her feet. Sakura covered her face with her hands knowing something bad was about to happen. Still, she couldn't resist taking a peek out of her hands only to see Anko moving towards the stage in the club they were frequenting and then whispering something in the ear of the jazz player's ear. Said man grabbed a guitar and began strumming notes. The tune was actually pretty catchy in it's simplicity- enough so that Anko had her full attention.

Sakura didn't know what she expected Anko to do but she certainly didn't expect to hear her start singing. Her voice—even while intoxicated was sultry and sexy. Sakura would have been heavily impressed…if the lyrics themselves hadn't pissed her off.

"Old lady Uchiha had problems at home

Her husband just wouldn't leave Haruno alone"

Karin burst out laughing at the double entendre and Sakura covered her face once more. How many people knew her in this place? There was a reason Sakura usually never went to nice place with Karin and Anko. She silently prayed that neither Temari nor Sasuke heard about this night.

"He tried and he tried to find that girl a guy

But no one would take her and he couldn't figure out why"

Sakura tried to stand but Karin grabbed her arm and forced her to sit. "Come on, Sakura. You know she's just kidding around. I thought you had relaxed quite a bit since 'Kaori' was hittin' that on a regular basis."

"But he found an ug-mo to take her away

He found an ug-mo; he thought she would be happy

So he found an ug-mo, because ug-mos never go away"

"Karin, I'm going to kill that bitch and you too if you don't stop laughing." She had heard this tired crap before. Something about ugly men would never leave you and would love you unconditionally. It was a load of crock yet it was beginning to make her uneasy.

"Do do do doop need a bag…for his head do do do doop need a bag…for his head"

It was at this point that anxiety began to churn in Sakura's belly. It didn't matter or not she knew what Kaori looked like. She loved him—the person inside. She was not that superficial. She could wait until he was ready to reveal who he was. It wasn't a problem.

"They put on the pressure to get Haruno down the isle

They used dirty tricks like it was goin' out of style

And convinced poor Haruno to go out on a date

She wouldn't know what he looked like until it was too late"

But what if he was ugly? Sakura thought looking at Karin's slumped over figure. The wench was still laughing controllably. Karin was right. She did like pretty men. What if he was truly ugly? What if once Kaori dropped his oh-so-beautiful henge that it was over between them?

"Sasuke found an ug-mo to take her away

He found an ug-mo; he thought she would be happy

So he found an ug-mo, 'cause ugo-mos never go away"

Do do do doop need a bag for his head, do do do doop need a bag for his head

She gave up her heart before she found out the truth

Her boyfriend was so ugly that, that—aw crap I can't think of a word that rhymes with truth? Karin, are there any words that rhyme with truth?

"Camel poop?"





Anko shrugged.

"Her boyfriend was so ugly that he looked like camel poop

They had ugly babies and to this very day

Every ugly child you see have come from Haruno's waaaayyyyyy

Cause she married an ug-mo that took her away

She married an ugo-mo; they thought she would be happy

Cause she married an ug-mo, cause ug-mos never go away

Do do do doop need a bag…for his head do do do doop need a bag…for his head

It was official. She hated those sluts.




"When are you going to drop your henge?" Kakashi looked up at Sakura's face surprised. Her feet were in his lap and he had been running his fingers over them tickling them lightly. Sakura made an attempt to squirm away from his hands, but to no avail.

Quite some time had passed since Sakura had dropped her henge yet the fear of losing her once she found out his identity was ever present with him.

"Sakura, do you trust me?"

"I do, Kaori, but—"

"Do you care for me?"


"Then give me a little more time. It's all I ask."

Sakura sighed. "Will you at least tell me your real name?"

Kakashi just smiled and Sakura groaned knowing him well enough to know what that smile meant.


"At this point Sakura you just need to find out yourself."

"What? Karin I can't do that. Kaori will reveal who he is to me in time. That would be a betrayal of his trust."

"Will he, really?" Karin asked in a manner that reluctantly made Sakura begin to doubt Kaori. At Sakura's wavering expression Karin plunged onward. "Look, he stays over at night, right?"


"Then this is your opportunity. He probably can't hold a henge all night. Just turn on the lights when you're sure he's asleep and take a peek."

"And what if he can hold it all night. What if he's that powerful?"

"There are only a handful of ninjas who could possibly do what you just said and most of them are on your team—and since they're married. Hey wait. What if it is one of your teammates and they just want some nookie on the side? It sounds like something Sasuke would do." Both women scowled. "And from what I hear Naruto has always loved you…you could be an adulteress and not know it."

"Infidelity and Naruto just don't go together." Sakura said wryly.

"Still, it never hurts to check. If he is able to hold the henge all night just disrupt it and put it back once you've taken your peek."

"Karin, I really shouldn't."

"No, Sakura. You really should. Anko told me that the idea is almost full proof. You need to know what he looks like."

To that Sakura said nothing.


Sakura's face paled when she stared at the positive sign on the stick in her hand. She was pregnant and she couldn't deny it to herself anymore. Was it possible to love a child this much before it was even born? Sakura's arms wrapped around her midsection tightly.

She had to tell Kaori.

Karin words ran through Sakura's mind and she made an attempt to push them away but found herself unable to. She'd tell Kaori she was pregnant tonight and if he didn't show her his face then she'd…she'd….


Something was on her mind. Kakashi noted from the way she moved about her apartment and glancing at him nervously. He thought to prod her a bit, but only figured that would make the situation worse. Instead, he sought to calm her in ways that would distract her and maybe relax her a bit. Like by wrapping her in his arms and holding her close.

Sakura practically melted into his arms and Kakashi suddenly felt a peace that was simply blissful. A sigh escaped her and she unconciously tried to snuggle a bit closer to the man. He chuckled at her actions and Sakura smiled at the sound. The words thereafter slipped out of her mouth before her mind regsitered she had said them.

"Kaori, I'm pregnant." Kakashi blinked surprised at Sakura's words.

"Pregnant?" Kakashi said pulling her away from him and looking down into her eyes searching for the truth of her words. Sakura simply nodded her head. A laugh slipped out before Kakashi could stop himself and Sakura soon found herself wrapped in his arms and being carried to her bedroom.

"Kaori, can I see your face now? We're starting a family now so…"

Kakashi kissed her lips effectively silencing her. "Not yet, Sakura. Just a little more time."

Sakura said nothing.


He was asleep. Sakura was certain of it. The steady rise an fall of his chest was generally a tell-tale sign. Sakura lay in the bed debating whether or not she should do this. Then Sakura remembered the life that was growing inside her and that she didn't know two essential things about it's father. Her face grim with determination Sakura then slipped out of the bed and turned on a nearby lamp. The dim light filled the room and Sakura immediately turned her head towards Kaori. She moved back towards the bed crawling on top of it and peering down at his face.

His face hadn't changed. Alarm wormed it's way into her heart. That must mean he could hold the henge even in his sleep. Karin's words about one of the few powerful ninja who were able to do so. Bile rose to her throat at the thought of Sasuke lying in her bed in henge—at the thought of carrying his child when he was married to another woman.

Sasuke would be enthusiastically happy about that. She was just another woman to help him repopulate his clan. Angry tears filled her eyes as she reached out to touch his face in order to dispel the henge.

The funny thing was that the henge didn't really dispel.

His face remained the same only a scar appeared over his left eye. Sakura stared at Kaori confused. His face was the same. This was actually Kaori's face and she still didn't have a clue as to who he was. Was his name really and truly Kaori?

He was gorgeous, simply gorgeous. Sakura took the opportunity to look him over once more. His nose was straight and perfect. His chin held a cleft in that gave his face character. His cheekbones were high giving him an almost feminine beauty that was tapered down by the scar that covered his left eye.

He had a henge over his left eye? But why? Was the scar something he was ashamed of? She was certain that it was something that he acquired in battle which was nothing at all to be ashamed of. Before Sakura could stop herself she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Kaori's lips. A kiss that turned more heated as he was pulled from the depths of his slumber. Sakura pulled away from him a little noting the small smile that appeared on his face afterwards. It was then that Sakura looked at the whole picture.

She had been so focused on Kaori's 'face' that she hadn't looked at him completely. The gray hair filled her vision.

Gray hair.

Left-eyed scar.


Gray hair.

Left-eyed scar.


Gray hair.

Left-eyed scar.


"Kakashi." Sakura whispered.

His whole body froze and he stared at her face for a brief moment…before he disappeared.


"Naruto, have you seen Kakashi?" Naruto took one look at Sakura's distraught face, disheveled hair, and tear stains and was immediately alarmed. She looked like she had been up all night crying her heart out.

"No. Why? Sakura what's wrong?"

"I have to find him. I can't find him! I've looked all over this damned village and he's nowhere to be found. It's just not possible for someone to disappear off the face of the earth so quickly!"

Naruto glanced at Sasuke who shrugged clueless. "Sakura, tell me what's going on. I'll help you."

"I messed up Naruto. I really messed up. Do you know who would know where he is?"

It was Sasuke who answered her surprising Sakura thoroughly. "Rin—his old teammate. If anyone knows where he is, she will."

"Thank you, Sasuke. Thank you so much." Sakura turned to run out of the restaurant but paused turning back to Sasuke. "Sasuke?"

"Aa." Sasuke said turned a bored look her way.

"I recently thought some very ugly and nasty things about you. I thought you would do despicable things that would hurt me very much. I'm sure you know by now that my opinion of you wasn't very high."


"But I was wrong…" Sakura, noticing a smirk that was started to form on his lips, added quickly, "to a very small degree." She thereafter dashed out the restaurant oblivious to Naruto's laughter.


Rin looked at the woman who had all but pushed her out of her place in Kakashi's heart with distaste that she didn't bother to conceal. The girl didn't deserve Kakashi—not even a little bit. She couldn't understand what he had actually seen in the girl in the first place. Mostly, though Rin was angry at herself. She wondered if she hadn't asked Kakashi to find someone to get the roseate wench out of her hair would any of this have happened.

"Why should I tell you anything?"

"Please, I just need to apologize."

"So you can make yourself feel better? There's no way."

"Please, I'm begging you. Just tell me where to find him."

Rin stared at Sakura with narrowed eyes noting that the girl looked like she hadn't had a wink of sleep said, "I have to pull a double at the hospital today." She had the afternoon and night shift and she really didn't want to go. The young kunoichi had just provided her with a well needed opportunity. "My shift starts in a few hours. Take my place and if you're able to make it back here once you're done then I'll tell you where he is."

Sakura, with hope alight in her eyes, nodded her head quickly and went home and prepared herself for work.


She was going to kill someone if she kept up at this rate. Her focus was shot with worrying about Kakashi, the baby, and what his disappearance meant for their relationship. This typically meant that she was by no means giving her patients one hundred percent—not that she could give anything a hundred percent at this point since she was behaving like the walking dead at the lack of sleep.

Thankfully, her co-workers were the best thing ever created. They shooed her off bidding her to go take a nap and come back when she felt a little better. Sleep was really the best thing for her because rest renewed her determination to set things right.


Rin scowled inwardly at Haruno Sakura who looked a lot better now than she did before she started her shift. Why did she look so rested? She was supposed to be so exhausted that she collapsed as soon as her shift ended.

Well, this time she'd ensure that Sakura wasn't able to complete her task.

"Will you tell me where he is, now?"

"I will, but first, there's a kimono that I've been wanting for sometime now. It's sold by a merchant who goes by the name of Yamada Ryu. It's gold with a white obi. It's the most magnificent one there. You can't miss it. Bring it to me and then I'll tell you where Kakashi is."

Sakura narrowed her eyes at Rin, but nodded and left the woman's home.


"Where you headed to?" Sakura glanced at Temari and nearly groaned. The last thing she wanted was to deal with Temari today. She loved Temari. She really did, but now just wasn't the time.

"I'm going to the market buy a kimono from this merchant Yamada Ryu."

"Yamada Ryu? Are you serious?" Sakura frowned at Temari's incredulity.

"Yes, why?"

"That man is an avid hater of kunoichi. I personally think it's because he got done in by one. He'll never sell you anything."

"What? But I really need this kimono!"

Temari looked at her giving her a sly grin. "For a date with you-know-who?"

Sakura rolled her eyes sick and tired of people meddling in her love life. Her words were like rubbing salt in the wound that Kaori—Kakashi was gone. "I don't have time for this."

"Ah, get your panties out of that knot. Look, he goes to lunch at noon everyday. His wife takes over the shop during those hours. Go then. It's when I always do."

Sakura sighed feeling like she was continuously making an ass out of herself lately. "Thanks Temari. Sorry for being—"

"It's no problem. I understand. Bitch mode falls upon all of us every now and then." Temari waved and walked off leaving Sakura to handle her business in peace.


Rin stared at the kimono wondering how the hell Sakura had gotten it. She had spent the last few months trying to get the crusty old man in that shop to sell her this kimono and she had even sent a few friends in to get in for her thinking he just had it out for her.

Rin was really starting to detest the girl. To think that Kakashi had actually confessed to loving her! Rin was not going to put up with this girl being a part of their lives forever.

"I've given you the dress so tell me where I can find Kakashi."

Rin moved her chocolate tresses and tucked them behind her ear.

"I'll tell you but first—"

"No, but firsts! I'm sick of this. Tell me where he is or so help me I will beat the answer out of you!" Sakura took a step forward, fists glowing with charka. Rin looked down at her hands briefly before looking back up at Sakura.

"You know, you were the one that didn't trust him, that didn't have faith in him, and yet you come here to me brandishing threats? If you want to find him, then do it on your own and leave me out of it. I won't be your middle woman."

Sakura ground her teeth together staring at the woman that she would willingly kill if she had not been a loyal kunoichi of Konoha.

"Fine. What do you want this time?"

Rin smiled.


Walking through ANBU training grounds was like walking to your death. Yet that is exactly what Rin asked her to do in order to pass some information on to Morino Ibiki. Sakura stood before the gates with dread in the pit of her stomach. The training sessions on those grounds were nothing if not intense.

It was just like getting in between Naruto and Sasuke when they were fighting. She had done that once. She really never intended on doing something so foolish a second time.

"What are you doing here ugly?"

Sakura turned and glared at Sai who smiled back at her. "I need to give a message to Ibiki. He's on the training grounds."

"No, he's not. He's in the torture and interrogation division."

"Are you sure?"

"I just saw him. He is also always there at this time of day."

Sakura glanced back at the training ground then at Sai then back and the training grounds. She then proceeded to wrap her arms around her stomach protectively.

"Is that general information?" Sakura asked trying to keep her voice simply curious and not let any anger leak through.

"No, but even if he was on the training grounds you know you're not allowed to enter."


"Because they're training." Sai said simply. "You could die if you wander in their haphazardly.

"Thank you, Sai—for stopping me."


"Message delivered. Where is Kakashi?"


"Just tell me where he is! I've had enough of your petty games! Isn't it enough that you tried to have me killed?"

"I never did any such thing."

"You sent me to an ANBU training grounds when you damn well know—"

"I never sent you to the ANBU training grounds. I said he was near the training grounds."

"You bitch."

"Right back at you."

"Tell me where he is!"

"You don't deserve him! I'll never help you!"

"Oh? And who does? You? If he wanted you he would have had you by now. He's—"

"We're not like that." Rin spat. "Not that it's any of your business. He left you. The two of you are over and done with and I say good riddance. You didn't have any faith in him. You didn't trust him. All he asked was for you to wait a little while give him the chance to tell you the truth, but you couldn't do that."

"I didn't have faith in him? He didn't have faith in me. I love Kaori, Kakashi—whoever the hell he is! I waited for him to tell me the truth, but for reasons unknown to me he wouldn't do it. But that doesn't matter because I forgive him because I love him and I will hope that he can forgive me as well. But he will have the opportunity to tell me himself where I stand in all this. And I will not, I will not let anyone stand in my way of getting to him. Not my friends, not his friends, not him, not anyone. So you have one more chance Rin to tell me where he is peacefully or this time I will use force and nothing you say can change my mind. Am I clear?"

Rin arched a brow at her rage filled face and rolled her eyes. Before she could tell the woman to go to hell she collapsed on the ground in front of her. Rin stared at her unmoving form for a moment or two before she scowled.

"Well, hell." Rin muttered. "Now I have to take her to the hospital."


"She's what?"

"In the hospital, Kakashi."

"What happened? Is she alright?"

"Why should I tell you anything? I thought it was over between the two of you."

"Rin." Kakashi said sternly and Rin rolled her eyes.

"If you want to know how she is go see her yourself. Why must you always torture yourself like this?"

"You don't know anything about it."

"I only know what you tell me, Kakashi—and what she's told me. She's wrong. You're wrong, and there's a small possibility that I'm wrong too, but whatever. Go find her. Talk to her."

"Rin…what did you do?"

"It's nothing worth mentioning. Just go make sure she's alright, but before you leave tell me you'll love me no matter what."

"Rin why do I think it's very possible that I'm going to want to kill you later?"

"Because you know me?"

"Rin, we'll talk later." Rin folded her arms over her chest and pouted knowing by the tone of his voice that this time she wasn't going to get away with murder.


Her eyes were closed when he stepped into the hospital room. He was afraid…so very afraid. Had she lost the baby? Was she sick? She looked so pale and so small lying in that tiny bed. Before he knew he was at her bedside with his hand wrapped around hers. Looking around the room to make sure no one was about he lowered his mask and brought her hand briefly to his face feeling the touch of her hand against him. Releasing his grip on her hand Kakashi then raised a single digit and trailed it down her jaw line not liking the cold feel of her skin beneath his hand. His finger moved upward towards her eyelids running the tips over her closed orbs. Sakura's eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared on her lips.


"Kakashi." He gently corrected.

Sakura's smile slid off her face as she remembered everything. She squirmed uncomforatbly in the bed shifting her gaze away from his. "I'm sorry. My actions were nothing but ugly. You know, people say I'm so beautiful, but true beauty can only be found within. I didn't show any beauty when I couldn't just tell you how I felt and go behind your back and take matters into my own hands. I let other people influence me to do what I knew was wrong."

"Sakura, I'm sorry too. I should have told you sooner. If I had then you wouldn't have felt the need to 'remove my mask'."

"Why didn't you?" Sakura asked in a small voice. Kakashi reached out and grabbed her hand once more squeezing it tightly.

"I was afraid you'd leave if you knew. I just wanted a little more time with you."

"Before I left you?" Kakashi didn't reply, but Sakura knew that was the answer. "I love you. You know that, right?"

"You love Kaori."

"You are Kaori. You're the man who stole my heart. Are you planning on giving it back? Are you planning on walking away from me, from your family? The way I see it I have more to fear than you."

"You? You're beautiful, intelligent; you don't need an old man like me."

"You know what? You're right. You can leave now." Kakashi's lone eye widened in surprise that Sakura had called his bluff. Sakura laughed in response. "Marry me."


"Marry me and let's run away from here."

Kakashi chuckled. "Run away where."

"To Olympus."


"Yeah, you know that small town outside of Suna that we went to on that mission that one time."


"You don't remember?"


"They made this dango there that were like ambrosia from the gods."

"Sakura, it's too early in your pregnancy for you to be having cravings."

"Whatever, Kakashi. Just say you'll marry me."

Kakashi lowered his mask and smiled sweetly at Sakura. "I will. Is the baby okay?" Kakashi said moving his hand to rest upon her stomach slightly.

"Yes, it's fine. It was just stress. I'll be up and out of here in no time." Kakashi sighed relieved.

Sakura smiled died as she realized something else, "Kakashi, there's something else we need to talk about."

"What?" Kakashi asked slightly alarmed by the serious note in her voice.

"Our friends. They really suck." Kakashi's mind wandered to Rin and wondered exactly what she had done to Sakura.

"Only as much as we do. We really let them have too much influence on our lives. What did Rin do to you?"

"Don't worry about Rin. I'll handle her." Sakura chuckled darkly thinking of all the disgusting and degrading work at the hospital that she would start Rin off with. "You're right, though, about our friends and that's going to change. From now on I'm going to be the meddling friend." An evil light appeared in Sakura's eyes. "So…how do you think Karin and Kiba would work out?"

"Romantically?" At Sakura's nod he continued, "I think he'd love his dog more than he'd love her."

"Yes…isn't it great?"


A/N: Okay, so the end was a little mean, but given the story of Cupid and Psyche Sakura's intentions were a lot nicer than Psyche's. Psyche tricked her sisters into jumping off a cliff and killing themselves. -Talk about bitter-