And the cookie comes to an end. Thank you, Phoenix Rampant for the idea, I hope you liked it! And thank to everyone who read and reviewed it! You all Rock! :D

Also, I realize this has been 3 quick chapters after a long time with nothing, but I caught a day without any work…or rather without an work that I absolutely needed to do. So I managed to pump all three out in one night. Ish.

Final chapter with the final POV…(which I think is better done then Evening)

Still Unbeta'd.

Warning: Mentions of Slash. Nothing explicit at all.

Epilogue – 19 years later…

Watching Harry now, you'd never know he was a scrawny scared little kid with too much on his plate all those years ago at Hogwarts…during the war. I remember him that way and it's taken years for me to fully realize how much that isn't him anymore. He's come such a long way from that little boy who used to live in a cupboard.

As Minister for Magic, he's the most politically influential person in the country. As Harry Potter, he's the most magically influential person in the world…and the strongest. Just ask Severus. There's another change it took time to get used to, although I'm pretty sure Ronald still hasn't accepted it yet. I sighed, just thinking about it. Ginny has been trying to help him understand, but he just doesn't.

It certainly doesn't help that Harry's firstborn son was named James Severus Potter. How he managed to convince Profe—er, Aurora to name her child that I'll never know.

I'm still not used to the fact that Harry married our Astronomy professor. I know she's only a few years older then we are, but still…ah well. They've been married now for twelve years and they've had four kids. James Severus, Aurora Lillian, Elizabeth Hermione (which warm my insides when I heard he'd named his second daughter after me. Gin and I will probably never have children, so I've decided Eliza is my daughter…Harry indulges me.), and Remus Sirius.

The pair show no sign that they're going to stop having children anytime soon.

Ron still envies Harry, though he wouldn't admit it upon pain of death. He and Luna only have one little girl, whose name you do not want to know. Looney Luna named her. We all call her Cali. Ron used to run the International Magical Cooperation offices, which meant he dealt primarily with Quidditch. He also played second string for a while on the same team that Harry played first string seeker. Harry took them all the way to the Quidditch cup, but they lost to Ireland, much to Seamus's glee. Now, Ron is head couch of the team and works part time at the ministry, mostly I think to keep in touch with people. Most of our old school friends hold offices in Harry's government. Neville is even in charge of International Magical Supply Regulation, since England sets the standard for the whole world in that area. He loves his job. And Pansy Parkinson, his wife, loves him, which shocked everyone. Except Draco…

Draco Malfoy is almost as popular publicly as Harry…almost. He's the rich playboy who never got married. Although he lives with his old school friend Blaise Zabini, no one ever found out whether the two are in a relationship or not. Well…the public never found out that it. I happen to know the truth. Harry and Draco grew quite close after Hogwarts when they ended up in Magical Law Enforcement together. Draco quit to take his seat on the Wizengamot and Harry decided to run for office. He too had an ancestral seat, but Aurora holds it (conflict of interest you know, for the Minister to hold a seat too). But back to the point, I was making. Draco and Blaise are very much together.

I think the reason Harry and Draco even called a truce between them was because of Severus, Draco's godfather. Harry and Severus became the best of friend during the war, though Severus hates that phrase…or the word friend, really. Harry even lived with him for a short time, just after school, before he moved in with Aurora. Severus is now headmaster of Hogwarts since Minerva retired, when Dumbledore passed on. That was a decade ago now. Severus also acts as consultant for the Office of Potion's Regulations and Restrictions. (one of the new offices Harry created)

Oh! But I'm rambling, aren't I? Feeling a bit nostalgic today. It's the anniversary of our graduation from Hogwarts, did you know? No? Well, it is. It's also the anniversary of the day that Fudge attempted to arrest Harry for going dark. That did not go over well at all. Everyone— Oh. You know the story? Well, then I won't go over it again, but what a day that was. It was almost as long as the day the Prank War ended.

You want to know what happened to Fred and George? Oh. Well… they left Hogwarts again, when we all did. Gin and I moved in together in the apartment next to their shop. Turned out that they were dating two of their old gyrffindor Quidditch teammates. George was going with Angelina and Fred was dating Oliver Wood. Yes, that came as a surprise to us as well. But after he and Oliver split Alicia Spinnet consoled him properly. He's bi, even though he failed to mention that to anyone but George. Of course. Just thinking about them makes me chuckle. Fred is still partner hopping, but George and Angelina got married. Which surprised everyone, including Fred.

But there I go, rambling again. I'm sure you have to be getting on? Yes, me too. I've got a research project I'm working on for Harry, that simply must be finished today and Ginny is expecting me home. We need to go shopping for Eliza's birthday present. It's been lovely catching up with you though! We must do this again sometime!