Skyler: Hey guys! Long time no see!

Raphael: Agreed it's been almost 3 years since the last update.

Lola: This is sadly, not a new chapter, but an update

Alister: Sadly? I'm kinda glad with this break; less antics from Valon

Valon: Oi! Not cool! *pouts*

Skyler: So here's the update from Jupie. No Ordinary Life will be on hold for the time being. Jupie is working on revising it to make it...quoting her..."less cringy"

Raphael: How is this story cringy?

Skyler: *shrugs* Dunno. Jupie apologizes for everyone who follows this story.

Lola: Can't believe how much people like it.

Skyler: Some of the changes will include plot, characters, and character names-WHAT?!

Lola: But...I like my name! Nuuuuuu *sobs*

Raphael: *takes list away from Skyler as she tends to crying Lola* It also says that our prequel Shards of Orichalcum might be a seperate series-or also completely re-written.

Alister: *reads over Raphael's shoulder* She states that she's not deleting either story...and that there is a possible new chapter she might upload just to give you guys something to read.

Lola/Skyler: YEEEE!

Skyler: So...that's it for this update.

Everyone: We'll see you guys in the next chapter...

Alister: Or re-write.