Nicos pov

When the hunters of Artemis come I usually try to steer clear of them. Ever since Bianca left me to chase her selfish dream, not to mention died because of them, I might just feel a little scornful of them. But I decided that maybe, at least one of them, might not be too bad.

The legendary tree girl, Thalia Grace. Every chance Artemis gave her she got as emo as me. She wore green day shirts, the black skinny jeans, and the same converses I have. We understood each other in our weird gothic ways. I guess if I was stuck in a tree for a few years, watching everyone else have their fun, I just might be a little bitter too.

We met through Percy and Annabeth last time she came, which by the way was too long ago. I hate to admit it, but I actually miss her being around. When she left I never thought I would miss her. Though, there's really no one to hang out with since Annabeth and Percy's relationship took off. All they ever do is Make-out and go on moonlit walks on the beach. She was in the same boat as me; losing her friends just because of their hormones.

So this morning during breakfast when Chiron announced that the Hunters of Artemis would be coming this morning, I felt hopeful about the days to come. Someone to sit by at camp fire sing-a-long, and make fun of the Aphrodite campers with. Not to mention someone to be with me in while Percy and Annabeth are in one of their 'moods'

But while everyone else was booing and thinking up rude pranks to do to them I, along with Percy and Annabeth, snuck out leaving breakfast almost untouched. We raced (which Percy won) to Thalia's tree and waited for the hunters to show up.

Thalias pov

That morning we were camping in Idaho. Something about a vicious herd of Harpies. But they were taken care of long ago and now we were probably heading somewhere else to help the gods.

"Thalia, Lady Artemis would like to speak to you." Said one of the new girls we picked up, Summer.

After I thanked her I picked up my bow and walked to The Ladies tent.

When I got there she was on her knees, probably waiting for me to show up.

"Ahhh Thalia just the person I needed to speak to. There is a meeting up in Olympus I need to attend to. Would you mind telling the others to pack up tents and meet by the lake in the forest?"

"Of course my Lady," I bowed and after thinking about I asked "Lady, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is wrong in Olympus?"

A smile spread slowly across her face. "Nothing important, just an intervention. Zeus apparently has a little bit of anger management and is spending his time striking down airplanes. We should probably stop him from killing so many mortals."

I walked out of the tent and down the pathway, thinking about someone I've been spending a lot time thinking about lately.

Nico De Angelo. I mean sure he is a boy but he was different than most. He was as emo as possible, I guess being the son of Hades does that to you. He was also really kind and his deep dark eyes reflected that. He made me want to be around him, especially since Annabeth and Percy were always making out and being all hormonal.

I hate to admit it, but I miss him. His annoying smirk, his hair that feel in his eyes if he was really in to something too. But more than anything I just miss his caring and friendship.

I got to the end of the pathway where all the girls were waiting for the news they knew I would be bringing back with me as a souvenir. I told them news and they complained and muttered probably not so nice things, but were off with no arguments.

I thought about what the next couple weeks could bring and smiled with the thoughts that came to mind. Making fun of the Aphrodite campers and the love birds of camp. I can't wait was the last thought I had before, unfortunately, I was reared back to reality by a burst of light probably coming from Apollo's sun chariot. I walked to the lake along with the other girls and climbed aboard. And now starts my fun week.