StrawberryInShadow-SilverFlame - Ah my friend but this is the last chapter. Gah, I was really tired writing this. Thank you for all your support Holy! :D

Karashunter - Haha, that's what Cliff thinks XD A squishy fire ninja? Cool :) Oh and thank you so much for reading this fic! I thank you for you support! :D

Xealvi - Finally. this chapter has been done. I hope you liked it, and thank you so much for supporting this fic! I am so glad! :D

Maymist - Hehe, I'm very glad that you liked it. Thank you. And thank you once more for the support! This fanfic has finally come to it's end. I am so happy! :D


Waah! The last and finally awaited chapter is up peeps! It's also the longest which really made my fingers hurt. So yes, I am so happy that I have ended a fic. This is my first one ever to get finished. So yeah, I love all of you who have read and reviewed it! Thank you so much! For now enjoy reading this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Harvest Moon. Neither do I own So Close by John Mclaughlin. I don't own Phineas and Ferb too. I would die just to own those t things! Well maybe not. XD

The following day was just as normal, but when night came, butterflies began to flood my stomach. I went my way to Mary's house, a flower in hand. I knocked and greeted her a smile when she answered.

"H-hi, thanks! Let's go!" Mary greeted, took the flower and motioned for us to leave. We walked in silence until we reached the beach. It was already full of people. Many of the residents of Forget-Me-Not Valley came. Mary and I positioned near the seashore. I took a glance at Gray and Claire, who were sitting on the deck, feet dangling. My eyes dropped for a bit. Even though Gray told me that he doesn't really love Claire, it still pains me that they're together. Then Karen caught my eye, she and Rick were also in the other side of the deck. Karen saw me as well and she winked at me. I gave her a small smile and went back to Mary, she was comfortable with quiet company, which I am glad about.

"Cliff, I want you to know that Gray spoke to me yesterday..." Mary suddenly began. I nodded to her with a small smile.

"Oh? So you know why I asked you, huh?" I asked smirking a bit. Mary smiled as well.

"Yeah. That Gray. Such an idiot. But you know, I want to help you out with Claire as well." she said softly. I smiled absentmindedly.

"Thanks, Mary. But it's alright, so many people are helping me out already and I'm all taking them for granted. I just don't think it's right.." I mumbled. Mary giggled.

"That's because your such a great guy, Cliff. That's why people like to help you out." she explained. I looked down, embarrassed by her remark.

"Nahh, I don't think so..." I denied. She just chuckled.

"Ah, Cliff. Claire will be a lucky girl if Karen's plan goes well. Actually I think it'll work." she said, sitting back. I nodded in response and sat back as well. The fireworks were starting to begin. They look pretty good. Mary stared mesmerized at them. I guess she hasn't seen these kinds of fireworks before. I took a glance at Claire again. She, like Mary was mesmerized by the fireworks. Gray was smiling, not at her, but at Mary. He saw me looking at Claire and also winked at me. I grinned at him as he grinned back. I looked away and saw Kai, with Ann. Ann doesn't seem to happy, she was staring at me and Mary, I'm positive at that. I just chuckled and shook my head. One day, you'll find your true love Ann. It's just not me. Then I looked at Kai. He doesn't look very happy as well, he was staring at Popuri who was sitting a few paces away from us. Looks like this places partners are all scrambled up, huh? Except for Trent and Elli I think. Elli and Trent were at the bench, they've been together for a while now. I'm jealous of them, they've had an honest and good relationship from the start. They are really a great couple. I smiled and looked down, then glanced at Mary who was still watching the fireworks. I looked at them as well, they do look beautiful. I smiled and watched them until it was over.

"That was really great!" Mary exclaimed right after. I chuckled.

"Yeah, the fireworks were really pretty. Saibara did a great job in them." I complimented. I stretched when I stood up. That was a long watch.

"Well, I guess I better go! Get ready for the ball you know?" she smiled as I helped her to stand up.

"Let's walk back together." I offered. She nodded and we walked back. Before we left though, I took another glance at everyone. They also started to leave. Gray and Claire were heading back. Claire looking all exited. Gray beside him, smiling. Kai still looked uncomfortable as well as Ann who was still staring at us. I sighed at that. I walked Mary back to her house. She told me to just meet up at the Inn at nine. I nodded and left back to the Inn. The place was already decorated with fancy stuff. Karen was here already, ordering stuff to Zack. Sasha, Lillia, Manna and Anna were also working on some stuff. I greeted them and hurriedly went to my room. I sprawled on my bed first. Then Gray and Kai came in. Kai sighed heavily.

"Hey, so how did your dates go?" I asked tiredly.

"Good." they chorused. Kai glumly. Gray honestly.

"How bout you?" Gray asked innocently.

"Fine. Mary was okay." I answered. Gray smiled.

"I hope your not trying to steal her, because I'm to stealing yours and all.." Gray chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled. Kai sighed heavily again.

"Looking for attention, Kai?" Gray asked chuckling. Kai pouted.

"Hey, bro, everything will be alright.." I said gently to him, patting his back. Gray looked confused. Kai tugged a small smile.

"Thanks, bro. Seeing Pop like that is just...painful." he muttered. Gray seemed to have understood now.

"Ahh. No wonder your down. Dude, didn't you hear Karen's plan?" Gray asked. Kai's face kind of lightened up a bit suddenly.

"She just told me. But it's just a dance. Nothing's gonna change right?" he mumbled looking down again. Gray sat down beside him.

"Dude, everything's gonna be alright. I'm sure of it." he said also patting his shoulder. Kai gave a small smirk.

"Thanks.." he muttered and lay on the bed. Gray shrugged and lay on his bed. Now the three of us were sprawled on our beds. Problematic.

"Hey, we better get ready, the ball's starting soon.." I muttered and stood up after a long silence. Both of them nodded and started to move. I opened my closet door, there hung an old tuxedo, complete with it's matching tie. I smiled at it for a while. It was my father's. Another old memento from him that I saved before I left Mother and my sister, Clarisse. I missed her. I hope she's going well. After that, I took the tux and tried it on. It was a bit itchy but it fit me perfectly. Alright. Time for the ball. Gray and Kai also finished wearing their outfits. Kai kept on scratching. Gray was chuckling at him.

"Gah! I hate tuxes. They're so itchy, damn it." Kai complained as we went downstairs. Gray and I kept chuckling at him. When we got down everybody was there, in their formal attires of course. I saw Mary talking to Popuri near the entrance so I motioned to go there, excusing myself from Gray and Kai. Gray smiled and nodded as me as Kai started to pout. I chuckled at him again. When I reached Mary, she stopped mid sentence.

"Sorry for intruding.." I apologized. Mary shook her head and smiled. So did Popuri. Mary was wearing a simple but pretty blue dress, wrapped with a ribbon on her hips. She looked pretty good on it. She didn't have her glasses on which meant she had contact lens on. Her hair was also braided beautifully. I'll say Mary looked pretty well. Popuri, as expected, was wearing an elegant red dress, flowing down to her feet. Her hair was left down but was straightened and was really pretty.

"Oooh. I can't believe that the two shy guys are going out? Mary I thought you were going with Gray..hmm.." Popuri teased, smirking. Mary rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going with Gray. He's with Claire. How bout you?" she asked, eying me with a kind smile. I smiled back at her. I murmured an excuse for a bit and went to the snack tables.

"Hey there, Cliff. Long time, no see." somebody greeted. I turned around. Jack was there, wearing a tux of course, but he was still wearing his signature hat.

"Hey, Jack. It's been a while. How's your farm goin'?" I greeted back with a smile. He chuckled suddenly.

"Wow. You didn't stutter. And that was pretty loud for you. I'm glad that you broke out of your shell, Cliff." he said ignoring my question and grinning broadly.

"Thanks..." I plainly thanked. I wasn't very close with Jack though, he was Claire's cousin. He doesn't usually come here, usually just on some festivals.

"Who's your date, Cliff?" he then asked, pouring a cup with grape juice.

"Mary..." I mumbled. Jack smirked.

"Mary huh? I thought she's Gray's girl..." ha said. I shrugged. Jack shook his head as a response.

"Quiet as always, Cliff. Ah, there's my good ol' cousin. She looks great." he exclaimed. I looked immediately at the door. There she was, looking..beautiful. She was wearing an elegant white dress. Her hair was tied up very beautifully.

"Claire..." I mumbled. Jack chuckled.

"Did anybody tell you that your easy to read?" he asked. I smirked at that.

"A lot." I answered chuckling. Tonight is the night, Cliff. It's now or never. I excused myself from Jack and went my way to Mary.

"Okay everyone! Welcome to Mineral Town's first Fireworks Festival Ball! I'm very glad that you all came! Please enjoy your stay!" the Mayor announced in the small stage. Karen did a good job in decorating the place. It doesn't look like the Inn at all.

"Hey there, Cliff! Wow you look great in a tux!" Claire exclaimed as she approached us, Gray beside her. He was staring at Mary though, smiling widely. Mary was blushing hard, fiddling with her bracelets. I smirked at the two.

"Uh, um..thanks. You look great too!" I complimented. She smiled.

"Nah, I look ugly!" she proclaimed. I laughed at her.

"You do look beautiful, Claire." Mary complimented softly, smiling shyly at Claire.

"Aww. Thanks Mary! You look great too!"

"So, Claire, can I have this dance?" Gray suddenly asked. Claire's face lit up. I frowned all of a sudden. Mary squeezed my arm. Gray gave me a look that seemed like "Don't worry" as he and Claire went inside the circle of dancers.

"Everything will be just fine..Gray also has a plan of his own.." Mary comforted.

"Thanks." I thanked her gratefully. "Let's dance." I offered my hand to her. She took it and we danced slowly with the others.

"BTW, I'm not a good dancer." I said chuckling. She laughed as well.

"Me, neither." she said. After the song, Karen went up the stage.

"Er-hem! Attention everyone. For the next songs, everyone HAS to dance with a partner whom they DID NOT come with. I shall watch each and everyone of you to make sure." she announced. Speaking the last words with a scary evil tone. What so this is their plan? Oh no..I can't ask her to dance..I glanced around. Gray was headed to our direction, Claire with him. She was looking kind of down. Probably sad that she can't dance with Gray more.

"Um, Cliff. Can I ask Mary?" he then asked smiling widely at Mary.

"S-sure.." I agreed. Gray offered his hand and lead Mary back to the circle. Claire and I stood there in silence for a while. I glanced around again, Jack and Ann were dancing together? Wow. Jack looked kinda..smug. Ann was blushing. Popuri and KAI! Oh my Goddess! Popuri was looking teary, and Kai was looking away as they danced, looking really happy but he was frowning. He looked close to tears too. Gray and Mary were dancing happily. I'm glad at that.

"Um...Cliff..." Claire began. I turned my attention to her again. She was looking down, fidgeting.

"Y-yeah..?" I stuttered.

"Why didn't you tell me...earlier.." she mumbled. My cheeks burned red.

"Well um...I...it's..CAN WE DANCE?" I stammered shouting the last part. I was out of control then. Claire actually jumped.

"S-sorry!" I apologized. She started to giggle.

"It's alright. Shall we dance?" she offered. I nodded hastily and we positioned ourselves to dance. Her hands on my shoulders as I shyly placed my hands on her hips. The song kind of ended then but then a new song began. It was slow and sad. Oh joy. I wasn't good at slow dancing. Pretty much at any kind of dancing at that.

Your in my arms

And all the world is calm

"So C-Claire...you finally found out huh?" I asked her blushing all the way. She smiled sadly.

The music playing on for only two

So close together and when I'm with you

So close to feeling alive

"Yeah..." she answered. I gulped.

A life goes by

Romantic dreams will stop

So I bid mine goodbye

And never new

"So..w-what..is..you opinion..?"

So close was waiting, waiting here with you

And now forever, I've known

All that I wanted, to hold you


So Close

So Close to reaching that famous happy end

Almost believing this was not pretend

Now you're beside me

And look how far we've come

So far we are so close

She stopped a bit when she heard the chorus of the song. She stared at me. I looked back at her.

"Cliff...I-I'm sorry..I'm sorry I hurt you...I'm sorry..." she began, tears started to fall. I smiled and wiped them off.

"Claire..it's alright. You didn't mean too.." I murmured.

Oh how could I face those faceless days If I should lose you know


So Close to reaching that famous happy end

And almost believing this was not pretend

Let's go on dreaming for we know we are...

So close, so close

But still so far...

"Cliff, I..I..love..you.." she mumbled and embraced me. She hugged me tightly. And I hugged her back.

"I didn't realize at first, I am so sorry!" she sobbed. I patted her back, murmuring comforts. After a short while we let go.

"Claire..you don't have to force yourself.." I started but she interrupted.

"No, I'm not. Gray told me while we were dancing and...I just realized it there. That I fell in love with you a long time ago. I just didn't realize it. So, Cliff. I love you." she said firmly, smiling, but still her tears came. I smiled back at her.

"Claire..." I said lost for words.

"Well don't just stand there...kiss her!" Karen shouted from the mic. I didn't notice everyone was watching us now. But I didn't care, for all I know, I'm the happiest man alive right now. Claire giggled when she heard that and raised her eyebrow at me, smirking.

"Well Cliff?" she said. I chuckled and touched my lips to hers. I heard cheers from around us.

Yeah, I'm the happiest man alive now.

*squeal* I hope you liked it!

Ah, finally I have ended. Thanks once again to everyone who supported this fic. ILUALL!

If your wondering why I said I don't own Phineas and Ferb well that line that Karen said was Ferb's line from one of Phineas and Ferb's episodes.

BTW for those who are wondering about Pop and Kai: Jack broke up with Popuri since he knew that she's still in love with Kai. Both of them went together again, and they lived happily ever after just like Cliff and Claire. Same goes with Jack, but he's with Ann now. Also Gray and Mary! :D

Ah, I love Happy Endings :3

Thank You Once again for those who Read, Reviewed, Favorited and Alerted this Story! ILU guys! :D