Hello reader! I do hope you like this story of mine! It's a CliffxClaire story! Yeah!

I'm trying to revive this couple since nobody writes nor reads stories of them much. So I do hope you will like this one!

Okeedokee then! Please Review okay?

I'm going to use my usual trick so that people will review: FREE HUGS!

So if you want one, then REVIEW!

Okay! Enjoy my story and I do hope this will be a long one!

I sighed as I flopped down on my bed. Why do I keep thinking about her? Why her of all people? I heard the door creak and took a glance, Kai went in, looking bored.

"Wazzup, Cliff?" he said also flopping down on his bed

"Nothing much.." I mumbled in reply.

"So boring..." he sighed.

"Sorry.." I mumbled again. I feel sorry for Kai for being stuck with me a lot. Gray has been busy these days with Jack and he's the only person Kai can have a long conversation with. Everybody loves Gray. Even Claire.I sighed again and closed my eyes. An image of her face flashed.

"GAH!" I sat up and screamed

"What! What happened! Who died?" Kai jumped and was in a fighting position

"Nobody died..sorry for surprising you, I just remembered something shocking" I apologized, snickering a little at his position

"You can be so weird sometimes huh, Cliff? What was on your mind?" he said folding his arms and sitting back down.

"N-nothing" I replied hiding my face

"Is it a girl?" he asked again, grinning. I felt my face heat up. Damn you Kai!

"U-uh..N-no!" I replied turning around so he can't see my face more. He chuckled

"Cliff, you are so easy to read. You don't have to lie to me! We're pals! So tell me who the lucky lady is!" he said smacking my back

"Ow!" I replied rubbing it. He chuckled again. Ugh, this is one of the reasons why I do not like to talk to him much. He gets annoying.

"Don't tell anyone about it!" I hissed. He smirked and wrote an "X mark" on his chest with his finger.

"I promise, cross my heart!" he said winking.I sighed, might as well tell him knowing he won't stop bugging me.

"It's..C-Claire" I answered flopping back down on the bed. I closed my eyes then. My face was way hot. I heard Kai whistle.

"Well, well...looks like somebody's in love with Claire!" he said tauntingly. I opened my eyes, and my cheeks were burning.

"You know, Cliff. You should go tell her what you feel" Kai said giving me an assuring smile. For once he said this in a nice tone. I shook my head.

"What if..what if she declines...?" I stuttered

"If she declines, then she's an unlucky gal" Kai replied lying back down his arms behind his head.

"Wha..what?" I asked, confused as to what he said

"I mean, she's lucky to have you! Your a really nice guy, Cliff" he answered giving me a reassuring grin.

"She..probably doesn't need me..she likes somebody else.." I said sadly

"You mean, Gray? Pretty obvious, like you, Claire is easy to read, Cliff. And besides, so what if she likes Gray? Maybe she'll like you more! She's a nice girl and she'll totally understand your feelings, even if she will bail you, she'll find a way to make you happy. You just have to have confidence on yourself!" Kai encouraged. I thought about it for a while. It would be so hard to do...but..Another image of hers flashed through my mind and I closed my eyes then sighed

"I guess your right." I finally answered.

"Great! I'll support you all the way, Cliff!" Kai cheered and punched me on the shoulder. I gave him a small grin.

"Thanks, Kai" I thanked the stupid ol' annoying tan boy. He may be annoying but he can be a great guy sometimes. Only sometimes. He chuckled again.

"Don't mention it! Well, alrightie then! G'night! And good luck tomorrow!" He yawned and lied back down on his bed. After a few seconds I heard him snoring. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Gray still isn't back...it's already getting late, huh. Well, I guess I should wait for him. He's usually early. I went downstairs to see if he's eating or drinking. Nope, he's still not here. The bar wasn't crowded much, only the usual visitors. Duke, Basil and Saibara. Doug in the counter and Ann serving Duke yet another bottle of wine. I rolled my eyes at my good old friend. Still can't resist wine.

"Cliff!" Ann leaped and and hugged me surprisingly

"A-Ann! What are you doing!" I asked shocked. She always leaps at me whenever she sees me. It gets annoying, but apparently his father is nearby so I can't scold her.

"I missed you!" she exclaimed still hugging me tightly

"C-choking..not..br-eathing" I gasped

"Oops!" she giggled and let go. I chocked and gasped for air.

"You just saw me an hour ago!" I said when I got enough air

"I know! And I missed you already!" she replied cheerfully. I sighed. Ann never changes. Will she ever stop this nonsense? I already bailed her like a million times! But still she clings to me. I sighed again. She never gives up.

"So! Watcha doin' out at this time?" she asked now cleaning a table beside us, still in her cheerful attitude

"Uhh..I was checking if Gray's here. Guess he's not" I answered looking around again

"Hmm..now that you mention it..I haven't seen Gray ever since he left, and he's usually early! Hey! Why don't you ask Mr. Saibara!" she said pointing at the quiet old blacksmith, Gray's grandfather. The weird thing about Mr. Saibara is that he always drinks here and not even once I have not seen him drunk nor give the slightest hint of being drunk. Well, huh, it's none of my business so, whatever. I walked to Mr. Saibara's table then.

"G-good evening sir" I greeted. He slowly raised his head and nodded in response. He seemed sad

"Um..I was wondering if you know where Gray is?" I asked a little worried at his expression. Then again, he's always quiet whenever he drinks here.

"Oh, Gray? I think I remember him saying he's going to hang out with Jack today" he replied quietly giving me a small sad smirk

"Well yeah, but do you know what time he may be coming back?" I asked again, looking even more pitied.

"Hmm..he didn't mention that" he answered again smoothing his beard

"Oh..well, thanks anyway Mr. Saibrara." I thanked. He nodded and gulped down of what it seems his fourth bottle of wine. I sighed. Where could that guy be? I should just leave the door open so that he could come in later. I yawned and went back upstairs.

"Cliff! Good Night!" Ann waved smiling cheerfully at me as I climbed the stairs. I shook my head and flopped down on my bed. Another image of her beautiful face flashed through my mind.

"Claire..." I mumbled and everything went black

I have the tendency to write short chapters, okay?

So don't complain if this or any of the future chapters is short :P

Anyways: Pwwweeaty Pweease REVIEW!

It will totally make me happy!

I mean, nobody appreciates this couple anymore! It makes me sad! *sniffs*

So as I said earlier, Please Review!

I'm already giving off FREE HUGS here!

It's hard to give off FREE HUGS to people ya know!

And besides who doesn't like FREE HUGS eh?

Okeedokee then! See ya and I really hope that you would review! :3