I know that it's been a WHILE since I last update. But this is the final chapter. Please enjoy and review.

Chapter 16:


3 months later….

Shannon smiled warmly as she watched her daughter play with her friends in the backyard. It was Bella's 6th birthday party and it was the first time that Bella seemed completely normal, trouble-free and content with other children. The last few months had been pretty hectic for Bella and her parents, but countless counselling sessions and doctor's visits after her ordeal, she seemed to be coping ok. Shannon and Lawson were both unsure of whether Bella had been able to deal with her trauma, every time they thought she would be ok, a nightmare or flashback brought their hopes crashing down. There had been a number of dramatic events, one time, Bella left a counselling session kicking and screaming after a terrifying flashback had plagued her memory.

Shannon was particularly hit hard by these events. It hurt her deep to see her child in so much pain, and there just couldn't do anything to help daughter. Shannon took a few days a week off work to spend them with Bella, taking her to and from school and the doctors. Bella's treat for putting up the counselling sessions was frequent trips to the TR base. She spent hours sitting with Leon, laughing and being silly with him. When shifts ended, she enjoyed piggy backs from both Josh and Christian and hugs from her father. Everyone was trying their hardest to help Bella through her trauma.

A few weeks after Bella had been rescued from the warehouse, TR had managed to catch up with the perpetrators, who were charged with kidnap and a string of other offences. But for Shannon, justice could never be done for her daughter who was going to live with the memories forever. She could keep taking Bella to counselling and trying to keep her happy and smiling, but how long was that going to last? Bella was going to have to live with the terror for the rest of her life.

So here Shannon stood, watching her six year old daughter playing and giggling with her friends, having a great time, like nothing had happened.

"Everything alright?" she heard a voice ask behind her. Shannon turned to find Lawson glancing at her, his face filled with genuine concern.

Shannon just gave a tight smile and a nod "I hope so" she told him sadly.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a sigh.

"I just don't know if she's coping with this all Lawson" Shannon explained.

"Well she seems fine" Lawson replied reassuringly "look at her, she's having a ball".

"Yeah I know" Shannon smiled, glancing behind her shoulder at Bella, who playing in the corner of their small backyard "but when this is all over, how do we know how she is really feeling?" she demanded, her eyes starting to water.

"Because she is just as tough as her mother" Lawson told her simply, a wide smile forming on his lips. He wrapped his arm around her hip and brought her closer to him, planting a small kiss on her head. "She isn't alone in this, we will help her get through it".

"Yeah" Shannon replied softly, turning back and watching her daughter with a smile.

Lawson placed his arms around her stomach and resting his chin on her shoulder. Shannon leaned back into him and smiled wider, content with having her husband's arms around her. She felt warm and safe with him around her.

"I love you" Lawson whispered into her ear, kissing her neck. "I have to be the luckiest man in the world".

"Really?" Shannon raised her eyebrows playfully, glancing up at her husband. "How do you figure that?" she asked with a smile, turning back and watching the party.

"Well" Lawson replied cheekily, leaning down and planting small kisses on his wife's neck and jawline "I've got a smoking wife, who is a great cop and has given me a beautiful daughter. Both of you are my world, nothing else matters now that she exists, now that we are a family".

Shannon leaned back and looked up at Lawson properly, taking in his words. She reached up and stroked his cheek. "Both of you are my world too" she whispered, her eyes watering. She reached up and kissed him deeply on the lips.

"Cut it out you two" Josh interrupted with a grin walking up to the pair "this is still a children's birthday party".

Lawson laughed and nodded "we'll keep it G rated", he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Where's Tash?" Shannon asked with a smile, taking her drink from a nearby table and sipping it.

"She just had to finish up a couple of things at the hospital, she said she'll be here soon" Josh explained, sipping his own beer.

"Is it a good idea for her to be driving" Lawson asked "in her condition?"

"She's seven months pregnant" Josh laughed "not immobile".

"Exactly" Shannon nodded "I was driving just a few days before I had Bella, remember?" she lifted an eyebrow and looked at her husband "you men think that just because we are pregnant, we become vegetables with 'baby brain' and the only thing we can do is sit and incubate".

"I'm sorry" Lawson laughed, lifting his hands again "I'm just looking out for my best friend's girl".

"Speaking of, when's the wedding?" Stella asked, leading Michael by the hand as the pair walked over and joined the conversation.

"We're going to wait until the baby is born" Josh told her "we want to get all of that sorted before we do anything about the wedding".

"Well what about you?" Shannon asked, indicating to the diamond engagement ring sitting on Stella's left hand "when are you two finally getting hitched?" she smiled, raising her eyebrow.

Stella looked at Michael, squeezing his hand "we were thinking in the new year sometime, we love each other, there is no rush" she smiled and reached up for a kiss.

Shannon mirrored Stella smile and glanced behind the group at her daughter. Everything was perfect, she had Lawson, they were married, happy and still very much in love, and now they had Bella, the most perfect thing in the world.

Everything will be ok, she thought to herself. Everything will be just fine.


Three weeks later.

"Shannon?" Lawson called, closing the front door behind him. "I'm home!" he told her.

"I'm upstairs" she called back.

Lawson walked down the hall into the living room. Bella was sitting at the dining table, her colouring book open and crayons spilled everywhere.

"Hey baby" he whispered, bending down kissing his daughter's head.

"Hi Daddy" Bella replied, giving her father a glance before returning eagerly to her colouring.

Lawson just smiled and walked up the stairs to find his wife.


"In the bathroom" she replied.

He walked through the bedroom and into their small ensuite and looked at her with confusion.

"Is everything ok?" he asked her, worry etched into his face.

"Yeah" she grinned, walking up and kissing him deeply on the lips, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Wow" he whispered when they broke apart, "what was that for?" he smiled.

"I love you" she shrugged, backing away and leaning against the sink, a playful smile lingering on her lips.

Lawson laughed and leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms and returning the bright grin.

"How was your day?" she asked him.

"Pretty standard" he shrugged "Just a couple of minor incidents, we had to help the uniforms chase down some idiot who drove away from an RBT. Josh invited us over on the weekend for a barbeque, he said….".

"I'm pregnant!" Shannon interrupted. Her face was blank, waiting and gauging for Lawson's reaction.

It took Lawson a couple of seconds to process what she had just said.


"Pregnant" Shannon finished for him with a nod. "I'm pregnant".

"Pregnant" he breathed, looking at the ground in surprise.

"Yes Lawson!" she snapped "I'm pregnant, you know when a man and a woman have sex and…."

"Yes I know what happens" he stopped her.

"So…" Shannon said softly "what do you think?"

"I think…" Lawson paused and smiled "I think, we're pregnant!" he exclaimed with a bright grin, walking over to her and hugging her tightly, lifting her up and spinning her around the room. Shannon laughed and squealed when Lawson spun her around.

"We're having a baby" he whispered, putting her down and looking into her eyes.

"A little baby, a brother or sister for Bella" she nodded, stroking his cheek.

"Why are you screaming Mummy?" Bella interrupted, walking into the room with a frown.

"Bella" Lawson said, holding out his hand to her "come here". Bella walked over and Lawson lifted her up. "We've got a surprise for you" he told her.

"Is it a pony?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

Both Shannon and Lawson laughed. "No baby" Lawson replied, shaking his head "it's not a pony".

"Oh" Bella looked down at the ground with disappointment. "What is it then?" she asked, looking at Shannon.

"You're going to get a little brother or sister" Shannon smiled, walking over and rubbing Bella's cheek.

"What?" Bella frowned in confusion.

"Mummy is going to have a baby" Lawson told her. "You are going to be a big sister".

"Does that mean I get to boss them around?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Her parents both starting to laugh again.

"We'll see about that" Lawson brushed some hair out of Bella's face and kissed her forehead.

"Ok" Bella nodded and started to giggle. Both Lawson and Shannon couldn't help but start laughing too. Lawson put his arms around his wife and pulled her closer, kissing her cheek.

"I love you so much" he told her.

"I love you too" she replied, kissing his lips.

"I love you too" Bella interjected innocently. Lawson and Shannon laughed again.

Things were better, the future looked bright and their family was growing, everything was perfect.


… …

So there it is, more than year after I first published and update this fic, its finished. I really want to thank all those who have followed this story. It means a lot knowing that what I have written has been enjoyed by readers, thank you again . I really hope that you have enjoyed this final chapter, please don't forget to leave me a review. Thank you!