A/N : My very first try with Sachiko and Yumi. You guys know Arvendell? Yeah. I love her stories. :)) So, anyway, I wanted to try doing this. If it sucks, tell me. :D This is short 'cause it's sort of a preview or something. I could leave it as a one shot if it's bad. Any, here. :D

Yumi Fukuzawa was feeling light headed. No. Her head was spinning. It ached so much. She didn't know why though but she chose to ignore it, feeling as though it would fade away quickly. Today was her first day in the Lillian-Hanadera High School. She got transferred, much to her annoyance, by her father who had a job opening here. She liked her old school. It was.. fun. Her friends were there no less. She cried the night when her parents told her the oh so glorious news. She hasn't talked since that day, which means it had been a week since she had last uttered a word to her parents.

"Yes, I know. I will miss you too, I have to go. Text you when I get there," then a soft *click* was heard from her cell phone. Yumi let out a sigh before going to the bathroom to take a shower. She was talking to her best friend, Yoshino Shimazu. When Yumi told her the news she was willing to transfer too but she was too late. She had to transfer after the first semester which was okay in a way. They would still eventually be together. Eventually.

"Yumi? You ready yet?" the voice of Yumi's brother, Yuuki, was heard from outside the door. He had to transfer too but for him it was kind of okay. It didn't mean that he was looking forward to it either. They Fukuzawa siblings both had friends from their old school, so it was sad.

Turning off the shower, Yumi quickly got out. She smelled like Vanilla. She grabbed a robe and wore it, tying the knots loosely. She was not going to open the door anyway. When she got out of the bathroom, she got her newly ironed uniform. It irked her a little. She was used to the short skirts at her school. 'Change is good.. I think.'

"Give me 5 minutes!" Yumi shouted back. After hearing footsteps slowly fading away, she began undressing. It took her a while before figuring out how to do the knot. She was in the verge of crying when she saw her reflection in the mirror. She didn't however let them fall. She was going to attend this school with pride.

She grabbed the scissors in the drawer and trimmed her bangs. It got long during the summer. And when she was about to leave, she saw two ribbons on the floor near her bed. It brought a sad smile to her face before she picked it up. She was tempted to use them but her rightful mind told her not to.

"This is for you, I know you don't really put up your hair but change is good is it not? And it suits you."

Snapping back from her thoughts, Yumi grabbed her bag and went down. Yuuki was already there waiting for her. Before their parents could even utter a word, both of them left the house.

"You okay?" Yuuki questioned when he saw her sister had a small frown. And her brown eyes turned a little darker than usual.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's Mom and Dad who you should be asking. We've given them the cold shoulder this whole week," Yumi answered in a hushed tone.

"Well, yeah. But that's the point. We are standing our ground!" Yuuki shouted with a fist pump that caught him amused glances from students and from people who were walking by. He turned red in a matter of seconds. Yumi just laughed out loud.

"You're supposed to protect me from embarrassment not laugh at me sis," Yuuki stated with a pout.

"But.. you.. hahahaha.." Yumi continued laughing. 'That was funny..'

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you but it's still on the list," Yuuki stated with a mock glare before walking faster leaving Yumi behind.

"Aww, don't be that way," Yumi chuckled at her brother's tactics. She couldn't help it. It was funny.

Yuuki didn't answer instead he just crossed his arms in front of his chest and decided to give her sister the cold shoulder. 'Hmp. I have feelings too you know,' Yumi merely shrugged, smile still in place and followed her brother to the school. Lillian-Hanadera High School was co-ed. It used to be two different schools, but somehow they figured to merge both schools. The boy's side and the girl's side were still on different buildings but during school's activities, they spend it together. There was a forest behind Lillian Girl's Academy that could lead you to the Hanadera's school grounds.

It was however, strictly prohibited for boys to go to that path in order to get to the girl's side during class hours. The rule was also meant for the girls too. They could only use that path when they had School Festivals, Sports Fest and so on. If caught, you would be punished by the student council.

The student council was a group of students chosen by the students. Due to the differential of buildings, the Lillian-Hanadera High School had two student councils. One full of girls and the other were full of boys. It was a must for it was a hassle for the student councils to walk to different buildings in order to have a meeting.

Eventually, Yumi and Yuuki got to the school. They both said good bye, despite Yuuki still pouting. Yumi silently prayed in her head that she wouldn't get notice, but Mother Mary seems to have different plans for her. The minute she entered the school gates, every student looked at her. Well looked was an understatement. It was more of gaped than just plain old look.

Yumi just pretended she didn't notice. It was really hard to when everyone was looking at you that way. It was like there first time seeing a girl. 'Great. Just great.'

It was a shock to the students to see a beautiful young girl walk in the school grounds. They all had an idea that she was a new student. Some students were already crushing on her. This however did not and won't affect Yumi's cold demeanor. If it wasn't for her parents, she wouldn't have been here in the first place.

All her thoughts came to a blank all of a sudden. Her walking came to a halt as well. Her heartbeat was threatening to come out of her chest. Yumi's breathing hitched at the sight. There, in front of her was a midnight blue-haired goddess with creamy white skin. 'Turn around,' Yumi absentmindedly asked. And it's as if the beauty had heard her, now faced Yumi. 'Beautiful..'

The said beauty gave a soft smile towards the speechless Yumi. Her blue eyes had amusement twinkling in them before it was masked with an unreadable expression. She gave Yumi a small bow before turning around and started walking.

"YUMI FUKUZAWA!" the brown-haired girl shouted rather loudly. She had an odd feeling that she didn't want the midnight blue beauty leaving her like that. The latter turned around again in mild shock but unlike before, the shock was still prominent in her expression.

"Sachiko Ogasawara," Sachiko merely stated with a smile. "Forgive me for I have to get to class however, I have a feeling that I will see you soon.. Yumi," then Sachiko started walking again. Her heartbeat was a little fast than normal. A smile spread to her lips.

Yumi was grinning like an idiot. Her heart was still pounding but she didn't care. 'Being here won't be so bad after all..' then Yumi started walking again.

A/N : Soo.. suck? :)) Ahh.. review please? :D