I finally got the guts to run away from my home, I packed what little possessions I had and walked out on my family of whitchlings. It wasn't as if I was treated badly, it was because I wasn't given any space to breathe. Since the day I was born it was predicted that some vampire would take me away from my family before I could do what I was destined to do which was to kill some power hungry witch. Right now that witch had not appeared since I've been around whoever it was that read my future just made my life a living hell. Whenever I went out I would have two body guards with me, if I went into the human world I would have at least four guards with me. My friends well actually I didn't really have friends they only liked me for my power, so that I could teach them the tricks of the trade. The only true friend I had was Kimi that was because her future was just as bad as mine she was fated to fall in love with a vampire and kill the vampire's enemy which would cause a wars between the supernatural worlds. At least I wouldn't fall in love with a vampire my fortune said the vampire would imprint on me then abduct me. Great. I hated being used and wanted for my powers especially because of lately I couldn't control my powers I was descending into immortality most of my powers were weakening. If the elders knew what was happening to me I would be locked up in my room until I complete the change over and right now that's the last thing I need. I needed a distraction from what was happening to me and I couldn't believe my luck! There was a competition on and the prize was a clock that would be able to take you back in time only once though. I wanted to win I knew what I would do if I was able to go back in time. I would go back to see my parents before they left me. I didn't know if they were dead or alive no one would tell me. I would go back to my last memory of them before they left my life. My parents loved me I knew that in my heart it always told me they would never leave me I stuck with that. I was only ten when one day I came from witchcraft school finding that my parents were no longer there, the 'elders' said they were gone and since then I've been living under one of the elders roofs with a couple others girls who had lost their parents or struggling with their gifts. I was grateful to them but at the same time they kept to many secrets from me that my trust was dwindling. I needed to get out of here I couldn't think and I couldn't breathe here. I got changed into black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black top so that my pale skin wouldn't stick out in the night when I ran. I put on a black cloak and black chucks which would help me run through the forest. With that I put on my glamour like I usually did. I didn't need some vampire imprinting on me right now. If I didn't have freedom now, I wouldn't have it with a vampire. Vampires were known to be possessive and controlling. I used a different glamour this time hiding my looks even to witches. I had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, with the glamour I choose blond hair with green eyes with tan skin hiding my unnaturally pale skin. I loved the sun but it never made a difference to my skin. I walked over to my dresser and put on my mother's pendent she never went anywhere without it which gave me hope that she was still alive. Just as I hooked the necklace onto its latch around my neck my door opened up swiftly without a knock how rude I thought.
"Where are you going Mia?" my friend Kimi said while eyeing me suspiciously, I took the glamour away so that she knew it was indeed me.
"I'm going" I said to her hush tone.
"You can't" she squeaked.
"I can, you knew I was planning this for days. Either join me or keep quiet" I said to her closing the gap between us and closing the door.
"You can't" she said shaking me she looked really angry.
"Come" I said to her though I didn't want her to come just in case she slows me down, sad thing to think but I was desperate.
"Wait five minutes. God dam you!" she said walking out of my room stomping her feet. I rolled my eyes and laid down on my bed waiting for her. I knew she would end up coming with me, she wanted her freedom just as badly as I wanted mine but the only difference was she wanted someone to hand it back to her while I was stealing mine back. Five minutes later Kimi came into my room looking stressed, she wore all black just like me but her red hair was tied up while mine was out.
"Ready?" I asked her.
"You have a plan right?" she asked me.
"Yup and you're not going to like it" I smiled to her. We both put on our glamour choosing new avatars and jumped out my window which was on the second floor. We both called out "Gravity come to me" and we both landed gently on the ground without a sound. I scanned the area in front of us not a guard in sight but they would be here in a few minutes I began walking when Kimi grabbed my hand yanking me back.
"Okay what's your plan? I want to know before we leave" Kimi asked me.
"Go into the forest enter the portal I made earlier. We are going to 'The in between'" I said to her. The look on her face was petrified.
"We can't go there! Werewolves, witches, sorceress, demons and VAMPIRES! Will be there. Do you want me to fall on love with a disgusting vampire? Or do you just want to be abducted!" She nearly shouted but I quickly covered her mouth but I could still make out her words.
"If we were meant to fall in love or be abducted we would have by now. Vampires know when there 'mates' are born they would have taken us my now. But they haven't because the fortunes were wrong. Now we are both strong we can handle 'The in between'" I said to her forcefully letting go of her mouth. I pushed her into the bushes near the house I knew she wouldn't be able to keep quiet!
"Of all the places you want to go you have to go there! Why the in between! We are only eighteen everyone else whose there will be at least a couple centuries older than us. That means we won't be as powerful as we are back home" She said trying to sway me.
"We are nearly as powerful as the elders which means we are nearly as powerful as the other paranormal creatures we can handle this" I said to her.
"You are not as powerful as before since your converting right now. I'm going to go back, if you don't come I will scream" she said her face hardening.
Dam it, I should have left earlier when she left my room. I let out a deep breath and explained to her calmly the reason I have to go.
"Do you know what the Soneree bhavishya is?" I asked her.
"No freaking way. You can't compete!" she yelled okay that means she's heard of it. Which means I can't sugar coat it. Dam. The Soneree bhavishya was a brutal competition you had to dodge obstacles that could easily get you killed in order to gain the prize. The bad thing about the competition was that your competitors could kill you as well even though that was against the rules but either way it happened. I was going to go because this was my only chance to see my parents again, this completion only came around every hundred years I couldn't pass it up. Kimi started to raise her voice trying to get me to change my mind. I snapped.
"I swear if you raise your voice one more time I'll turn you into a rat" I threatened at her bringing out my wand to prove my point.
"You can't compete! You're not strong enough you could get hurt your not immortal! Why do you want to compete?" she asked me.
"I want to see my parents okay" I said to her.
Her face fell she knew she couldn't stop me. At least she had her parents who would come and visit her here. But I had no one both my parents were only child in their families and both of their parents had disappeared the way my parents had. It was becoming a tradition.
"I can't change your mind can I" she whispered.
"No you can't" I said meeting her gaze.
"I'm coming with you. I'll compete as well that way you have double the chance of winning. Also I'll be there to protect you since I'm immortal already" she said to me. I rolled my eyes at her. Kimi was born immortal since both her parents were pure witches. Me on the other hand was born mortal even though my parents were pure witches as well? Everyone was baffled when I was born which just added to over protectiveness. I had to get out of here, someone would be at my room in about five minutes to check up on me if we didn't get out before that I would be Royally Screwed.
"You don't have to come" I said.
"I'm coming" she said forcefully. I didn't want a baby sitter and that's exactly what I'm getting.
"Fine. The competition starts in a day. I've booked a room in the in between the portal will take us right to the hotel. Now follow me before we get caught" I said to her and like that I started running into the forest heading for my hidden portal trying to avoid getting caught in the process.

Hi everyone!
So what did you think? any good? should i continue? please review :) even if its something negative, something is better than nothing.
Vampires will show up later on in the story :)
Review please,
Thanks heaps.