This is my first time making a story so I hope you all like it.
I was inspired by Phantom of the Opera, that's why I made this fic. And just so you know, this is a NoctxLight fic, cause Stella doesn't fit with Noctis in my perspective so deal with it people. Please don't take any offence StellaxNoctis fans, we have a thing called freedom of choice so let me have mine, that and don't even try to convince me to be one of you. I'm a true blue NoctxLight fan to the end! Go NoctxLight!
Shadow Heart
Chapter I: The Phantom's Letter
Elaine looked out from the window, for some reasons, her thoughts were flying to the story of the banished prince of Tenebrae… Every now and then she would think about his story. She shook the thought away, she had bigger things to think about. She was finally going to have a child. And that was what mattered right now, not some crazy story that she just heard from her mother.
Cirrus walked back and forth from the halls, he was worried. Very, very worried. He was worried about his child, and his wife. When the midwife came out and said "Fear not you're your highness. They are safe." A wave of relief went through his chest.
Without a second thought, he rushed to his wife, "Are you alright, Elaine?" he asked as he caressed the said woman's hair.
Elaine smiled warmly at him, "Yes I am, my love. Look at our son." And she showed the child in her arms, "He has your blonde hair, and my eyes." She said as the child slept in her arms. "And I have a surprise for you."
Cirrus looked at her with confused eyes, "What do you mean by that?" he asked. His wife gave him a smile, looked at one of the servants and made a gesture for her to come forth.
The servant held out the thing in her arms to the king, and he gasped in surprise. It was a girl, almost the exact image of Elaine, only that her eyes were more like crystals. And they way her eyes turned emerald when the sunlight touches her blue eyes was fascinating.
Cirrus looked at his wife, who was currently smiling at him, "Are you saying… that you had twins?" Elaine grinned at him, "We have twins, Cirrus. Not just me. Now, what should we name them?"
The blonde-haired man looked up, "Well, I am not very talented in the arts of naming so I leave that task to you." "Hey! I am not the only parent here!"
Cirrus let out a sigh, then looked outside the window. "What about Cloud? How does that sounds? It would represent the weather he was born in. Cloud Strife Farron." Elaine looked at the outside as well, "You are right. It is cloudy today, and now for her."
As if on cue, a lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, followed by a loud roar of thunder. "Well, it seems that heaven has given us the answer." Cirrus looked at her, "What do you mean by that?" "It means that we shall call her Éclair, the French term for lightning. It also has a connection with her older brother's name. Lightning comes down from clouds, does it not?" "You're right, it does. Cloud and Éclair it is then."
Elaine gave her husband a wide grin, "This calls for a celebration!" and Cirrus mentally slapped his forehead and prayed to God that he will live for another day.
Cirrus twitched. His wife just had to invite the world didn't she? Now he had to endure all the congratulations that were currently giving him a severe headache that he felt like his head would just suddenly crack on its own. But on the outside, he was very well composed. Not a single hint of stress could be seen on his face. And that was mainly because his wife would murder him if he gave a sour look to any of the guests.
So he just settled on looking at the night sky. It was one of the ways he can calm himself down that actually worked. Everyone seemed to have a good time, until Cirrus noticed the sky darkened more than it should, he could see flashes of lightning in the sky.
'This is strange. The weather was fine this day, why would a storm come tonight? Something is not right here.' He thought as he once again entered the castle, searching for his wife through the entire crowd. When he finally spotted her, he rushed to her direction, "Elaine, there is something wrong with-" before he was able to finish, he power went out and the windows were forced open, letting in a powerful gust of wind as lightning bolts came down from the sky and roars of thunder followed it.
To say that Elaine was afraid would be a gross understatement, she liked the shapes that lightning forms, but that did not mean that she liked the thunder that came after it. Which is why she had her face buried on her husband's chest, who had his arms around her in a comforting way.
But all her fright vanished and turned into pure horror when she heard a loud cry of a child. She knew exactly which twin that cry belongs to. "Éclair!" and she rushed towards the room of the twins, breaking free from Cirrus' hold. She pushed the door open, and her eyes widened when she saw that it was only Cloud who lay on the crib.
The child started to sob as he felt that his twin was nowhere near him. Elaine carried him and shushed him, "Fear not Cloud. We will find your sister." She whispered. Then she looked at the paper that was left on the crib. She did not remember leaving any paper there. She took it and in it was written 'Go to your chambers, you shall see what you seek there.'
And she rushed towards her and her husband's room, Cloud still sobbing in her arms. She pushed the door open, just in time to see a dark shadow jump from the window. She ran towards the window, but she found nothing, not a single trace that she would think that she was only imagining what she saw that jumped over the window. But she knew better, she was sure of what she saw. Her eyes had never once deceived her, they certainly would not start now.
A cry broke out as she looked at the bed, and there she saw, her daughter. A wave of relief washed through her chest and she ran straight to her daughter and shushed her down. "There there Éclair, you are safe now. I will not let anything bad happen to you and your brother. I promise." Elaine said as she placed Cloud beside his sister and watched them sleep.
Cirrus soon joined her, "There you are, I have been searching everywhere for you. Where have you been anyway?" he asked as he too watched his children sleep soundlessly. Elaine looked at her husband and said "We need to double our security from now on. There is something –or rather, someone, which is lurking in the shadows for long enough to know every single details of this castle. I am worried, Cirrus. Very worried. I do not wish for this to happen again."
The said man looked at her, "I will do as you asked. I will tighten our security starting this very instant. I do not wish for this to happen again and –what is that?" he asked, pointing to a piece of paper placed under a pillow. Elaine, being the one closest, took it and opened it. There, written in a very elegant writing, was:
My congratulations are for you, your majesties. I am happy that you finally have children of your own, this must be a very joyous moment for the two of you. Fear not, I have done absolutely nothing to harm your daughter in anyway. Éclair, was it? Such a lovely name for a child that I am sure would grow just as lovely. She is a very healthy child, she also fits very well in my arms, just saying. I also hope that you will like my gift for her. It is very precious to me so I hope that you shall let her keep it. I have none for your son, please forgive my rudeness. But no matter, that is of no importance now. I wanted to give my congratulations and I have delivered it, may you have a pleasant life, Lord Cirrus, Lady Elaine.
Yours truly,
There! I have finally finished it. I know that it's short but don't worry! I'll make it longer in the next chapter, I promise! And just for fun, here are two spoofs!
Spoof 1:
Cirrus walked back and forth from the halls, he was worried. Very, very worried. He was worried about his child, and his wife. When he soul not take it anymore, he pointed at the door, "Why the bloody hell am I not there?"
A servant looked at him questioningly, "Because you are not having a call of nature? Your highness, you do realize that you are pointing at a bathroom right?"
"You have seen nothing. I have done nothing and said not a single word…"
Spoof 2:
And she rushed towards her and her husband's room, Cloud still sobbing in her arms. She pushed the door open, just in time to see a dark shadow jump from the window, but his cape was caught on one of the nails and fell not too pleasingly.
Elaine looked down from the window, "Are you alright down there?" she asked as she saw a man with a mask that covered his whole face hanging with his one foot being the only thing that prevented him from falling down from the fifth floor.
"Oh yes, I am perfectly fine! I am only hanging here like a bat with one foot and having absolutely no problem on falling down from the fifth floor of your castle –OF COURSE I AM NOT ALRIGHT, WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE WOMAN?" he yelled at her.
Elaine frowned at him, "I thought you were a phantom? Should you not be already a professional in these kinds of things?" she tossed back.
"Never mind. You would be of no help anyways, I would have better chances of falling rather than being saved if you were to help me."
And there you have it people! My very first fanfic! I hope you would like it! Please review!