Best Drabble Series Ever

By: Kiba/KibaSin

Summary: A Kagome drabble series based on fan art drawn by o0KittyBlue0o. Multiple anime; Multiple pairings

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the anime used within this drabble series. I hold no claim to them, get no money from them, and do not expect anyone to really think that I do.

Genre: Romance/General

Rating: M

Shikamaru x Kagome


His swinging finger caught her attention immediately after she realized that, yes, Nara Shikamaru, her boyfriend for the last three years, was lounging innocently on her bed. No, no that was not right. There was absolutely nothing innocent about what was going on before her very eyes.

"Hello, Kagome." His voice was so smooth, much more so than she had ever heard it, and she felt herself tense beneath his piercing stare. "I thought we might have a party, but then I just happened upon these—" the swinging stopped suddenly, her panties coming to rest against his hand, "—and wondered why I haven't seen you wearing them before?"

"U-um." She honestly did not know what to say! Shikamaru had never acted so straight forward with her, in fact, she was pretty honest that their relationship would always stay in the light pecking stage that it had evolved into. But, then, finding her voice, she stuttered, "Why a-are you na-nak-na—?"

Dropping her sexy undergarment, Shikamaru stood and pulled the cigarette from his mouth. His smirk refused to fade, as Kagome's bewildered stare became near hysterical when he took a single, predatory step in her direction. "Kagome—" he sipped lightly from the wine glass in his other hand, "—I told you that I thought we might have a party. It seems that I've started without you, but I'm sure you could end it quite well."


"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Shik-Shika—!" Kagome, blushing madly, suddenly yelled, "You're naked!"

And, pausing for only a moment, Shikamaru sighed and took another drag off his cigarette. This, he decided, was going to be such a drag—but such a pleasant one once he had captured his wide-eyed prey.

KibaSin: I recently moved across the country (it's a big change X3) to live with o0KittyBlue0o. But, after getting settled in, we had some sugar and went a little crazy. So, if you go searching within her dA gallery, you will eventually run across pictures that go with these here drabbles (trust me, you will recognize them).
