This is for KatiechanXoxoXSesshoukun! Really great suggestion, it really inspired me. So now with the AWESOME idea, I am going to turn it to the next chapter…

Thank you Yuffie miazaki for your wise words!

Chapter 11: Kagome Clears the Air than the Scene

Feeling Sesshoumaru's demonic aura fully unleashed, sent both Koga and Inuyasha into a frenzy; their own animalistic instincts coming to the surface.

The hair on the back of Koga's neck was standing on end, whereas Inuyasha's ears were erected forward. Both Koga and Inuyasha noses were scrunched up and they were snarling.

Kagome's miko powers were on over drive. 'I know this is only Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha and Koga, but their power is so intense! I can hardly breathe!' Without knowing, Kagome set a barrier in the clearing that housed the Bone Eater's Well. 'I don't want others to feel this immense power here. Others do not need to feel the effect of these three.'

Kagome backed out of the center of the triangle she was in, she decided to sit on the edge of the well. She didn't know why, but she wanted to watch the outcome of this. 'If anything gets out of hand, I am sure I can step in and stop the madness. Let the male testosterone burn itself out first.'

Sesshoumaru released his acid whip and held it nonchalantly. "This Sesshoumaru is ready, who is going to answer to the duel?"

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and had his claws ready. 'Damnit, I may not want to mate Kagome, but damn all to the depths of hell if I will allow either one of these claim her.' "No one here is worthy of claiming Kagome as a mate!"

Inuyasha was the first to lunge towards Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru easily sidestep the attack.

"Speak for yourself Muttbrains. You are the only one not worthy of her here, who would want a halfbreed as yourself for a mate?" Koga ran towards the two brothers in a whirlwind.

The three fighting were moving at a speed that Kagome's eyes were having a hard time keeping up. Instead, she closed her eyes and allowed her powers to detect the movements.

In her mind's eye, Kagome saw Inuyasha punched Koga in the face as Koga attempted to kick Sesshoumaru in the midsection. Sesshoumaru had slashed Inuyasha in the face with his poisoned claws and had Koga's ankle trapped with his whip.

After a few moments of the three darting to and fro in the barrier, Kagome had enough. "STOP THIS!" She released her miko energy and filled the interior of the barrier with it.

The air around the four was purified and glittering with purity dust, causing the three sided duel to cease. Sesshoumaru, Koga and Inuyasha released each other and looked at Kagome.

Kagome looked at the three males before her. "This is ridiculous! Did any of you even care what I have to say? Nooo! You all just wanted to fight to see who is stronger! It is my choice who I will end with! No matter how you think will be a way to win me over you are wrong!"

Inuyasha looked at Kagome. "I know you do not understand this Kagome. In demon society, the strongest among the suitors is the only one worthy to even try to court the female."

"I do not care! Last time I checked, I am not a demon! So the customs do not pertain to me!"

Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome. His face its icy unrevealing mask.

"Kagome, you may not be a demon, but are you going to deny us our customs?" Koga asked with intent to figure things out.

"Let me explain something right now." Kagome jumped down from the well's lip and walked towards Inuyasha, poking a finger at his chest. "You mister, did we not just agree that we do not hold that kind of love for each other? I thought we are friends, JUST FRIENDS! So you cannot be my 'suitor', which means we cannot be mates according to YOUR rules!" Inuyasha held his head down and his ears laid flat.

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome into an embrace. He whispered into her ear, so neither one of the other demons would hear, "I am sorry Kagome. I know that we agreed we are better as friends, but honestly the wolf or my emotionless brother? As my best friend you deserve better." Kagome pulled away from Inuyasha and gave him a forgiving smile. Before she got out of the embrace, she got on her tip toes and gave Inuyasha a quick peck on his cheek.

Than Kagome whirled towards Koga and pushed him in the chest. "Koga you block head, how many times do I have to tell you? I am not YOUR woman, nor will I ever be! All the times you came toward acting like a Neanderthal, claiming me when each and every time I tell you the same thing! You are already promised to Ayame, she can give you things I cannot! Give up already, mate her and be a good man to her!"

Koga looked at Kagome with pleading eyes. "Kagome, you surely do not mean-" His heart was breaking with every beat.

"No Koga! I mean every word! I may have been too nice about turning you away before now, but this is getting out of hand! You are a dear friend and a powerful ally, I realize this, but you do not hold my heart. I would like to remain both a friend and ally to you. This is all I can offer to you."

Koga looked at her. 'She is serious about this. I could walk away now with nothing and a broken pride, and lose her completely. Or I can walk away as her friend and ally, and possibly still Sesshoumaru as an ally.' Koga tucked his tail between his legs and grab Kagome's hands. "Listen to me Kagome, you have a piece of me now and forever. Whenever you need me for any reason, send word to me. I get it, okay, but if you refuse to be my woman; I have enough honor to respect your wishes. I do not wish to lose you as a powerful ally or a close friend." With that, Koga raised Kagome's hands to his lips and brushed a gentle kiss upon them. Kagome smiled up at Koga.

"So you are going to Ayame now?"

"Yeah, I guess it's time that I go to her." Koga backed away from Kagome.

Sesshoumaru still had his mask in place. Kagome looked at him in the eyes and knew. "I do not know why you think this is all amusing Sesshoumaru! You are just as bad as these two! You come to me in the middle of the night when I am all alone and and GEEZ! There is way too much male ego for me to handle. I just went back home so I can bring everyone snacks and you know what I made my peace with these two, but I think I will just go back home and let myself cool off about you Sesshoumaru. You are far too arrogant for me to process right now."

Sesshoumaru's mask faltered for an instant and a tiny frown was in place. "I do not understand miko. You can forgive these two weaklings, but you want to hold onto anger towards this Sesshoumaru that is unwarranted? This Sesshoumaru will not be treated as such."

"That is exactly what I mean Sesshoumaru-sama, Lord of the West, the great Daiyokai. You are nothing but an arrogant spoiled lord! You know what though? I was still attracted to you! I can't believe this!"

Kagome went to her bag and dumped out the food she got for everyone, than put on her yellow backpack. She went to the well and was sitting on it to jump down. Almost forgetting about the barrier that was erect, she pulled it down. "I will be back whenever I feel like it." With that, she jumped down the well back to her time.

The three males looked at the magic filled well.

Koga looked at Sesshoumaru, "Sesshoumaru-sama, I hope that our treaty still stands and that the event that happened today will not break it?" Koga asked with a deep bow.

"It still stands." Sesshoumaru replied with an uninterested tone.

Koga bowed yet again and turned to leave. "Later mutt face, you better not let your weak half blood allow yourself to get killed." With that he turned to a whirled wind and ran to his people.

"It feels soo good to not be on the angry end of Kagome." Inuyasha said with a smile. He put both of his arms behind his neck and let out a sigh.

"What do you mean Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru with a smirk. "I have been on the receiving end of Kagome's anger for a long time. It is very refreshing to know that I am not in your place."

"How did you handle it? She seems to forgive you and still be close to you no matter what ill grievances you bestow upon her."

Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru, "I cannot believe I am actually having this conversation with you. Give her a little time, and when she is ready to talk, and trust me you cannot force the time, than she will talk. She is not the kind of female to hold grudges or anger. Kagome just needs time to think and sort things out. The only thing you would have to worry about is how much time she spends in her time."

Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose at the last comment. "Why should how much time the miko spends with her people be a concern?"

Inuyasha let out a low chuckle. "Because, she tends to forget about her time needed here. Kagome lives two different lives and she spends most of her time here. When she does get to go back to her original time she tries to catch up."

"Do not think that this conversation means that we are close. Inuyasha your place is still the same as it has always been."

Inuyasha actually laughed at Sesshoumaru's words. "I wouldn't have it any other way Sesshoumaru."

Hahaha! Ok ok ok, I know I am the worst person ever to not updating faster!

Thank you EVERYONE for supporting me and this story! I love each and every one of you and your words mean the world to me.

I hope everyone enjoyed this short chapter… it had a little bit of all the elements that what was asked for: 1 a triple fight 2 a more confident Kagome…. Now I am hoping you saw the glittering miko dust… now mikos do not have that kind of effect, wonder what that means? Dun dun dun! Next chappy is about Kagome and her time… I would like to point out that Kagome is a very forgiving person especially towards her friends (think bout who she considers friends n a special some1 that she doesn't)… but I am very certain that she will uphold to her forgiving self soon

The only thing I ask is please would you please review? It is truly ok if yall don't I am grateful that your taking time to read this!

