DISCLAIMER: I am not getting paid for this! I am just doing this for fun! I don't own Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, or any of the other Harry Potter characters mentioned in this fiction. Thank you.

Chapter One

Shadow Remus Lupin-Black's head slipped from his hand and he jerked awake once more. He rubbed his eyes tiredly before allowing his head to thump down onto his arms. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have History of Magic first thing in the morning needs to be hexed, he thought, annoyed.

"Mr. Lupin-Black!" Shadow jerked awake at the sound of his Mama's voice. Dumbledore had allowed Remus to come back as the new History of Magic teacher, and while he was a vast improvement than Binns, the class was still a bore. Shadow smiled sheepishly at his Mama. "See me after class." Remus glared at him to make sure his point got across.

"Yes, Professor Lupin," Shadow mumbled.

The rest of class seemed to pass too quickly for Shadow's liking. He waved off Ron and Hermione and gave Draco a quick hug before he walked to Remus' office. "Sit down, Shadow." Remus said flatly. Shadow sat in the chair across from Remus' desk. "Shadow, I understand why you're tired. I'll bet you anything we won't see hide nor hair of your father until dinner tonight." Remus and Shadow smiled slightly. "However, that does not excuse you falling asleep in my class." Remus dug in one of his desk drawers and pulled out a vial of Werewolf Pick-Me-Up Potion. "This is the same potion I gave to you last year. I want you to take it now." Shadow reached over his Mama's desk and grabbed the potion. He uncorked the vial and swallowed it in two gulps. "After the announcement of champions tonight, I want you to come to our quarters."

"But, Mama!" Shadow whined.

"No buts, Shadow. Your father and I would like to spend time with you! We have hardly got to spend any time with you all year! And it's only October!" Remus snapped at his fourteen year old son.

"You and Dad just spent time with me last night, mother!" Shadow growled.

Remus' eye twitched at the mention of the 'M' word. Shadow knew to never call him mother. It irked him to no end. "Shadow Remus!"

Shadow glared. "Remus John! See, I can say full names, too!"

Remus lost it then. "Get your sorry ass out of here. Don't talk to me for the rest of the damn day for all I care! You know better than to talk to me like that!" Shadow just stared at Remus in shock. Remus grabbed a photo from his desk and flung it at the wall. "GET OUT!" Shadow grabbed his bag and ran from the classroom as fast as he possibly could.

He got to Defense Against the Dark Arts just before the bell rang. He rushed to the seat next to Ron and sighed. "What'd your d-er...Mum want, mate?" Ron asked.

"Mama's mad at me," Shadow whispered.

"Oh, well, that's no big deal, right? My mum gets mad at me all the time." Ron chuckled.

"No, Ron, you don't understand. Mama never gets mad, he never yells, and he's never thrown anything in anger. He threw a picture against the wall and made it shatter into a million pieces." Shadow gulped around the lump in his throat. I don't want Mama to be mad at me, he thought with a whimper.

They had to stop talking then as Professor Moody began his lecture and demonstration of the Unforgivable Curses.

A/N: Hiya all! Here it is, the not so long awaited sequel to Werewolf Child. :) I hope you enjoyed it. And, fear not, I will update Lily's Lie, Severus' Secret, and Harry's Surprise soon! I at least want to START the 7th chapter. So, please be patient. :) As always, read and review. :)
