HEYY GUYS! so sorry for the long wait! ...again...
Chapter Nine
While everyone was eating, I saw my mother swiftly walking out of the dining hall. I made sure my friends weren't looking when I made my way out to follow her.
"Cammie?" a voice said from beside me. I jumped (but only a little bit) and turned to look at... Zach.
"Zach," I said, sighing. He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered into my ear. "Are you ok? I saw that jump. Wicked awesome, by the way," he said. I saw him look at me proudly and I smiled at him.
"Thanks," I told him. "So, how did you get here?"
"The same as everyone else; on a bus. They explained most of it on the way over here. Everyone else came form other places. It was so weird though..." his voice trailed off and I stared at him, taking in his face (every detail, not just the usual look over). I checked for any new cuts or bruises or anything.
"What?" he asked, lightly chuckling.
"I was just checking to make sure you were ok."
"Cammie, you know I'm ok. What I want to know is if we are ok," he looked deep in my eyes. I stared right back at him.
"Of course we are... Ok, granted we won't be normal together, but I think we could make it work," I said to him, a small smile growing on my face. I watched as Zach smiled at me.
Yes, actual smile-age!
As in, no smirking!
Woohoo! Go Cammie!
...ok, what is wrong with me?
"I have no idea," I heard Zach say. I felt my face heat up. I must have said that out lound. Zach laughed and pulled me close.
"I better get to my mom," I said, pulling reluctantly away from Zach and walking to my mom' soffice to await what she will tell me.
Knocking on her office door, I wated 4.5 seconds before she responded. "Come on in." I walked in and she smiled at me from behind her desk, quitting her fast typing.
"Hey kiddo."
"So, what was the point of it?" I asked her, cutting straight to what I wanted to tell her.
"We just wanted to see how you guys would do as regular people instead of spies. I guess it didn't really work out..."
"What do you mean? I thought it was going really well," I said. I felt like an idiot, though because she was shaking her head and looking at me strangely.
"No. The meds took away your... well, your spy senses (so to speak) so I guess you didn't notice. The COC found you, kiddo. We just had to get you guys out of there. All the kids at the regular school just think that they had an annoying exchange with a snooty school pf girls and a detention facility for boys."
I was shocked, to say the least. Those were some really cool meds!
No, I couldn't believe the COC had found me! Well, I knew they knew I was a Gallagher Girl, but I didn't know that they would find me at normal school. that was unexpected.
I guess they were good.
Well, better than I thought at least...
Ok, they had to be good for some of the best spies ever to not be able to bring them down (including my dad).
"Cam? Please don't be mad at me!I didn't know they would think to look for you at normal high school for you. Please don't be upset with me," my mother said to me, her voice soft and pleading.
I smiled at her to show I wasn't mad at her.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to be mad at you, Mom. That's what they want. They want us to get so mad at our family and our friends and our allies so that we would grow weak and unprotected. Well, we aren't going to do that to us. YOU know why? Because we are better than them.
"We will take them down. I will do it no matter how many times my heart gets broken. No matter how many times they attack us, we need to stay strong. As long as we stick together, I think we should be able to take them down. Cause that's what they are lacking."
I looked at my mom straight in the eye.
"They lack love and friends and family. So, really they're weak. Not us. They are. So to stay together, we are defeating them slowly but surely. THey are splitting apart from hatred.
"We are growing from love."
My mom looked at me proudly and hugged me close.
"Spoken by a true Gallagher Girl."
And no other words could have made me feel that much better.
OMG! The last chapter! finally!
LOL! so sorry for the LONG wait!
But anyway, I will try to have the sequel up soon! Hopefully, I can get it up on the website in a week maximum!
I'll post it when I get it all up and named! :D