AN: This is a temporary chapter, just to notify that the previous chapter was modified. I think I added some 4000 words to it, plus significantly change what had already been published. I do have more written (another 5k words or so) but not on any particular order. I can't make any promises that I will update again soon, but I do want to add that I have a much more thorough concept for the story, and am (slowly) working on it. In large part, I feel the need to finish Water Petals because Sawyer Raleigh and I have a story that involves the conclusion of this and one of her own works (So Today I'll Let You Go). And since I do so love when we collaborate, it seems only right that I keep chugging along in the hopes she will do the same!
Once I upload a new chapter, I will be removing this note. Hopefully it won't be too terribly long from now...