Yes, people, I am not discontinuing this story. Enjoy!
Chapter 10
(Change in time and/or space)
(The following morning…)
"Yah!" *poof* "Rah!" *poof*
Naruto dodged another punch thrown by a clone, then destroyed it with a punch to the jaw. He grinned momentarily, facing the clones he had created himself.
'Good idea, damn fox!'
(Flashback to several minutes previously)
"What's this about, Shippo?" asked Naruto, annoyed. Shippo was sitting on Naruto's bed cleaning his fur, while Naruto stood apart from Shippo with his arms folded.
"Your display with your clones yesterday was humiliating," said Shippo bluntly.
"Wha? I was able to summon and control them and everything. What gives?"
Shippo let out a sigh. "True. But the way you dealt with the clones when they rebelled was pathetic. You have no experience with fighting groups of enemies."
Naruto groaned. It was true; when he had done martial arts in the past, it was always with one opponents and rarely two. It didn't help that he had virtually no motivation and never really put in any effort.
"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"
Shippo threw him a sharp look. "Don't waste time, gaki. Get some experience."
Naruto's grinned faded as defended himself from 5 clones at once, adrenaline rushing through him. One of his clones slipped through and nailed Naruto in the stomach. He doubled over with a gasp of pain, and his clones dog-piled him.
Naruto let out a grunt as he pushed all the clones off of him, resulting in some of them imploding into smoke.
"Naruto!" Tsunade called, rapping on his door. Naruto and the remaining clones froze.
He cautiously opened the door. "What the hell are you doing in here?" asked Tsunade, looking annoyed with a touch of concern.
"I thought I could try working out for a bit?"
"Working out?"
"Yeah. You know, different kinds of push-ups, crunches, leg raises, squats, reverse flys. I'm gonna keep going til I give out."
Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "…All right. You've been acting strange recently, you know."
"Okay, okay." As Tsunade closed the door, Naruto turned around to see the clones emerging from hiding places in the bed, closet, and others.
"…Maybe we should practice somewhere else?"
(At the Uchiha apartment complex)
'What…is this?'
Madara, dressed in a bathrobe, stared at the front page of the day's edition of The Daily Leaf. The headline of the main article: UCHIHA CORP MAY LOSE CONTRACT TO QUEST.
He scanned the page in horrified disbelief, then flipped to the page where the article was continued, entitled "IS THIS THE END OF UCHIHA MADARA?"
He caught glimpses of phrases from the article such as "said to have an abrasive, even arrogant personality, quickly brushing off suggestions he finds foolish", "seen as ruthlessly ambitious", "risen to prominence by sacrificing those who have been loyal to him", but the title at the top stared tauntingly at him.
Twisted rage and hate started to bubble up inside Madara, as his fingers started to twitch and his irises seemed to redden. 'Those miserable scum…Just whose end is this?'
Just then, he heard a faint laugh echoing throughout the room, distracting him from his thoughts. It sounded rather deep and almost…demonic?
He looked around, as the laughter sounded again, though fainter.
Disturbed, Madara slowly walked off, his prior dark emotions starting to return.
(Back to the Uzumaki house)
"What the heck is going on with Naruto?" Jiraiya asked aloud, as he worked on his latest manuscript. "Something is bothering Naruto, or something with him has changed. He's never been afraid to tell me something. Hell, he jumps at it. So why now?"
Tsunade shrugged, as Naruto jogged down the steps, wearing black sweatpants and a zipped-up hoodie.
"Going to the downtown ramen shop," Naruto said briskly. "Be back in a bit."
"I'll drive you there, gaki," said Jiraiya, getting up.
"You don't need to."
"Nah, I need the exercise," waved off Jiraiya, then turned to Tsunade. "We'll be back faster than you can wiggle that ass."
Tsunade raised an eyebrow, half-amused and half-annoyed, as the two left.
(A Short Time Later)
Jiraiaya's car pulled up along the sidewalk. As Naruto made to get out of the car, Jiraiya stopped him.
"Naruto…we need to talk."
"Then can we talk later?"
Jiraiya frowned and turned off the engine. "We can talk now."
Naruto sighed. "What is there to talk about? Why now?"
"We haven't talked in a while. Your hakubo and I don't know who you are any more. You don't do your chores. And there's you do something strange in your room now." Jiraiya threw his nephew a pointed glance. "And I'm pretty sure it's not jerking off."
Naruto rolled his eyes, slightly disturbed at this. Jiraiya said disapprovingly "Not to mention you're starting fights at school. I know you've done martial arts but-"
"I already told you, I didn't start it!" 'Well, I guess in a way it was my fault…'
Jiraiya groaned. "…Well, you definitely finished it."
"What was I supposed to do then, run away!" Naruto said, indignant.
"Hell no! That's crazy!" barked Jiraiya. Naruto shrunk back, surprised by his uncle's outburst.
Jiraiya sighed, calming down. "Naruto, something is happening to you. I went through the exact same thing at your age."
Naruto raised his eyebrows, slightly amused. "Not exactly."
"Naruto. These are the years when a boy becomes the man he's gonna be for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you become."
Naruto looked a little confused as Jiraiya continued, "There are many types of people in the world. Some will be those that will be easy to take on, like that Hyuga Neji gaki. But there will be others out there who will frighten you. Remember, a man's worth is not measured by his strength, but by having the guts to never give up."
Naruto looked at his uncle oddly. "…Are you thinking that I'm gonna turn into some crybaby that runs away from trouble? Stop worrying about me! I know something's different, and I'll find something out. Stop lecturing me, ero-otooji!"
"I'm not trying to lecture, I'm trying to help, gaki. And I know I'm not your tou-san," said Jiraiya gently.
Naruto snapped. "Then stop pretending to be!"
Jiraiya looked at his nephew, a little surprise and disappointment on his face. "…Right. Pick you up at 10."
Naruto hesitated for a few seconds, then got out of the car. 'Maybe I went a little too far there…well, he'll probably forget by the time he picks me up.'
Naruto watched Jiraiya drive off until he disappeared around the corner, then glanced at the ramen shop across the street, feeling a little temptation to get a quick snack. He shook it off and walked to his true destination.
gaki: punk, squirt
hakubo: aunt
ero-otooji: pervy uncle
Last part ain't exactly like it was in the movie, but, eh. It's inspired by the movie, which means some things will be different.
See ya soon!