Dear reader,

This is a little sequence of letters that Ginny writes to Harry. I'll try to update once a day, because the chapters are astoundingly short. I don't own the characters, nor will I come to through the progress of this story, so here's the disclaimer.


Dear Harry,

I hope you're alright. Mum's frantic, as with Dad. No one can leave the house except Dad and Charlie, and they get escorted to and from work. Bill's at Shell Cottage, his and Fleur's new home. Yes, I'm calling her Fleur now. She's actually pretty nice.

I honestly can't wait to get to Hogwarts, though it will be hard without you. I won't get sappy but I just want to tell you that I love you.

It sounds like a goodbye but it's not, because I'm going to see you when you come back, and I'll give you this letter.

From Ginny.