Disclaimer: Nothing's mine. Too bad.

I'm trying out another Rizzoli & Isles drabble. Enjoy!

"Maura, what is that?" screeched Jane, pointing to an almost imperceptible speck on the table.

Maura examined it closely. "A fibrous composition of material resembling synthetic petrochemicals."

Jane stared at her. "Okay . . . I don't know what that is."

"Lint," translated Maura.

Jane rolled her eyes. "You learn something new every day."

"Well, I never knew 'attacker' was a position!"

"You know, I would love to play trivial pursuit with you."

Maura knitted her brow. "Why would you want to do that?"

"I mean on your team. Not against you. God, never against you!"

"Someday," agreed Maura, smirking.

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