Summary: It all started with a picture, so why is Hibari's hand in Tsuna's pants!
I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, if i did Hibari Tsuna all the time XD
Tsuna quickly ran through the school holding a small black camera. He soon stopped and leaned against the wall as he remembered what just happened a few minutes ago.
FlashBack Tsuna was hiding in Hibari's office waiting to get a good picture of him. "Im soo glad Reborn taught me how to hide my presence or i'd be dead right now." Tsuna thought. Tsuna sat in his hiding spot for hours and his legs were going to sleep. The time soon came when Tsuna was going to get the picture that is probaly going to cost his life. Kusakabe came in to give Hibari his afternoon lunch which consisited of coffee and two muffins. Hibari nodded to Kusakabe as he left. Hibari multitasked as he ate his muffins and did paperwork. When he went to pick up his coffee, his hand accidently hit the cup causing it to fall spilling on his hand. Hibari instanly jumped up and put his hand to his mouth. Tsuna liked the scene before him and quickly snapped the picture. Hibari's head instanly turned to where he heard a small click. Tsuna went deeper into his hiding spot so not to be seen by the prefect. Hibari turned around to look out the window dismissing the sound earlier. Tsuna took this chance to quickly run out of the prefect's office and down the hall.
Hibari turned around when he heard the door close. His blue-grey eyes narrowed as he quickly ran outside and chased poor little Tsuna down.
FlashBack End Tsuna opened his eyes to stare into angry blue-grey ones. Tsuna let out a small sqeak and tried to run. Hibari quickly put both his arms on the wall on either side of Tsuna's head. Tsuna cowered as he tried to think of a place to hide the camera. Hibari looked at the small camera in Tsuna's hands, he quickly went to grab it when just as quickly the camera disappeared into Tsuna's pants. Hibari licked his lips and Tsuna immediately regreted what he had done. Tsuna put his hands on Hibari's shoulders trying to stop him saying " H-Hibari wait-" but was cut off by Hibari's lips on his. Hibari slipped his hand into Tsuna's pants and grabbed the camera, making sure his hand brushed by Tsuna's penis. Causing Tsuna to moan and grip Hibari's clothes. Hibari smirked into the kiss and placed the camera into his pocket. Hibari picked up his boyfriend and walked back to the Reception room never breaking the kiss. He had some bussiness to attened to.
I loved this so much. I got the idea when i had a dream about Tsuna taking a picture of Hibari and he punished him XD anyway hoped you liked it bye bye!