Here is the rewrite of chapter 3! I don't own the Sonic characters, but I do own the western counterparts.
Sun-nic the 2nd and Tommy Two-Tailed got to the Saloon and Tommy swung the wooden, swinging doors to get in. They saw people talking, the piano playing, and the showgirls rehearsing. Then there was silence, and everyone was just looking at them until Tommy finally broke the silence by saying "Howdy everybody!"
"Howdy Tommy!" They replied. They all went back to their discussions and listening to the piano.
"Hey Sun-nic let's go get something to drink and you can meet Sly Shawn (portrayed by Shadow)," Tommy said.
"Why is he called that?" Sun-nic asked.
"He'll tell you," Tommy replied. They started to head to the bar. That's where they saw a black and red hedgehog wearing a long sleeved blue shirt, a black buttoned vest, and a black vest. He also wore a long dear skinned apron, denim pants, and black cowboy boots. He was cleaning a glass when they saw him. He had a seldom face. "Well hey Shawn," Tommy said.
"Howdy Tommy, now what do you want?" Shawn asked.
"I'll have warm milk, and my friend, Sun-nic, will have the same," Tommy said. Sly Shawn was chuckling at Sun-nic's name.
"Hey don't laugh at his name, Shawn," Tommy said stenly.
"Why not?" Shawn asked, "It's funny." He started to get the drinks.
Tommy sighed, "Sorry about that Sun-nic."
"It's okay, I'm used to it." Sun-nic said sadly. "Now why is he called Sly Shawn?"
"Well he can talk his way through anything and is very clever…" Tommy asked.
"And all the girls love me," Shawn interrupted, "I'll show you. Hey Ruth! (Portrayed by Rouge)" He called.
"What!" She called back.
"I need to ask you something!" Shawn yelled.
"OK I'll be there in a second!" Ruth said.
"Ruth is one of my performing girls," Shawn informed to Sun-nic.
When she finally got there she had a questioning look on her face. She was wearing a black dress with purple on the front, a dark purple choker (a necklace), black heels, a purple feather headpiece, a purple garter, and black fingerless gloves that go to the elbow. "What do you want, Sly?" Ruth asked.
"I just wanted to say that you are one of my best singers," Shawn said.
"Really?" Ruth asked surprisingly.
"Yeah and it will be a shame when people come in after you're shift, and not hear you sing." Shawn said.
She gasped. "Don't worry I'll come in overtime to sing my heart out, and you don't have to pay me this time. When everyone comes in to see me, I'll become a star and get out of this run down town," Ruth said with stars in her eyes.
"Whatever you say, Ruth." Shawn said as she went by the piano again.
"How did you do that?" asked an amazed Sun-nic.
"Years of practice." Shawn said proudly. That pride did not last long as Becky (portrayed by Blaze) and Shy Sammy (portrayed by Silver) came to the counter very angrily. Becky was wearing the same as Ruth, but it was red. Shy Sammy was wearing denim pants, brown cowboy boots, and white, blue striped shirt. He also a white cowboy hat.
"Shawn! How can you let Ruth stay overtime, and not tell us about it?" Asked by a very angry Becky.
"Yeah!" Sammy said quietly.
"Now Sammy and I have to stay overtime too because of you!" Becky exclaimed.
"Why?" Shawn asked.
"Because someone has to sing with her, you know that she can't stay in tune! She also needs someone to play the piano for her." Becky replied.
"Look, I'll make a deal, if you guys work overtime I'll pay you, but you can't tell Ruth." Shawn said.
"Deal." Becky and Sammy said at the same time and Shawn went back to work. That's when they first noticed Tommy and Sun-nic.
"Well howdy Tommy," Becky said. "I didn't see you there. Who's your friend?"
"This is Sun-nic," Tommy said.
Becky and Sammy started to laugh at poor Sun-nic. When they finally stopped laughing, Sammy saw how Sun-nic sad face and said, "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"Me neither," Becky said.
"It's okay, I get that a lot," said Sun-nic.
"My name is Becky," Becky said, "I'm one of the performing girls, and Ruth is the other."
"And my name is Shy Sammy, and I play the piano and I'm the manager of this place."
"I got two questions, Sammy," Sun-nic started, "how come you're called Shy Sammy and how you do two of jobs?"
Before Sammy could start, Becky said, "He's called that because he's shy and gets nervous in front of people. In fact, you're the first person he introduced himself to."
"I felt brave," Sammy simply said.
"How come you didn't feel brave when you proposed to me?" Becky asked with a little anger.
Sammy stared at her trying to think what to say. Then he said "That's different, anyway I work two jobs because Shawn is my cousin and he left me the job of manager, but that means he's also my boss and he said I had to play the piano. This wasn't all bad because I met Becky and now we're getting married."
"Congratulations! When's the wedding?" Sun-nic asked.
"This fall, you're invited too," Becky said.
"Really? Thanks!" Sun-nic exclaimed.
"Oh, Sammy did you invite Abby?" Becky asked.
"Don't worry I didn't forget," Sammy said.
"We got to go back to work, our breaks our done," Becky said. "See ya later Sun-nic. You too Tommy."
"Bye!" Tommy and Sun-nic said at the same time as Becky and Sammy went back to the piano.
"Hey Tommy, who's Abby?" Sun-nic asked.
Tommy looked at him and said, "She's a wannabe cowgirl and the town's best mustang herder."
"When can I meet her?" Sun-nic asked.
Just then a gust of wind came by and Sun-nic saw the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
"Who's that Tommy?" Sun-nic asked.
"That my friend is Abigal Daisy." Tommy said. Sun-nic couldn't believe it. It was love at first.
Look on Google if I didn't describe the dress really well to see what a Wild West showgirl dressed like. Done! Guess who she is portrayed by. One more thing…REVIEW AND NO FLAMES!