"So Solidad strikes again," I said quietly as I dipped my feet into the water. "And to think I was so close this time around," I said with a smile. The sunset over Lake Valor was really pretty. It was so calming and pretty, I almost forgot about how badly I was crushed by Solidad earlier today.
"Congratulations May," an arrogant voice said from behind me. Just as soon as it said that, a blood red rose appeared at my feet. I picked it up and sniffed it. It was the same dainty smell that these particular roses always had.
"On what?" I asked. "I lost to Solidad in the finals."
"You beat me… and just about everyone else in the competition… except Solidad," Drew said slowly as he approached me. "Don't be so harsh on yourself," he said, turning to look me in the eye.
"I guess," I mumbled. I looked into the blazing sunset and smiled. "There's always next year to win the Grand Festival," I said in a brighter tone. I turned to Drew and in a more serious tone I asked, "Where are you going to next?"
"I think I'm going back to Hoenn to compete there again. Sinnoh's style is just a little too distracting for me with the Pokemon switches and dressing up and the seals. I want to go back to Hoenn to do a contest in its simplest form possible," Drew said, staring out into the sunset.
I looked out into the sunset. Sometimes I wished I could be a little bit more or less like Drew, as far as confidence goes. He already knew where he wanted to go next. Me on the other hand, I didn't know what I really wanted right now. I thought about staying in Sinnoh but I would be perfectly happy anywhere else.
"So where are you going next?" Drew asked.
I sighed and replied, "I honestly have no idea."
Drew gave me his extremely annoying signature smirk. "Solidad told me she was going back to Kanto and I overheard Harley saying he was going to be staying here because he loved the 'flashiness and flair' of the contests," Drew said with a shiver.
I laughed. I could totally imagine Harley saying that. He always was quite flamboyant, and out of all of us, I think he had the most fun dressing up and calling out his Pokemon with the seals and ball capsules.
"I'm thinking I might go to Kanto with Dawn to compete in contests with her over there," I said.
"So I guess this is goodbye for now," Drew said, turning to me. I looked deep into the emerald eyes of my longtime rival and smiled at him. Over the years, I had really begun to care for Drew, and I think he cared for me too. Saying goodbye was really hard.
"Yeah," I said sadly. I didn't want to say goodbye to Drew but I certainly wasn't going to follow him around like some obsessed fan-girl. I could only hope that we would meet again in the future.
Impulsively, I leaned in to hug Drew but before it was completely a hug, Drew leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His lips were soft and tasted fresh and sweet. It felt so good kissing him, on the beach, during sunset. I just didn't want to let go, but I also didn't want to get so firmly attached to him that I couldn't let him go. I was torn on whether to keep kissing him or pull back and say goodbye before my heart could break any further.
In the end, my guilt won over and I pulled back and hastily said goodbye before running off, not looking back. As I ran, I could feel tears running down my cheeks but I knew if I turned back around, I would cry even more. There was nothing I could do except run away and hope I would either see him again someday or find someone else to replace him, but the second option was impossible. There was only one Drew, and he was the one I wanted.
A/N: I know it's kind of (scratch that. REALLY) short but the next chapters will be longer! Promise! =)
~Sugar and Limes