Ok so I gotta write this it's been floatin around in my head for a couple weeks now I have no idea where this story will go so yeah xD;;

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou and its a good thing I dont cause I don't think I could make it anymore epic though I'd like to add more wolfyuu ; D

WARNING THIS FIRST CHAPTER IS RATED MATURE HAHA Yeah.. rape is in here so dont read if you dont want to read that kind of thing!

Yuuri was standing on Muratas front porch in front of his door. "Thanks for inviting me over!" Yuuri said with a smile across his face. "No prob Shibuya thanks for coming over!" Murata gleamed. "Hey it's near midnight are you sure you don't want a ride home from my mom? She's more than happy to give you one and that baseball equipment will be heavy to carry all the way home." Yuuri shook his head "Thanks but I'll be fine besides I don't live that far away!"

There was a brief pause before Murata spoke up.

"Okay but be careful still!"

Yuuri nodded at his friend and set off as Murata slowly shut the door watching as far as he could see until his friend disappeared from sight into the darkness.

The streets were dark and dimly lit most of the light coming from the moon Yuuri walked withough hesitation or fear to his destination. He looked down a few alley ways but couldn't see far as they were darker than the streets. He heard a few noises and reminded himself he was in the safer Japan not busy Shin Makouku it had to be just alley cats and rats.

Just than Yuuri heard a loud noise and stopped in front of an alley watching a bright yellow and orange cat run from it. His heart pounding he caught his breath and continued walking when he heard another noise from said alley.

A womans muffled scream...being Yuuri he deemed it best to check it out and help as best he could. He whipped out his barely used cell hone for a little light and steadily made his way down the alley way.

"Please let me go!" a woman whispered in tears. Yuuri crouched behind a large trash can. "Woooow is this a mugging? OR WORSE! A GANG BANG!" he nervously asked himself. Counting out 3 men on each side of the woman he gulped. "I can't just leave her there...okay plan justice be done shall commence after I call Murata."

Setting his cell on silent while muffling the beeps he called Murata. While his cell phone was ringing he slowly and carefully put his baseball bag on the ground next to him not making a noise.

After three rings it was answered. "Hey Shibuya whats up?" Murata asked loudly and enthusiastically. "Shhhhh.." Yuuri hushed his friend,"I think I'm gonna do something stupid but it has to be done!" he said in a whisper. "Ahh..Shibuya...what's going on?" Murata asked taping his fingers on the table infront of him.

"Well...theres a gang something going on it looks like and an innocent woman is involved I'm gonna try to help her but I don't know how well it'll go." Yuuri answered sheepishly. "Shibuya are you crazy! You could get killed!" Murata was now in a frenzied state worried about his friends life. "ShhhhSHHH! If I don't call you back in like say 15 minutes or so than come to me okay? please?" Yuuri begged Murata and proceeded to tell him his exact location.

"Shibuya I still think this is a bad idea...Call me back in 5 minutes or less I'm heading down there now actually..." Murata put his cell phone on speaker mode and shuffling could be heard as he pulled on socks and shoes. Yuuri smiled to himself. "Ok I'll call you in 5!" with that Yuuri hung his phone up and proceeded to look at the group of people in front of him. Quietly unzipping his bag he pulled out his bat.

"L-look I'm not like that please I'm just headed home please let me go." The woman pleaded she had honey brown eyes and red brown soft curls resting on her shoulders. Yuuri gasped she looked like an older version of his daughter Greta! With that he stood and walked over to the group.

"H-HEY! YOU THUGS!" Yuuri made sure his stature was straight and tried to look intimidating. "What's this huh? Let her go she's asked nicely already!"

"oooooooohh whats this a school kid came out to play?" The largest of the three said and turned to face Yuuri as he laughed. "Hey hey look kid we don't want no trouble please dont hurt us!" He scoffed and laughed at Yuuri as the other two laughed as well.

Yuuri scowled and saw an opening while they were laughing at him he took his bat from behind his back and swung hard at the guy infront of him hitting him hard on the arm the man stumbled he than took a swing at the two other guys knocking them over. Quickly he reached out to the woman pulling her up he pushed her past the men. "RUN!" he yelled.

The woman with fear in her eyes skeptically nodded and started to run off. "I-I'LL COME BACK WITH HELP!" She shouted disappearing around the corner.

"What a PUNK!" The largest and seeming leader of the three was rubbing his arm and coming close to Yuuri cornering him in the same spot the woman was in. Yuuri felt the wall against his back and cursed at himself,"Way to corner yourself supid..." he said aloud.

"You think a bats gonna help? You're really stupid you know that.." the man reached out as Yuuri flinched swinging back to try and hit him with the bat again. His eyes closed he swung hard and the bat came to an abrupt stop that made his eyes open quickly just to see the man had caught the bat in his hand. "Tch, stupid.." with that said a fist dug its way into Yuuris stomach and the teen doubled over in pain.

"AH!" Yuuri clenched his teeth and let out a loud sharp cry when he felt a pounding pain on the side of his head. The other two guys had made their way to Yuuri and pushed him up against the wall holding his arms. The leader looked Yuuri in the eyes holding the bat some blood smearing on the side of it while it dripped down Yuuris face. "Eh you're not like that girl you let get away not quite a looker but now that you've pissed me off you can take her place." He chuckled. "Wh-what do you mean? Let me go!" Yuuri struggled against the two men his vision blurring the pain throbbing so bad he felt like vomiting.

The man leaned in closer and grabbed Yuuris face squeezing it hard as Yuuri let out a smothered cry. "You're really pathetic ha what a wimp!" He punched Yuuri two more times in the gut and Yuuri choked out some blood.

Taking out a pocket knife he shredded Yuuris shirt not caring that he knife touched down on the teens chest cutting into him. Yuuri felt bile rising and exiting his mouth the man flinched back in disgust and the other two threw Yuuri to the ground.

"UGH really vomiting on yourself that's pretty pathetic c'mon mr hero hold it in how about you save yourself this time?" he laughed and kicked Yuuri hard in the side. Yuuri bit his lip and blood came out his world still spinning from the concussion.

The large man hovered above Yuuri with his hands pushing painfully on his arms he brought his knee very close to Yuuris member pushing hard on it Yuuri cried out. The man motioned for the other two to come over and they each placed a foot on Yuuris arms to keep him still as the leader moved down cutting Yuuris pants off him leaving deep cut lines in various places.

"This is all your own fault you know kid, stupid stupid kid acting the hero and this is what you get!" Yuuri barely heard anything that was being said anymore everything was blurry and slurred as he started fading out he heard the muffled sound of a zipper and felt the intense pain shoot up his spine from his bottom half. "Mu-murataa.." he mumbled out.

The sound of a bicycle squeeling to a hault and falling to the ground was heard outside the alley the three men shot their attention towards the entrance of the alley way their leader quickly pulling up from Yuuri and kicking him to the side they alerted themselves for who ever it may be.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Murata screamed running full force at the three with a thick wooden bat he hit the first guy on the head angled to the side quickly and watched the other side of his head hit the wall. Suprised at himself he caught his breath and swung at the other two while they were off guard looking at their leader. The bat swung violently and hit a few limbs cracking bones being heard Murata glanced to the side seeing his friend covered in blood his clothes shredded hanging off him.

"Damn.. DAMN! DAMN!" Murata yelled gritting his teeth he picked his friend up as best he could hefting him onto his back he took off not as quickly as he'd have like. "Please hold on Shibuya!" He made his way to the bike outside the alley the two men followed slowly after them limping on one leg each.

Murata settled himself and Yuuri onto the bike as best he could and peddled quickly it helped that they were going down hill. The bike picked up pace at an alarming rate but if it got them away faster than that was fine he'd slow the bike down eventually.

Though it seemed they were being followed by a car. "CAR! I should have seen that coming." Murata panted covered in sweat he peddled harder but his breath hitched in his throat as he looked ahead to realize they'd run out of road to ride on a dead end cliff with small railings was speeding towards them. "Th-the ocean? Maybe..." Murata closed his eyes and lifted his legs from the peddles. The car screeched to a stop and the men got out continuing to chase.

"HE'S NUTS! THERE'S A CLIFF!" One shouted to the other. "Thats fine if they fly off they'll surely die theres no way to get back up from there all we need is to get rid of them if the ocean wants to do it than I say let it!" the other said laughing.

A foot from the small railing Murata let go of the handle bar he had been steering with just that one hand the entire time and grabbed tight to both Yuuris arms. The bikes front tire hit the railing and flipped over the cliff throwing Murata and Yuuri over board.

"PLEASE TAKE US TO SHIN MAKOUKU SHINOU PLEASE!" Murata screamed as they fell he held closely to Yuuri as not to seperate them.

Okay well I'm done lol Review if you want to it'd be cool I'll get the next chapter up in a few days or so I'm mainly writing this for my own enjoyment but hey if you wanna review if you like it than more power to ya it'll probably make me wanna write faster if I have an audience lololol