"So, what's going on over there?" Hiccup asked gesturing over to the battle.

Eragon simply said, "We'll tell you later. Just stay out of the way." And at that he climbed back onto Saphira and, with a mighty leap, launched into the sky.

Hiccup had a mental itch just then bugging him to do something other than just stand aside and watch. He just wanted to do something. He looked over towards the battle.

He saw Eragon and Saphira do strafing runs with long jets of fire.

Then he got his idea.

"Come on Toothless we will help anyways." He said securing himself to the harness. They immediately bolted to where the two sides were clashing.

At first he didn't understand who he was supposed to be fighting so he observed Eragon attacking the red side.

"Ok buddy lets create some lightning." Hiccup said

The first targets on his list were the war machines, which reminded him of the catapults on Berk. He also noted was that the fighting created large clouds of black smoke providing them with perfect cover.

They ascended high up above the clouds that impeded everyone's sight of them. Even Hiccup had trouble seeing but luckily Toothless' acute sight spotted the machines and began the dive.

He always got a rush from this near kamikaze style bombing as they dive at mind blowing speed and the sound Toothless makes during the whole thing, screeching an ear piercing sound.

Hiccup saw the enemy look up in surprise as they revealed themselves from cover followed by a spear of blue lightning that obliterated the war machine.

The proceeded to do it again about four times and as Hiccup looked back to the allied side he saw that they all roared out a victory cry. As the last tower fell, the entire enemy army retreated.

The same sensation of a being probing his mind appeared again.

A voice said, "We did it! Follow me down you have created a problem now that you solved another." He recognized the voice as Eragon so he immediately did so.

He saw Eragon and Saphira at a distance heading to the east. As he followed, a large tent city emerged from the smoke. As soon as Eragon landed they were swarmed by people who he assumed were fans. But when Hiccup landed those fans immediately went silent and retreated a few step followed by twelve slender forms emerging from the crowd to form a barrier between Hiccup and Eragon.

At first he thought they were normal but under their dark cloaks he saw pointed ears similar to Eragon. Not just that but a few of them did not even look human. Some of them had bodies of fur and all inhumanly graceful.

This place is way too weird, he thought and to make it weirder he soon saw many small figures that looked like men but much shorter, among the crowd.

He saw Eragon conversing with the cloaked forms, which Hiccup assumed he was convincing to let Hiccup and Toothless come within the guards comfort boundaries. Hiccup notice how Toothless seemed at unease and looking around sporadically.

Hiccup whispered, "Relax, I'm right here." It helped Toothless relax slightly. But Hiccup was as unsettled as Toothless was since both of them had little to none full out war battle experience.

"Follow me," Eragon said, bringing Hiccup back to focus. He saw Eragon walking forward deeper into the camp and they nearly got separated when another large group of people surrounded Eragon and Saphira, asking them questions and favors.

We never get that much attention at Berk, he thought since Toothless and he has become sort of a regular sight, along with the other dragons. But here he thought, there are rarely any dragons therefore he summarized that he must be the hero of this place.

Hiccup also noticed that the camp must be a front for the battling from the obvious battle, the heavy entrenchment, and the general mood of the atmosphere: dark and unforgiving. But Eragon seemed like a light to the people, they feed off him for safety and security.

From the looks of it, it looked like they were heading to the command section of the camp because it was easily noticed that the guard were appearing at more regular intervals and much more were stationed at choke points and open pavilions. They walked into an open area, heavily populated, due to it probably being a market area. But as soon as they came to the general view the commotion went silent. Some people rushed to Eragon to ask questions, some dropped what they were doing and left, but the greater portion just stopped and stared. Hiccup could feel their gaze bore into the back of his head as they passed by. Anyone who tried to approach was stopped by Eragon's pointed eared guards.

"We should hurry before we create an uproar," Eragon advised due to the impression that Hiccup and Toothless had made.

Hiccup's curiosity could be abided no longer, "I need to ask some questions, I am just too confused."

"You must see Nasuada before anything else. She would want to see you and assess your qualities."

"Who's Nasuada?"

"The leader of the Varden," is all he said.

Eragon led them to a large tent surrounded by six guards. Two men, two of the small figures, and two huge behemoths that put Hiccup at large unease.

One of the men asked, "Who passes?"

Eragon replied, "Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Brightscales," then added pointing to Hiccup and Toothless, "they are with me."

The guard poked his head in and said some inaudible words.

"You may go in."

Eragon said, "Have…Toothless…follow Saphira around to the back."

Hiccup said to Toothless, "Go on I am right here." He watched Toothless round the corner eyeing Saphira.

Hiccup followed Eragon through the threshold and saw the Varden's leader.

A woman, a woman who's skin was dyed black.