I found this story somewhere on my laptop almost 2 years since I stopped writing. It was meant to be the first chapter of a new oneshot series, but I never got round to finishing the rest, so I'll upload it as an individual story. Such nostalgia~~~
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar the Last Airbender.
"So, after school later?"
Katara blushed, as she read the note passed to her under the table from Aang. She scribbled a response discreetly, not wanting Mr Zhao to catch her writing these in his class. She passed it to Aang under the table.
"Didn't I agree just now?"
Aang looked at her note, before smirking and writing his response. Every time in Mr Zhao's lesson, she and Aang would pass notes to each other talking about random stuff. She started, as she realized Aang had passed the note back.
"I know you did, but I need written proof so you can't miss the date."
Katara looked at Aang exasperatedly, as he just grinned and winked at her. She sighed. She couldn't wait till this stupid math lesson was over, seeing as Mr Zhao, being the meanest teacher in school, kept making life hell for her since she had accidentally knocked him down the stairs when running down. As she had stood there rooted in horror, students around him had been laughing, while he had given her a death glare when she tried to apologize.
"I told you I won't forget again. I was just sleepy!"
She returned the note to Aang, who read it and gave her a sceptical look. She rolled her eyes, as she whispered to him, "Fine, I was rushing my project, okay?"
"Katara!" She sat upright, as Mr Zhao approached her.
"What is it Aang was reading? You wouldn't happen to be PASSING NOTES in my class, would you?" Mr Zhao growled, before holding out a hand, in which Aang defeatedly placed the piece of paper.
Knowing Mr Zhao, he would probably keep it and show it to their class teacher, or something worse.
"Now, let's see what Aang and Katara have to say on the subject," He smiled evilly, as he placed it under the visualizer. Katara covered her face with her hands. Everyone looked up at the screen in anticipation and amusement, glad for the distraction.
"What's the answer for question 9?"
Everyone stared at the note, before turning to Aang. Aang stood up.
"Sir I was just asking Katara how to do that question." Aang said, with his head down.
"I believe I said you were supposed to do it on your own." Mr Zhao said. "Perhaps it's better if you do it outside."
Aang nodded, before he gathered his things and headed for the door. As he passed, Katara could've sworn he winked at her, and she realized that he had switched the notes while Mr Zhao was talking to her. Aang stood at the window, following the lesson.
For the remainder of the lesson, Katara's attention never left the window.
"Why'd you switch the notes?" Katara asked, walking home with Aang.
"Did you really want Zhao to read what was on it?" Aang said. "Plus, one person outside beats two people outside."
"That's nice," Katara said, giving Aang a kiss on the cheek. "So is the date still on?"
"Of course! I went to all that trouble to get a written agreement," Aang chuckled. "Kinda wasted if we didn't actually go out, you know?"
As they continued their walk holding hands, Aang continued, "You know, I didn't really switch the notes."
"You didn't?" Katara asked, curiously. "Then what happened?"
Aang grinned.
"Let's just say we were really lucky that he didn't flip the note over."
R & R!