Last chapter! I'd like to thank everyone who's read and reviewed this story!

Guest stars at the end...and then leading to something ULTIMATE. ;)

Please read and review!

Mr. Boss shook his head and sighed before gazing back at the Count. "I can't believe you've decided to do this..."

The Count regarded him with a cool smile as they walked side-by-side down the block toward a certain store in particular. Earlier today, The Count called Mr. Boss and spoke to him of his plans.

Plans that would change him and Wish's life.

The past couple of days have gone back to normal. After the whole ordeal with Jake, the werewolf was placed under the Count's kingdom prison before his sister Bell created a magic potion that would erase Jake's memory of ever knowing he was a wolf. After the potion left Jake clueless on his special power, he was later brought to the real world where the police had him arrested for attempted assault on Cleo as well as vandalism. Two years in prison, yet the Count wished it would be a lifetime.

Now that Jake was out of the way, the Count took the time to recall his and Wish's loving relationship, knowing deeply and truly that they were soulmates for life.

And he intended to make sure it was true to word, which is why he and Mr. Boss approached the store he had mentioned on the phone earlier.

Mr. Boss shook his head once more, but this time he smiled. "Well, if it's what you want, and if it'll have Wish screaming her head off, then go ahead. It's your life. Your future."

"Thank you, dear friend," the Count said gratefully before entering the store. "This vill be quite the proposition..."

At Crazy Cat Lady's home, the old feline woman tenderly rubbed at Wish' forehead with a soaked cloth, still a bit worried after the events that had happends a couple of days ago.

"Seriously, I'm okay now, Catrina," Wish assured her, while at the same time laughing.

The old feline woman smiled. Since Wish had moved to town, she had always felt this bond with the young Goth. Almost motherly or even grandmotherly. Wish was like a daughter to her, considering the old lady never had children. And despite the mother-daughter bond they shared, they were almost like sisters as well.

"I know, I know," the old woman chuckled before placing the cloth back in a nearby bowl of water. She glance nervously at her once more. "Are you sure?"

Wish chuckled and rolled her eyes. "For the hundredth time, yes. I've healed nicely, thank you."

Cat Lady shared her chuckle. "Well, just remember to give me a call as soon as you and Ed are in New York."

In a couple of days, Wish and the Count would be following Gwen and the others back to New York where the rest of the Total Drama cast were, and including a few others. Cleo's friend, Squirrel Winters, had called regarding Wish's work. And, of course, where there was a Squirrel Winters, there was definitely a Brian Griffin. And Wish was both excited and nervous to meet two very famous people. Plus, Brian Griffin, who's work of writing was inspiration to her for the past few months, was going to look at her work.

"I will," Wish assured her friend. "Speaking of Ed, where is he?"

"Oh, I think he's very busy with something..." A knowing smile curled her lips, knowing full well of the Count's plan regarding Wish later tonight. "Do you know what you're going to wear tonight?"

Tonight was going to be a simple adult villains' formal banquet and arrangement plans regarding the refurbishing of the vandalized market and, of course, the Count was bringing along Wish.

"Well, I found this really awesome black dress at some killer Goth store outside of town," Wish said excitedly. "Oh, man, do I have a hairstyle and mascara that'll make it look good!"

Cat Lady bit her lip, imagining the thought of Wish dressed more dark than usual at the banquet. It wasn't that she didn't approve of Wish's attire, but maybe, just maybe, the Goth could dress a little more simple and maybe even girly...

"Um, perhaps I could be of some assistance?" Cat Lady asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm so nervous!" The Count tensed as he played with his fingers. He stood around in the banquet hall with Mr. Boss, Knightbrace, and the Toiletnator.

"Catrina said she was setting Wish's attire," Knightbrace rolled his eyes. "That's a bad thing for a Goth when you have Cat Lady doing your outfit..."

They looked over to see Gwen. Heather, and Trent approach them, dressed at their best for the formal occasion. If that's what they could even call Gwen's outfit...While Heather wore a simple brown/red dress that stood above her knees and Trent wearing a tuxedo with jeans, Gwen stood by her Goth as she always had and wore a black mini skirt with pink ruffles as well as a top with white, blue, and gray stripes on the sleeves and around the V-neckline. To top it off, she even wore a huge blue bow in her tied back hair.

"Is that how you Goths dress for parties?" Lou asked curiously.

"Oh, for Pete's sake, Lou!" Mr. Boss exclaimed in exasperation. "Enough with the Goth questions already!"

"No, no, it's cool," Gwen said with a satisfied smirk as she gazed at Lou. "If you ever decide to go Goth, just ask me..."

"Lou? Goth?" Knightbrace tried to hold back his laughter. "As if!"

"Vhere is Wish?" The Count asked Gwen nervously. "Could she not make it? Is she busy? Is she vith another man?"

"Whoa, chill, man," Trent assured him, "she's coming out soon. Cleo's helping with her hair while Cat Lady's adjusting her, um..." He coughed lightly. "...dress."

"It is so not a dress!" Gwen complained. "It is a threat to Gothic humanity!"

"The lady has taste, you got to admit," Heather pointed out.

"Ed," Mr. Boss whispered as he bumped elbows with the Count. "You going to be alright when you show it to Wish?"

The Count nodded nervously. "As ready as I'll ever be..."

"Hup, here she comes," Knightbrace said as his eyes darted across the room. "Oh, dang..."

The Count's eyes followed toward the direction his friends were staring at. And he was a lost for words...

Behind Cat Lady and Cleo, Wish was doing her best trying to look calm and collective.

But how could she when she was wearing a pink dress?

"I thought Wish hated pink..." Lou stated as he saw Wish.

"She does!" Gwen exclaimed. "Oh, man, what has Cat Lady done to her?"

"Yo, vamp-dude," Trent said as he looked at the Count. "You're turned on by Wish's outfit...aren't you?" Though that question was unnecessary, Trent couldn't exactly tell by the Count's expression whether he liked Wish dressed normal or not.

"I...I'm not sure..." The Count responded.

Wish stood before them, feeling her face heat up from embarrassment as well as the itchiness of the poofy, pink dress Cat Lady provided her. She sent a glare to Knightbrace, who was stifling his guffaws.

"Laugh and I will drive my heels into your head..." Wish warned him through clenched teeth.

"Wow, Wish..." Mr. Boss said, smiling approvingly at her attire for the evening. "You look a normal, non-dark woman."

"Oh, isn't she a jewel?" Cat Lady cooed as she placed an arm around Wish. "It's like looking at a life-size Barbie doll."

"Barbie doll?" Wish exclaimed in shock. She hated Barbies...

"Wish is going to crack..." Cleo whispered to Lou as they saw the look of bewilderment on the Goth's face.

"Personally, I think she'll try and mess up the dress..." He whispered back to his wife.

The Count turned to the others, giving him the nod. Taking this signal, Mr. Boss nodded to the other adult villains who nodded back.

"What's with the nodding?" Heather whispered to Gwen as they watched the scene.

"Beats the heck out of me," Gwen replied.

"I'll explain," Cleo whispered before placing an arm around each of them, "right now, you girls and Trent follow me..."

The teens warily followed the adults, leaving Wish and the Count to themselves.

"What just happened?" Wish asked as she saw they were left alone, almost seeming to be placed at center among all the adult villains in the hall.

The Count looked at her, feeling even more nervous than before. "Wish..."

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked up at him, her neck becoming itchy from the dress. She saw his nervous look. "Babe, is something wrong?"

The Count quickly shook his head. Then he took his hand. "Wish...the time we've spent's been so vonderful, the very best..."

"Um, thanks?" Wish replied in confusion. She was almost afraid something bad was coming out of this...

"And true to vord, you are every voman I've dreamed of..." He told her as he looked into her eyes. "Vords don't seem enough..."

Wish was startled when he grasped her hand tighter and suddenly stood on one knee, never breaking his gaze from her.

Oh, man, is he going to...? Is he really? Oh, my gosh...,Wish's thoughts ran through her brain as she looked down at Count. A small, anticipating smile formed on her lips.

She had a feeling she knew where this was going.

From a distance, the teens stood with the adults as they watched the scene before them.

"No way!" Gwen exclaimed with a smile. "Oh, man, it's going to happen!"

"Oh, sweet!" Trent exclaimed. "The Count's going to make Wish his wife!"

"Wife?" Mr. Boss asked him in confusion. "What gives you that idea?"

The teens looked at him in confusion.

"But he's kneeling!" Heather exclaimed as she pointed at the Count.

Cleo placed an arm around Heather. "Just watch."

Time seemed to stand still as Wish and Count gazed at each other in silence, despite the talking and bustling around them. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the Count cleared his throat.

"Wish..." He began slowly. "I vant you to...I vant to...I vant to ask you..."

Wish felt like she wanted to faint from so much excitement and anticipation. But she gave him time to say those four precious words.

"Vhat do you think?" He asked.

Okay...those were not the words she was aiming at.

She blinked in confusion. Where was the box? Where was the ring?

"Uh, Wish?" The Count asked. "I said...vhat do you think?"

Wish looked down at him. Then she saw something.

Something even more precious than a ring.

The Count had tugged at one of his sleeves to show most of his arm, and that's when Wish saw it.

A tattoo.

But it wasn't just any tattoo. It was a picture of a midnight blue heart with eyes.

Wish's eyes.

But that wasn't the best part of it.

The words, written in beautiful cursive across the heart in a white ribbon, they said:

My Wish...she has come true.

Wish could barely hold her gasp, or the tears that were falling from her face. She was so overwhelmed, so surprised...

So happy.

"You don't like it?" The Count asked sadly as he gazed at his tattoo.

"No, no..." Wish assured him. Then she bent down and took his arms and raised him up to his feet. She leaned up and kissed him. "I love it. I really, really do."

"I love you," he told her with a happy, tearful smile. "And this tattoo proves it."

"You are so awesome, Eddie," Wish told him with a happy sigh before embracing him. Once she broke the hug, she eyed him carefully. "It hurt, huh?"

"Very..." The Count said slowly, shuddering at the memory of having a needle touch his sensitive skin. "But it was worth it."

"Aw, you..." Wish said happily before she jumped him and hugged him like a teddy bear.


"Oh, no..." Wish gasped as she turned her head to look at the back of her dress.

There was a hole beneath where her butt was...and her vampire panties were starting to show.

"The dress!" Cat Lady exclaimed in shock. "How could it have ripped like that?"

"Gee, I wonder how..." Cleo said to herself. She smiled as she tucked a pair of scissors into her handbag.

Ten minutes later...

Wish smirked at the Count as she came back from the restroom, dressed in the clothes that completely showed her Gothic nature. Black knee-high boots with matching stockings, a knee-length dress with red trimmings on the sleeves and neckline, and red and black bat-shaped earrings which went with her grandmother's necklace. Her braided hair was even pulled up with a spider-web hairpin and her makeup was of blue eyeshadow.

And the teardrop on her face.

"Hey, you're right!" Lou said excitedly as he pointed at Wish's outfit. "Goths really do look great in red!"

"Well, I guess I can't have Wish dress like a Barbie doll..." Cat Lady sighed.

"No, she's no Barbie doll," Mr. Boss smiled at her as they watched Wish rejoin the Count with the usual romantic gesture. "She's more of a voodoo doll...the nice kind."

"Are ve there yet?" The Count asked excitedly as he bounded in his seat next to Wish from the back of the car.

"No." Heather grunted through clenched teeth as she drove the car, "...for the hundredth time."

"I can't believe you and the other guys back home know Squirrel Winters and Brian Griffin!" Wish said as she playfully slapped the Count's shoulder.

"Eh, I thought Cleo and Lou had already told you," the Count shrugged with a smile. "Yes, I know the Squirrel and the dog; good people."

"Oh, I'm nervous!" Wish exclaimed as she clutched her duffle bag which had her written work.

"About what?" Gwen chuckled. "I told Brian what an awesome writer you are, and he said he couldn't wait to see your work."

"Famous writers are always so modest..." Wish grumbled.

"Are ve there yet?" The Count asked again.

"Oh, will you shut-" Heather began.

"We're here!" Trent exclaimed as he pointed toward their destination.

The tall buildings and busy streets fascinated Wish as she finally got a glimpse of the beautiful place known as Manhattan. So this is the lovely New York her cousin and the other TD casts are staying at and will soon be schooled in...

"There's the Winters residence," Gwen said as she pointed toward a giant gate.

As soon as Heather called that they had arrived, the gates slowly opened and she drove in. There, standing among the steps, was the lovely Squirrel Winters herself.

"Is that...?" Wish could hardly breath as she saw the humanesque Squirrel smiling at them and waving.

"That's Squirrel," Trent smiled as Heather parked the car.

"Hey, guys!" Squirrel greeted as soon as they emerged from the car. Her eyes caught the Count's. "Eddie!"

"Aw, Squirrel!" The Count laughed before she launched herself at him and they hugged. "How much lovelier you are since the last time ve've seen each other!"

"And look how more fit you are!" Squirrel teased.

Wish lightly coughed, her eyes gazing at her boyfriend embracing the celebrity. Though she admired the squirrel, if she didn't remove herself from Wish's man she was going for a world of pain...

"You must be Wish," Squirrel said as she broke away from the Count. "I'm Squirrel Winters. Your cousin's told me a lot about you!"

Wish blushed as she glanced over to Gwen, who gave her the thumbs up. She smiled at Squirrel. "Wow, thanks..."

"I know you're dying to see Brian," Squirrel told her with a knowing smirk. "He and his wife Rita are in the backyard; they've been awaiting your arrival."

"Oh, man..." Wish tensed.

"Come on!" Gwen urged her as she took her arm and dragged her up the steps into Squirrel's giant mansion.

Once inside, and admiring the lovely furniture, antiques, and marble floors, they finally made it outside in the backyard. Wish scanned around the area, and she finally spotted the dog himself with his older wife.

"Wish Brennan," the humanesque dog and writer known as Brian Griffin greeted with a smile as he and his wife approached the others. "Wow, it's so good to finally meet you."

"Oh, ditto..." Wish responded, feeling giddy and overwhelmed to finally meet him.

"Hey, Brian," the Count greeted him.

"Eddie, you dog!" Brian teased before giving him a friendly slap on the arm.

"I'm no dog!" The Count retorted in oblivion. "If anyone is a dog, it is you!"

Wish played with her fingers nervously as she glanced at Brian looking over her work. They sat together at the kitchen table while everyone else was doing their own thing. Having been in Squirrel's home for hours now, she got to know the rest of the TD cast members, and even met Squirrel's family. While Rita was bustling around the kitchen, Wish was tensing up on what Brian would tell her as soon as he finished reading.

Brian put down the paper and took off his glasses before glancing at Wish with a soft smile. "My God, this is outstanding work."

Wish's heart nearly burst through her chest. Outstanding...He called her work outstanding!

"If it's no trouble," the dog began, "I'd sure like to order some of your books, maybe even pre-order some that are still being made..." He gave her a wink.

Wish blushed, her hands on her reddened cheeks, feeling like the whole world had just bowed down to her. "I...uh...oh,uh...sure!"

"Heads up!"

Brian and Wish quickly ducked as soon as a football landed and crashed into Wish's pile of papers, sending them flying everywhere.

"Michelangelo Hamato!" Brian barked as he helped Wish pick up her work.

Wish turned and laughed as she came face-to-face with and orange masked mutant turtle. "Mikey!"

Yes, when she met everyone, she met everyone. But, to everyone's surprise, she didn't freak out or faint at the sight of mutant turtles and a mutant rat. Instead...she was curious and seemed interested in their origin.

And then she heard the ultimate story.

She never felt happier and more welcomed in her life to be with people who may be different but were kind, helpful, and friendly.

"Sorry, man," Mikey called as he dashed out the door with a few of the TD teens.

"Wow, Meg sure is lucky," Wish chuckled as she smiled at Brian.

"Lucky like me," Brian said as he smiled to his wife who placed a plate of cookies and lemonade for him and Wish.

"Hey, cousin," Gwen greeted before she hugged Wish from behind. "Everything cool?"

Wish smiled. "Everything's awesome." She eyed her carefully. "So Aunt Daisy and Gordo don't know about..." She jerked toward the backyard where Mikey and his turtle brothers played football with the others.

"Um, I'm still thinking on that..." Gwen smiled reassuringly at her. "I mean, I'm sure someday I'll be able to tell them that I'm friends with mutants and that the world would have been destroyed if it wasn't for us..."

"There's someone outside, Squirrel," Rita called as she stood out in the hall. "A woman and a teen boy. They say they're relatives of Gwen and Wish."

Wish and Gwen just stared at Rita, eyes widened and mouths dropped. Then they turned to each other, still holding their overwhelmed expressions...

"Gwen," the Count said as he approached their table. "Are they your mother and brother?"

"Unfortunately, yes..." Gwen gulped. She turned to Brian.

The dog just smiled. "Looks like that day's finally come."

"Let them in, Rita," Squirrel called before turning back to Wish and Gwen. "Well, Ezekiel's parents already know...Duncan's parents already know...and Eva'"

"Alright," Gwen muttered as she wiped her forehead. "But I'm not going to tell them the story this time. I'm already tired from telling Wish..." And she walked alongside Squirrel to greet her family.

Wish chuckled as the Count placed an arm around her. They watched as Gwen's mother and brother came into the mansion and embraced Gwen happily, then embraced Squirrel, happy to meet her and doing so much for everyone. Wish watched as Gwen spoke with them, her face becoming serious.

"Vell, looks like there's no point in hiding anymore..." The Count whispered to her. "Looks like ve'll have to tell her the story..."

Wish smiled as she looked up at him. Then she casted a glance toward the backyard where the others were completely oblivious to what was soon to come.

Wish stood from her seat and linked her arm around the Count's. "Yeah, we will..." She said as they approached her aunt and cousin. "After that...let's tell them our story..."


Whoo, I've done! If you don't know me that well, and how my cartoon universe runs, you have to see my art gallery on Deviantart. Link to gallery is in my profile. :)

Don't worry, Wish and Count aren't the only couple I had come up with! There will soon be this cute story featuring Knightbrace, because we all know he deserves love as well! ;)

You guys were seriously hoping the Count would ask Wish to marry him, huh? :D