Shock! I managed to post more than one chapter this year! Hopefully I can keep this up and manage one or two more this year! Though con season is about to set in, so I'll probably disappear for a little awhile. Thanks again for all your continued patience! Your support means a lot! Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait...

Chapter 10

Building Bridges

Naruto watched Gaara's elongated shadow shift along the ground, like a tall, spindly creature that slinked through the camp. Temari's shadow was slightly longer, her presence punctuated by the jagged outline of her pony tails. Occasionally the two phantoms drew closer, overlapping between face and shoulder as though one were whispering to the other. Naruto tried to imagine what they were discussing and began to smile in spite of himself.

Shikamaru cleared his throat and Naruto blinked, remembering that he wasn't alone. "What?" Naruto asked, unable to wipe the grin from his face.

Shikamaru lifted a brow, one side of his mouth quirked up in a knowing smile. "Did you have fun making out in the weight room?"

"Wha. . . what do you mean?" Naruto startled, shifting his eyes in every direction except Shikamaru's.

"You can deny it, but that semi you were sporting earlier says otherwise. I think Temari ignored it just to be polite."

Naruto stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at the back of Temari's head and slowly felt his face flood with heat. "Oh no," he dropped his face into his hands. Naruto turned on his heel and began walking in the opposite direction. "No, no no."

Shikamaru laughed, grabbing Naruto by the sleeve. "It's fine, she's cool. But you might want to be more careful in the future. You might not be as lucky next time. You don't want any of the coaches catching you."

Naruto's shoulders sank a little. He rubbed the back of his neck and frowned.

"Honestly, it just sort of happened. I," Naruto paused and licked his lips. He still felt the ghost of Gaara's kiss lingering on his mouth. "He was there and I got flustered and then." Naruto shook his head.

"And then it just sort of happened," Shikamaru finished. "I suppose it's a welcome improvement from you two avoiding each other," he said.

Naruto cracked half a smile. "There's no danger of that anymore. We called a truce this morning."

"That's some truce," Shikamaru said. He shifted his weight to one hip, his expression turning. "But seriously, Naruto. Be careful."

Naruto looked up at the darkening sky above the mountain range. In all truth, he wasn't sure what the kiss meant, if anything. He needed to step back a little and not get caught up in things this time. He had let himself get carried away before and that didn't end well for anyone.

Naruto looked to Shikamaru, noting the furrowed brow and the worried twist of his mouth. There was a visible crinkle between two dark eyebrows that often formed when his eye twitched.

Naruto smiled, throwing his arm around Shikamaru's shoulder and pulled his best friend close. He bumped the side of their heads together. Shikamaru made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat and rolled his shoulder. "Don't get the wrong idea. You're our team captain and, right now, we need you. I don't think we can survive you moping around for another month."

"I do not mope!" Naruto said.

Shikamaru looked at him pointedly. "Do I need to pull out my phone and show you the text messages?"

Naruto's chest deflated. His hand slid from Shikamaru's shoulder and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, about that. . . Thanks for holding down the fort all this time. I'm sorry it took me so long to get it together."

Shikamaru grinned out of one side of his mouth. "If this were a paid gig, I'd have asked for a raise already."

"Ha-ha," Naruto said. He resumed walking up the path. The trail ahead of them was empty save for a lone soccer ball that lingered on the edge of the field. "Where is everyone?" Naruto asked.

Shikamaru shrugged. He lifted his hands to the back of his head as he walked, effectively putting up a barrier of elbows on either side. "Most of them are probably finishing dinner right now. Kankuro is likely setting up in the rec room, and if all is going according to plan, the coaches will be somewhere out of our hair."

Naruto nodded, remembering Kankuro's excitement earlier in the day. "You think this game is a good idea?" Naruto squinted, scratching the tip of his nose.

"Either a really good idea or a hideously bad one. We won't know until we try it."

Naruto sighed in agreement. They walked silently until they reached the dorms. Kiba stepped outside, his hair damp and the strong smell of shampoo emanating from him.

"Has the party started yet?" he asked, falling into step beside them.

The screen door slammed shut and Chouji trailed behind them, an open bag of barbecue flavored chips in his hand. He threw a handful into his mouth, chewing the crunchy snacks with a smack of his lips. "Kakashi-sensei is still in the dorm. Haven't seen Asuma." He held the bag out to Shikamaru. Shikamaru lifted a hand and waved him away. Kiba grinned and stuffed his hand in the bag. Chouji narrowed his eyes.

"Thanks," Kiba said, stuffing a handful of chips into his mouth.

"Play nice," Naruto warned. They rounded the corner and Naruto's steps faltered. Sai lingered just outside the rec room. He crouched down by the door, a sketch book balanced on his knee and his eyes narrowed on the small group. His hand shifted against the page, hesitant at first before gaining speed. He stared at his sketchbook and glanced up again, hand moving without looking at the page.

"What's going on, Sai?" Naruto shouted at him. Sai ignored the question, his head bent over his drawing. Naruto watched as he approached, pausing just in front of his silent teammate and hunching down to see the sketch better. The page was littered with random profiles, a few faces half sketched. In a corner of the page was a quick smattering of lines that formed a group of boys with laugh lines marked out on the geometric faces.

Naruto smiled. "Need us to go back and pose for you?"

Sai gave a small harrumph, his hand still moving over the page.

"We'll be inside. Join us when you're ready," Naruto said.

Kiba held the door open and everyone piled in. Kankuro paused in the middle of the room, carrying chairs under each arm. Naruto surveyed the room, noting half the tables had been pushed against the walls. A few of the chairs were set out in semi-circles.

"Need help?" Naruto asked. A small group of Suna players were moving chairs into place. They glanced at Naruto tentatively, before going back to work.

Kankuro set the two chairs down. He put one hand on his hip and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Yeah, thanks dude. We need to clear the center of the room so we can all gather in a circle. I'm leaving that one table for us captains to monitor the game. Fit what chairs you can in the center, and leave some empty space in the middle."

Shikamaru surveyed the room. He nodded, though the wrinkle in his brown meant he was thinking. He walked to the clearing in the center and began to move chairs into place. He curved the chairs a little more so they shaped a tighter circle. "The room should look like the seating in an amphitheater rather than a stadium. We want one cohesive audience and not one side pitted against the other."

Kankuro nodded. "Good idea. And knowing my guys, they will try to sit in the back. They might have to pick up seats where they're available instead of segregating along team lines. This will make it seem less awkward."

Naruto nodded, wading through furniture to the center of the room. He dragged a few chairs across the floor, place them closer to the center. "Then let's get to work."

Kiba caught on, helping Shikamaru realign chairs in the first row. Chouji watched with a bag of chips in his hand, observing them all before wadding up the bag and setting it down on the nearest chair. He wiped his greasy hands down the side of his pants and picked up a wooden chair, lining it up behind the row Shikamaru neatly adjusted.

The door opened and a few more Suna players trickled in. Kankuro barked out orders and the work progressed more smoothly. The room layout became progressively less chaotic and slowly transformed into something resembling a theatre, angling toward the lone table in front.

They worked their way to the back where Naruto discovered Sai perched on a table. The taciturn young man sat with one leg crossed over his knee and his sketchbook balanced on his thigh. He seemed content to doodle in his book instead of offering them a hand. Naruto smiled when he caught his roommate's eye. Sai ignored him.

When everything was in place, Naruto chose a random seat on the edge and sank into it. His shirt clung to his chest and he peeled it away from his clammy skin. Kankuro offered him a water bottle and Naruto accepted, squirting it into his mouth. "Thanks," he said.

"No problem." Kankuro sat down next to him. He leaned in a little closer, glancing furtively at his team. "Hey, I have one last favor to ask you." Kankuro hunched forward, elbows resting on the top of his thighs. His hands clasped over the water bottle. "I didn't exactly run this plan by Gaara."

Naruto glanced up in surprise.

"He's still uncomfortable hanging out with the team outside of practice. If he knew what I had in mind, I think I'd encounter a little resistance. That or he would try to use this time to go work out some more. He thinks this is a strategy meeting."

Naruto frowned. "So what do you need from me?"

Kankuro's teeth flashed white as he grinned. "You have a way with my brother, whether you know it or not. If it's a request from you, he might actually agree."

Naruto looked down at his feet, a sheepish smile on his face. He rubbed his nose, wondering just how much Kankuro knew about his history with the younger Sabaku.

"Can I rely on you?" Kankuro asked.

Naruto shrugged. "I'll give it my best."

Kankuro clapped him on the back. "Thanks."

Naruto opened the screen door and stepped inside the dorm. He glanced down the hall and noted a few open doors. He paused in the first one, leaning against the door frame. Neji stood in front of a mirror, carefully combing out his still damp hair. Pale eyes observed him through the mirror, a hair tie in one hand and his hair held in a ponytail in the other. Lee was on the floor, one palm pressed flat to the ground while his other arm was held perpendicular to his torso. He kept his back perfectly straight, toes perfectly balanced. His arm didn't even waiver.

"Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt, but meet in the rec room in five?"

"Sorry, Naruto-kun," Lee replied. "I must hold this plank for another five minutes and then move on to the side plank. It's important to keep my body in top condition!"

"That's too bad," Naruto shook his head. "Because we have super fun activities planned for both teams tonight! A team game, and we could really use your strength!"

Lee jumped to his feet. "You should have said so from the start! I'll be right there!" Lee grabbed his key and grabbed Neji by the wrist. "Come on, Neji, our team needs us!" Neji rolled his eyes as he was dragged out of the room and down the hall.

Naruto smiled, a bounce in his step as he moved toward the bathroom. Most of the doors were closed and Naruto knocked on them just to be sure. One door opened, but it was just Kakashi-sensei with a book in one hand. Naruto took a step back. "Ah, sorry about that. I'm just rounding up the team for our group meeting. Kakashi-sensei smiled.

"If Gai asks, I'm not here." Lifting his book high enough to cover his face, he closed the door without another word. Naruto stepped back, waiting for the door to reopen, but Kakashi never reappeared and Naruto didn't feel compelled to knock. Shaking his head, he continued down the hall until he reached the boy's bathroom at the end of the corridor. He knocked on the door directly across the hall and turned to move back down the other way when the bathroom door opened.

Clear green eyes were wide with surprise before relaxing into something that made Naruto feel suddenly self-conscious. He smiled, knowing his smile was too wide and his feet suddenly too interesting.

"Is anyone else in there?," he asked. "We're all meeting in the rec room soon."

"You can step in and check, if you like," Gaara said.

Naruto bit his lip. "Actually Kankuro sent me to fetch you," Naruto said. He cleared his throat. "I figured I would round up everyone else while I was at it." His eyes lifted and met Gaara's.

"For the strategy meeting," Gaara said.

Naruto's mouth quirked up. "Yeah. . ." Naruto shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels. There was a damp spot on Gaara's deep red shirt. A small space where water had soaked in, just at the clavicle. "About that," Naruto said, attention fixed on the way the fabric shifted with Gaara's breathing. "Kankuro mentioned we might start with an ice breaker. A way to get to know each other better."

"Oh?" Gaara asked.

"The teams!" Naruto blurted. "For the teams to get to know each other better."

"A strategy meeting with ice breakers, but no agenda or coaches present?" Gaara lifted one brow. One side of his mouth quirked up.

Naruto grinned. "You knew?" He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

Gaara's feet shifted. He lowered his face, trying to hide his smile. "My brother forgets, I'm rooming with our coach. If there was a strategy meeting, I would know all the details."

"Right," Naruto said.

"Still, my brother must be more perceptive than I gave him credit for. He's starting to understand my weaknesses."

Gaara's eyes dipped to Naruto's mouth. Naruto's cheeks flushed pink and his mouth quirked up in a goofy sort of smile.

"Getting to know my team," Gaara clarified.

Naruto nodded, the smile fading. "Right. Of course." Naruto cleared his throat.

Gaara stepped a little closer, his head tilted like he was going to whisper in Naruto's ear. "Amongst other things." He pulled away before Naruto could react, walking down the hall with an air of absolute composure.

Naruto blinked slowly. He forced himself to think of Gaara's sister walking in on them and shook his head, reliving his earlier embarrassment. Fortifying himself with a deep breath, he fisted his hands and released them slowly.

"Hey, wait for me," Naruto yelled. Naruto jogged lightly to catch up with him. "So you're okay with all of this? Kankuro seemed to think you would resist." .

"It's a team exercise, correct?" Gaara asked.

Naruto nodded.

"With both teams involved, correct?"

Naruto nodded again.

"A captain has his duties," Gaara said.

Naruto smiled. "Right."

Gaara maintained a brisk pace and Naruto found himself hopping a little to keep up. They left the dorm, their feet crunching along the gravel path. Naruto tried to keep up with Gaara and walk side by side, but his companion managed to outpace him by a few steps. Naruto looked around, but he didn't notice anyone else milling about. Chatter drifted from the rec room, laughter emanating from the open windows a few yards ahead.

A few faces peered at them, never dwelling on them for long. Some tried to be secretive about it, lowering their faces and sneaking glances in their direction. Gaara paused just outside the door, his fingers rubbing against each other. He reached up and pulled the screen door open, stepping inside. Naruto followed right after him, only to bump into Gaara's back. He was about to ask why when he noticed the silence and the rather uncomfortable look on Gaara's face as he looked at Suna's team assembled primarily on one side. Naruto peered around him and discovered all eyes were on them.

Gaara's shoulders were slightly hunched, his body rigid like a cat slowly deciding whether to run or pounce. Naruto suddenly understood why Kankuro had sent him as envoy. Naruto's arm slid around Gaara's shoulder. He pulled the other man close, aware of their proximity and placed his free hand on his hip.

"Your captains have arrived!" he said, beaming at the silent room.

"What took you so long?" Kiba asked. "You have to take a dump?"

"Didn't know you were so interested in my bowel movements," Naruto grinned. Kiba smiled and shook his head.

Naruto's hand slid from Gaara's shoulder to the small of his back. He felt self-conscious as he gave the other man a small push, nodding in the direction of the head table. "We're up there," he whispered.

Gaara picked his way to the middle and Naruto followed him, wading his way through the chairs carefully and turning sideways to avoid stepping on toes. He felt the attention of the entire room weighing on him and he did his best to act casually, smiling at everyone and no one in particular. "Excuse me," he said, finally wiggling through to the center. He hopped onto the table and dangled his feet. Kankuro was in a seat in the front row, attention fixed on Gaara. The brothers exchanged brief smiles and then Gaara slid onto the table alongside Naruto, leaving a comfortable distance between them. Naruto gave him a friendly nod.

"Hey guys, thanks for waiting," Naruto looked at the corners of the room, just over the tops of everyone's head. "Welcome to our first strategy meeting."

A chorus of boos greeted him from his side. Naruto grinned and laughed. "Yeah yeah," he waved at them. "Quiet down. I'm handing the reigns to Kankuro so he can explain the rules."

Kankuro stood up and glanced around the room. He pushed up his long black sleeves and cleared his throat. "First of all, notice that there are no coaches here tonight." A small cheer rose. "We still have to follow the rules, but we don't have to be PG about it. Tonight is about getting to know our teammates, and our co-conspirators." Kankuro winked at Naruto. "We're going to play a game that encourages personal questions and since the coaches aren't here tonight, we don't have to hold back on our curiosity."

Naruto's stomach fluttered a little. His smile twitched as he glanced around the room. Shikamaru looked content and Naruto realized that he too had been left out of the loop deliberately.

"So," Kankuro continued, "how many of you know how to play I Never?"

Naruto looked to Gaara but the expression greeting him was blank.

"Naruto," Kankuro turned to him. "Want to explain the rules?"

Naruto startled. "Oh, sure," he said. His smile twitched as he turned his head to observe the eyes suddenly focused on him. He looked to Sai, who was still scrawling in his notebook and this eased his nerves.

"Everyone, hold up your fingers," Naruto said. He held both hands up, palms facing the audience. "Someone says a true statement about themselves that begins with I never." He looked to Kankuro, pausing until the brunet nodded at him. "Like, I never visited Hokkaido. And those of you who have done that something- in this case, visiting Hokkaido- have to put a finger down. Once you lose all ten fingers, you're out of the game."

"So what's the prize?" a Suna player asked from the front row. He directed the question at Kankuro. Shikamaru just leaned back in his chair and smiled.

"Winner gets to choose the next group activity." A wall of groans greeted them. There were whispers in the crowd now and Naruto heard murmurings like swimming and onsen. He was pretty certain he heard Chouji say barbeque. "Anyways," Kankuro held his hands up to quiet the crowd. "The captains get the first question. We'll alternate asking questions on each side, starting with the front row. Gaara? You want to start?" Kankuro asked.

Gaara sat up a little straighter. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He held both his hands up, all ten fingers splayed and Naruto quickly raised his own hands to follow suit. Gaara hunched forward, slouching as his face twisted with thought. He raised his face with an expression of surprise as though his own conclusion was unexpected.

"I have never gone swimming," he said.

The whole room raised a harmonious cry of disbelief. Naruto also scowled as he lowered his thumb.

"How is that humanly possible?" Naruto cried out. "We are throwing you in that lake before we leave this camp." Gaara tilted his head, one brow lifted in challenge. Naruto laughed and shoved him playfully. "Yeesh, way to come out swinging."

Naruto noticed multiple sets of eyes on them and he cleared his throat, wiping the smile from his face. "Alright, my turn," he said, shuffling on the table to sit more comfortably. He looked up at the ceiling as though his question was written there, biting his lip as he thought of what was most unique to him.

"I have never..." he paused. His thoughts ran through his unique experiences. He shook his head until finally his eyes lit up. "Ha! I have never gone a week without eating ramen."

All of Konoha's players groaned. "Lame!' Kiba yelled at him, eyes boring into Naruto's as he lowered his index finger. Shikamaru just chuckled and shook his head.

"Alright," Kankuro drawled, smiling and nodding at him. "I have never stayed in Tokyo for longer than two weeks."

Naruto grumbled and lowered another finger. Kiba booed loudly. There were many grins on Suna's side when Shikamaru cleared his throat. His eyes darted around the room until they all grew quiet.

"I have never studied for an exam," he said. A moment of silence persisted, faces twisting with disbelief. Slowly the muttering raised to an uproar.

"That has to be a lie," Kankuro said.

Shikamaru shrugged. "Try me."

Naruto smiled as he lowered his middle finger. He snuck a glance at Gaara and noticed that he had three down as well. Gaara lifted his face curiously and looked down at Naruto's hand as well.

A brunet sitting in the front row slid to the edge of his seat. He glanced around the room, eying them like a predator when he grinned. "I have never scored a goal," he said.

Kankuro scoffed. "You're defense! That's not fair!" he laughed. A handful of people lowered a finger. Naruto was down to six fingers. He glanced at Gaara who still had seven.

Chouji sat next to Shikamaru. He chewed on a piece of bubble gum, waiting for the room to quiet. When the room's attention settled on him he lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. "I've never kissed a girl."

Naruto lowered his hands a little and hoped that no one noticed his lack of change. There were whispers in the room and a lot of heads turning and looking around. Kankuro let out a strangled noise that ended with a cough.

"No way," he said, staring at his brother. Naruto looked and it was only then that he noticed he and Gaara were suddenly even again. Kankuro's mouth slid up in a lopsided grin. "I won't believe it until you tell me who."

Gaara shook his head. "I don't kiss and tell," he said.

Kankuro lifted a brow. "Matsuri?" he asked. Gaara's expression remained blank. Kankuro knit his brow together, tapping a finger against his mouth. "You're just full of secrets, aren't you?"

Gaara smiled.

A boy on the opposite side of the room cleared his throat. "I've never been drunk," he said, looking directly at Kankuro. The older Sabaku growled low in his throat and put down his sixth finger. Naruto laughed and followed suit. He put down his left hand, already down five counts. He noticed Kiba throw his arms up in the air out of frustration. He held up three fingers on one hand only. The seat next to Chouji was empty, a trashed bag of chips bunched up there. Neji was in the next seat over. He looked around the room and his attention landed on Shikamaru.

"I have never smoked," he said. Shikamaru shrugged and put his right hand on his lap. He held up the five fingers of his left hand.

Naruto switched his attention to the opposite side and noticed the next person was watching him closely. His eyes narrowed as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. His other hand rested on his thigh, his thumb tucked in.

"I have never kissed a boy," he said. Naruto's cheeks flushed. He had forgotten that his relationship with Sasuke was so well gossiped about in their sport. He had kept it quiet when he could, but word got around. Naruto tucked his thumb in self-consciously. He snuck a glance at Gaara, but the redhead seemed nonplussed as he put one hand down.

"No fucking way," Kankuro said. Naruto startled, but the attention wasn't on him. "You and I have to talk later," Kankuro said in Gaara's direction.

Gaara shrugged, his expression revealing nothing. "As I said. I don't kiss and tell," he said, eyes flicking in Naruto's direction. Kankuro sank back into his seat.

"My own baby brother," he shook his head. "I'm hurt," he said, though there was a smile tugging at the corner's of his mouth. Naruto noticed that Suna's players were whispering to each other while looking at Gaara. He realized that most of them probably didn't know this much about their captain. Though if Gaara felt self-conscious about revealing this much of his personal life, he certainly didn't show it.

Lee sat next to Neji. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows in deep thought. He pursed his mouth, his expression suddenly unreadable. "I have never run the Hakone Ekiden by myself!" he said with as tragic a tone as he could muster.

The room remained silent. All of them looked at each other with questions visible on their faces. Neji dropped his head in his palm and shook his head.

"As though ANY of us has done that."

Lee nodded, his lower lip wobbling. "Someday my dream will come true." He held up his fist in resolve.

"Next," someone on Suna's side called.

Naruto switched his attention to the other side. Two Suna players were whispering excitedly. They snuck furtive glances at Naruto before looking to each other. One boy smiled deviously and leaned forward to whisper something into the other's ear. They exchanged grins, both nodding.

"I've never had more than one sexual partner."

Naruto smiled sheepishly. He lowered his index finger and held up three remaining fingers.

"I call B.S. on Naruto," Kiba called out. "I know for a fact that you did not bang Hinata. Neji would have murdered you if you did."

"Who said it was Hinata?" Naruto barked back. He tried not to look at Gaara as he said it, despite feeling the attention of both Sabaku siblings. Instead he did his best to look straight ahead as though he wasn't feeling like a specimen on a petri dish.

He focused on his team instead, eyes tracing the rows until he landed on Shino. The quiet young man pushed the frame of his sunglasses higher up on his nose. "I've never spoken one-on-one with Suna's captain."

"Ugh, Shino," Naruto grumbled. But when his own voice seemed too loud, he looked around. Suna's players looked around, exchanging silent questions amongst each other. Many shook their head. Shikamaru frowned as he lowered a finger. Kankuro held his hand a little higher as he too slowly lowered another finger. Naruto looked at Gaara and frowned. Suna's captain maintained a poker face, his forearms resting casually on his knees.

The room shifted their attention back to Suna's side. They were back to the conspirators who now leaned back in their chairs smugly. Naruto didn't recognize the speaker, but he felt uncomfortable with the way dark eyes were sizing him up.

"I've never made out with Uchiha Sasuke."

"Fuck," Kiba shouted. He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.

Naruto frowned and lowered one more finger. He held up just one more. He lowered his face, not wanting to see which of his teammates lost a finger to that one. He was pretty sure he knew all of them anyways. Still, his eyes darted up at Shikamaru. Shikamaru looked annoyed, though his hand remained the same.

Kiba would have been next, but he was out. He kicked the back of Neji's chair out of annoyance.

Neji narrowed his eyes, adjusting his fingers to let Kiba know how much he appreciated it.

"Sai, are you playing?" Naruto asked. Sai sat a few seats down from Kiba. His hands were occupied with his sketchbook and pencil. Sai looked up, setting his pencil down. He shrugged, fingers counting down until he only held up a few.

He glanced around the room as though he was searching for someone. His attention paused on the middle of the room. "I've never cheated on someone," he said. He looked at Naruto then, his expression blank as though he had commented on the weather.

Naruto swallowed hard. He looked to Shikamaru who frowned at him, sympathy in the lines of his mouth. Naruto slowly closed his hand into a fist and lowered it to his lap. His team grew quiet, their expressions transforming into a flurry of emotions Naruto found difficult to face. He clenched his jaw and frowned. "Guess I'm out," he said, looking at his hands.

The other half of the room grew silent as well until all he could hear was the tick of the clock counting each second rolling by.

Naruto rolled his shoulder and slid off the table. "Excuse me. I think I need to use the restroom." He felt the weight of everyone's eyes, watching him.

Kankuro appeared in his peripheral vision and a large hand pat his shoulder sympathetically. "Bad luck, dude."

Naruto nodded without actually looking at him. He tried to avoid looking into faces as he moved through the crowd in the longest journey across a room he had ever experienced. As soon as he reached the door, he took a deep breath, and without another glance, he slipped outside.

The building erupted into noise as soon as he left. He heard snippets of gossip through the open windows. Naruto closed his eyes and banged the back of his head against the building wall.

"Did you know?" he heard someone say. "Wonder who it was." The voices continued. Naruto huffed and kicked off the wall, marching briskly.

"Shut up, all of you," Kankuro's voice boomed. "The game's not over."

Naruto nearly rounded the corner when the door slammed behind him. He turned and Kiba rushed toward him, hands pumping at his side like he was on a mission.

"What's wrong, Kiba?" Naruto asked. "You need a bathroom buddy?" Naruto kept walking. He rounded the corner and walked a little more briskly.

"I need to talk to you," Kiba said.

Naruto ignored him. He waved one hand dismissively and stuck the other in his pocket. "Later," Naruto said.

Naruto nearly lost his balance as Kiba tugged him backward. The wall of the closest building collided with his shoulder.

"Not later. Now." Kiba pressed him against the wall, his thick brows knit together in an expression that was uncommon for him. Kiba's nostrils flared. He clenched his jaw, foot tapping nervously. "Was it because of me?" Kiba frowned, jaw bone jutted out beneath his skin. He stared Naruto in the eye, but then seemed to think better of it and averted his gaze to the floor between them. "I'm not stupid you know. I've been your friend since we could stand long enough to push each other down in the sand box. I know you've always been jealous of Sasuke's other partners."

Naruto breathed in deeply. He leaned his head against the back of the wall.

Kiba paused and shook his head. "I was the last person to sleep with him before you two started fighting and I've been holding my breath waiting for you to come beat the shit out of me ever since." Kiba paused. He mouth quirked up briefly. "Or try to."

Naruto shook his head. He put his hand on Kiba's shoulder. "No, Kiba. It wasn't you." Naruto's attention landed on Kiba's neck, remembering the mark he had been so irate about once upon a time. Naruto blinked away the memory.

"Look, if you hadn't slept with Sasuke, someone else would have." Kiba opened his mouth to protest. "And in case you don't believe me, the night after he had you he had a threesome with the bad touch duo."

Kiba closed his mouth, eyebrows knitting together.

"And if I was upset," Naruto continued, "it was with Sasuke. Not you. Our reasons for breaking up had nothing to do with you." Naruto looked Kiba straight in the eye. He matched the taller striker's gaze until understanding slowly sank into his expression.

Kiba lowered his hand. He stepped back and rubbed the side of his arm. "You could have asked me not to sleep with him." Kiba look pained. "You're my friend, and you can do that. I don't make it a habit of treading marked territory."

"I know, Kiba," Naruto said. He looked down at his feet, one hand rubbing his sore shoulder. "Thanks."

Kiba crossed his arms over his chest, spreading his feet to widen his stance. "If you need to. . . you're still welcome to throw that punch."

Naruto smiled. "Maybe later."

Kiba released a giant sigh of relief. His shoulders sagged and he sank in on himself. When he stood up straight again, he rolled his neck like he was warming up for practice. "Alright, now that we're square, I've been dying to ask. Who was it? Was it Shikamaru? Did you two finally?" Kiba made an obscene gesture with his hands. "We all know he has a thing for blonds."

Naruto laughed and shoved him away. "Shikamaru would clock me if I even suggested it."

Kiba threw his arm around Naruto's shoulders and steered him toward the rec room. "But you're gonna tell me, right?"

Naruto removed the arm. "Yeah, your mom." Kiba rolled his eyes. "Hey, I'll be right there," Naruto said. "Just let me take a bathroom break before I face the great inquisition."

Kiba hesitated, his weight shifting and one toe pointed in Naruto's direction.

"I just need a moment," Naruto said, looking down at his feet.

Kiba paused, his body rocking back in Naruto's direction. He seemed to stop midway and nodded. "Yeah. Okay," Kiba replied. "Don't take too long," he said, his feet already carrying him back to the rec room. Naruto watched him go, listening to heavy footsteps crunching along the path. Kiba paused just outside the door, nodding over his shoulder before disappearing inside. Naruto nodded at him and smiled, before turning and continuing around the corner. He paused before going inside the dorm and decided to keep walking a little further.

The sunlight still waned, though the sky had grown a dark blue. The lights had turned on while they were playing their game, spilling orange light everywhere.

Naruto walked in a circle until he came back to the dorm. He opened the door, pausing just inside the doorway.

Sai leaned against his door, arms crossed over his chest.

"What do you want, Sai?" Naruto asked. He walked down the hall, brushing past his roommate.

Sai's footsteps were swift, following practically on his heels. Naruto quickened his pace, bursting through the bathroom door. When the door didn't slam behind him he wheeled around, scowling at his teammate.

Sai met him with a blank expression.

"It wasn't meant for you," Sai said. He gave Naruto a wide berth as he moved to the sink. He turned on the tap and ran his hands under the water. "Though honestly, I don't blame you." Sai looked at himself in the mirror. One hand moved to the soap dispenser and pressed down.

"What?" Naruto asked.

Sai turned his head, observing both sides in the mirror. "I wanted to see if Neji was lying about Lee. I didn't know." Sai paused. "I suspected.." he said., lowering his face to observe his hands.

Naruto shook his head. "Wait. You. . . and Neji?"

Sai rubbed his hands together under the running water. "He started modeling for me last fall. It was only a matter of time."

Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose. He hadn't even noticed.

"I know Uchiha Sasuke is supposed to be sex on wheels, but he's overrated if you ask me. I hope you didn't let him top because he certainly lacked. . . finesse."

Naruto blushed. He covered his mouth with his hand.

"He remembered it differently," Naruto said.

"Of course he did." Sai rolled his eyes. "Neji warned me about it, but it was midterms and I needed a male model to complete my figure drawing project. Do you know how hard it is to find a model when everyone is in the library?"

Naruto laughed, a knot of tension loosening.

"He said you approached him."

"I asked him to strip. The rest was his idea. It was cheaper than paying the class model."

Sai shut off the water and shook his hands of excess water. Sai turned to face him.

"The point is, not everyone adored Sasuke. Most of us were content to let you have him. He was an asshole to anyone who didn't adore him and to 99% of those who did. It's more perplexing that you didn't cheat on him sooner."

Sai put his hand on Naruto's shoulder. The moisture on his hands seeped through the shirt. Sai suddenly smiled and wiped his hand down the front of Naruto's shirt.

"Gee, thanks," Naruto said.

Sai shrugged. "I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your crush. But if it's any consolation, he's interested."

Naruto leaned against the counter, lowering his face as his cheeks flooded with warmth.

"How do you know?" he asked.

Sai tilted his head, one eyebrow lifted. "It doesn't take a genius. You're the only he smiles at, besides his blood relations."

Naruto startled. He hadn't even noticed. One side of his mouth slid up into a grin.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but do you think he would model for me?"

Naruto shoved Sai. "Don't push it."

Sai smiled. "See you back in the rec room. I'll let you take a dump in peace."

Sai sidestepped the next swipe aimed in his direction. He pushed the bathroom door open and coolly walked away.

Naruto leaned against the edge of the sink. He turned over Sai's words and smiled to himself. Kiba's worried face came back to him and he felt a great pressure lift from his chest. "Huh," Naruto wondered. His feelings for Sasuke aside, Naruto had never talked to his team about their opinions of Sasuke leaving. Most of them had been careful not to mention the ex when Naruto was within earshot and he had not been particularly good about clearing the air since it happened.

Naruto turned around and placed his palms against the edge of the sink. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, the tip of his nose and his cheeks faintly pink with sunburn. He reached for the tap and turned on the water, cupping his hands beneath the flowing water. He tossed the collected water into his face, fingers pressing against the back of his eyelids.

The door opened and Naruto rubbed his eyes.

"Forget something?" he asked, reaching for the edge of his shirt.

"No," Gaara's voice replied.

Naruto blinked rapidly. He lifted the edge of his shirt and wiped his face.

"Gaara." Naruto turned. Gaara stood a few feet in front of him, one hand pressed against the corner of the sink. Naruto took a deep breath. "You probably have questions."

Dark lashes flickered as green eyes searched his face. "Just one." His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

Naruto's heart began to race. He pressed his lips together and nodded.

"How many?" Gaara hesitated. He turned his head, exposing his neck. When he lifted his face, his expression was stern. "How many were you with. . . while you were with him?"

Naruto's hands felt jittery. There was a hard edge in Gaara's expression that reminded him of the angry young man he met outside a pub. Naruto leaned against the sink, not trusting his balance.

His chest fluttered as he took a deep breath. "One," he exhaled. His heart pounded against his ribcage. "Just one." Naruto swallowed heavily.

Gaara was silent beside him. His shoes scuffed along the bathroom floor and Naruto caught his movement in the mirror. Naruto turned his head and looked him in the eye. Gaara's brow sloped over his eyes, the red tattoo still smooth against his pale forehead.

Gaara grabbed Naruto's hand and placed it over his chest. He felt the thrumming against his palm and realized Gaara's heart was pounding as fiercely as his own.

"It was me," he said, eyes unblinking.

Naruto nodded slowly. Gaara lowered his face and nodded. His fingers closed over Naruto's hand.

"And you two..." he paused. He clenched his jaw.

"No," Naruto said. "When he left, that was. . . the end of it," Naruto said. For once, the words didn't feel as bitter.

"Good," Gaara said. His chin lifted and the vulnerable expression melted into a more familiar look. "I won't share," he said. He squeezed Naruto's hand tightly, his body suddenly cornering Naruto's against the counter. "Remember that," he said, green eyes boring into him.

Gaara's other hand slid against the back of Naruto's neck, bringing his head down until their mouths collided roughly. Gaara kissed Naruto so hard it almost hurt. The sharp edge of the counter bit into the back of his thighs and he ignored it. There was an urgency in the kiss that startled him. Their earlier encounter had been cautious, but the hand at his neck and the body pressed against him felt demanding. The mouth shoved against his was possessive; in a way that reminded him of the nights he had been jealous.

Naruto closed his eyes and sighed into the kiss. He pulled away, smiling to ease the suddenly distrusting look on Gaara's face. Naruto adjusted Gaara's grip on his hand to twine their fingers together.

"I should have told you. . . back then. . .that I was in an open relationship. Even if what was between was casual... you deserve that respect." Naruto's left hand tipped up Gaara's face. He pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of Gaara's mouth. "I'm sorry for that."

Gaara remained quiet, his expression thoughtful. Naruto held his gaze firmly, until Gaara's body relaxed against his. "Thank you."

Gaara lowered his gaze again, settling on their intertwined hands. His expression changed and he untangled himself. "I told Kankuro I would retrieve you." He stepped back, resuming his usual unaffected air. Naruto continued to lean against the sink, pressing his palms against the edge and pushed off.

"Oh? Did someone win the game?"

Gaara pushed the bathroom door open and stepped out. "Your teammate with the glasses. He suggested poker."

Naruto groaned. "Shino will wipe the floor with everyone. We better get there before Kiba suggests betting money!" Naruto began to jog, grabbing Gaara's hand and dragging him along. They reached the end of the hallway when Gaara snatched his hand back and beat Naruto to the door. He shot Naruto a look as he held the door open.

Naruto laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Habit," Gaara said, one side of his mouth quirked up. "I know."

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Naruto blinked slowly. His hand shot out from under the sheet, grasping the bed blindly. His fingers brushed his phone and he snatched it up, hitting the center button. He stared at it blearily, repeatedly hitting the button and only after the fourth time did he realize the buzzing wasn't coming from his phone. Kankuro growled angrily, the bed frame squeaking and wobbling under his shifting weight.

"Beep beep beep beep."

Kankuro's weight hit the ground.

"Shit" he cursed, feet padding along the wooden floor. Suddenly the alarm ceased and the room went quiet.

Naruto closed his eyes and dropped his phone back onto the mattress. He listened to Kankuro fumble about the room until suddenly the door closed and all went silent. Naruto calmed, his body slowly relaxing and drifting back into sleep. What felt like seconds later, his phone began to vibrate and Naruto cracked an eye open. He picked up his phone and blinked until the numbers came into focus. He dropped his head back onto the pillow and placed the phone on his chest.

But then he remembered who was waiting for him and he sat up swiftly. Naruto clambered out of bed and rushed to put his jogging gear on. He ambled to the bathroom, toothbrush in hand and walked into a rush of activity. Sai had his hair pushed back, hands rubbing furiously together to lather up soap. Kankuro brushed his teeth, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth as he turned to see who entered the bathroom. .

"Morning sunshine," Kiba greeted as he came from the urinals.

Naruto looked around, confused and set his toiletries on the counter.

"Did I miss the memo?" he asked.

Kiba grinned. "Kankuro said you guys were training early so I decided to tag along."

"I wanted to see the sunrise," Sai said, eyes closed as he rubbed soap onto his cheeks.

Kankuro spit into the sink. "And I told Gaara I would actually get up early enough to jog with him."

Naruto smiled. In truth, he had looked forward to having Gaara all to himself, but this wasn't a bad alternative. Naruto moved to the sink. He smiled as he uncapped his toothpaste and squirt some onto his brush. He started to brush his teeth vigorously, smiling as his teammates got ready beside him.

The door opened again and Gaara's red hair poked out from the other side. He peered inside curiously, noting each face. His attention landed on Naruto and he smiled.

Sai's words came back to him and Naruto smiled back, his chest filling with warmth.

"Morning," Gaara said, his attention wandering to their other companions.

"Hey litlte bro," Kankuro said. Kiba nodded as he washed his hands at the sink. Naruto smiled at him around his toothbrush.

"Is this everyone?" He addressed Naruto.

Naruto smiled. He could feel how stupid his own smile felt, but he couldn't help it. "Looks like it," he said.

Gaara nodded. "Meet you in five. If you take too long, I'm leaving without you."

"Well then I better hurry," Naruto said. Gaara smiled at him, but the expression passed quickly. Gaara looked to his brother and nodded in greeting before disappearing again.

Naruto turned back to the mirror and brushed his teeth vigorously. He ignored the look Kiba was giving him through the mirror.

"I told you he liked you," Sai said nonchalantly.

"What the hell just happened?" Kankuro asked. "It was like he didn't even see me. My own brother. You guys saw that too, right?

"Like you just watched a scene from a drama?" Kiba asked.

Naruto tried to ignore them all, focusing on his reflection and the swish of his brush.

"Oh, shit, I think I need to sit down," Kankuro said.

"Naruto, you dog," Kiba jeered.

Naruto spit into the sink and started brushing the other side. He opened his mouth wide to get to his molars.

"You have to admit," Sai said. "He's kind of hot." Sai tilted his head in consideration.

"Hey! That's my baby brother!" Kankuro objected.

"I've noticed," Sai said, eyes roaming up and down Kankuro. Kankuro opened his mouth to say something but stopped and turned around. "I'm going outside," Kankuro said, promptly exiting the bathroom.

Naruto smiled, turning his wrist to brush the back of his teeth.

"But really, I gotta know," Kiba's face appeared over his shoulder. "You got a little something something going on?"

"Judging by his pants, I wouldn't call it little," Sai chimed in. Naruto choked. He spit out his toothpaste and turned on the tap. He rinsed out his mouth twice and a third time, aware of the eyes watching him. When he turned off the tap, he looked at both of them, patting his face dry.

Naruto pat them both on the back. "I'll answer your questions when you beat me up that mountain. Now if you'll excuse me, ladies, I have training to do."